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Show FASHION SHOW PLANS SKETCHED O. H. S. Girls Will Model Styles At Function Friday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Final plans lor a fashion show Friday, May 27, at seven-thirty p.m. by the 200 girls of the sew¬ing department are being made. Dresses of all types for various occasions will be modeled. Music for the evening will be presented by the music depart¬ment under the direction of Glenn L. Hanson. The public is invited to attend this event which will be held in the auditorium. —Kathryn Ells¬worth. Zelta Ballinger's junior Eng¬lish classes have prepared dec- ! orative folders for the annual exhibit. Lives of authors and poets are part of the work being done for the exhibit. —George Jensen. , To Pick Champions Girls' gym classes are this week finishing tournament 1 games in various kinds of sports to pick a champion in each. Win¬ning girls of all teams compete with each other to find class winners. These girls will meet each other in final games for the school championship at the Mother's tea, Friday, May 27. —Kathryn Ellsworth. Preliminary Girls' association elections were conducted Mon¬day. The second election was conducted today. Girls remain¬ing for president are P'nyiiss Brophy, Edna Brown, Helen Brown, Ruth Taylor, and Athleen Woods, and for secretary: Shirley Hendrickson, Marjorie Jacobsen, and Jean Wallwork. —George Jensen. All juniors have been request¬ed to register for next year's work sometime before school terminates this year. Register¬ing may be done in the office. —Kathryn Ellsworth. Study Sight-Reading The Girls' Glee club is work¬ing with sight-reading. Each girl is required to sing a song, finding her own pitch from the key note in which the song is written and singing without piano accompan¬iment. This develops the ability to sing on pitch and to sight-read accurately.—Kathryn Ellsworth Diamond Medal Winner Plans Demonstration At School OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Miss Mariam Packer, latest recipient of the Gregg dia¬mond medal, will be at Ogden high school next week. She will demonstrate methods of writing shorthand rapidly. Miss Packer writes 200 words a minute from dictation. All commercial stu¬dents will be dismissed fifth pe¬riod to view this demonstration. —Kathryn Ellsworth. Officers Being Elected Semi-final voting for officers of the Girls' association was held Tuesday. Final voting was conducted today in advisory classes. The winning officers will be announced in assembly Friday. Results of the semi-final vot¬ing were: president; Phillis Brophy, Edna Brown, and Hel¬en Brown; secretary, Jean Wallworth, and Shirley Hen¬drickson.—George Jensen. Graduation announcements | have arrived, according to Glen G. Eye, vice principal. They are being sold in the book store by Grace Atkinson immediately after the dismissal of school.— George Jensen. Will Display Poems Lucille R. Chambers 'English classes are preparing projects for exhibit day Friday of poems they have written. Each stu¬dent is required to take an orig¬inal poem, attractively illustrate it and frame it. Projects arranged in booklet form of outlining will also be displayed.—Kathryn Ellsworth. O. H. S. FORUM CLUB TO DINE Annual Banquet of Debate Group Will Be Held Saturday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Forum, Ogden high school de¬bating club, will present its an¬nual banquet Saturday evening at Dick's cafe, announced Wil¬lis Smith, advisor. The affair is attended by past members of the club and speeches are given by the members. —George Jen¬sen. Ogden high art classes are finishing work for the school year. Block lettering, free-hand sketching, and water drawings are among the phases being finished. —George Jensen. Letters To Be Awarded Ogden high school students voted for block "O's" today in' advisory classes. These are for outstanding work done by stu¬dents. Ten will be awarded. — George Jensen. The announcement of student body officers elect and news notes editors elect will be made in assembly Thursday morning. —Virginia Fotis. "Latest Styles" In Show Ogden high school's annual fashion show, May 27, at eight p.m. will be conducted by the 200 girls of the sewing depart¬ment. Latest styles in afternoon, evening, sport, formal gradua¬tion dresses, made by the girls will be displayed. The music department will be in charge of the entertainment. — Kathryn Ellsworth. At the Mothers' tea, May 27 at two-thirty p.m. junior girls gym classes will demonstrate the method in which members of the Pep club were chosen by singing and leading, as teams, and the original songs written by each team. Glenn L. Hanson, music director, and a commit¬tee will at this time select the best song from among these, which will be used as a new pep song next year. —Kathryn Ellsworth. O.H.S. FACULTY SLATES BANQUET Instructors Plan Annual Dinner Wednesday At Ben Lomond OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor The Ogden high school faculty banquet will be held at seven p. m. Wednesday in Hotel Ben Lo¬mond. Ed Smith is chairman of the social committee. Dramatic Club Social Dramatis Personae, dramatic club, will hold its final social Tuesday, May 24, at the canyon home of Ruth Read. Games and refreshments will be had.—Gor¬don Cole. The a cappella choir will sing Wednesday evening at the Hotel Ben Lomond for a state druggist convention.—Gordon Cole. First elimination vote for offi¬cers of the Girls' association was held in advisory classes to¬day. Sport-ettes will hold a meeting tonight at seven in Gilbert Moe- singer's room. Uniforms for the R. O. T. C. will be turned in at the drill of¬fice May 31, states A. M. Mer¬rill, principal. Honor New Members Yearbooks will be given out Thursday, June 2, announces Principal Merrill. The International Friendship club held a banquet in honor of three new members at Nob Hill tearoom. The new members are Dorothy Cottrell, Marvel Barnes, and Ida Rose Langford. Special guests were Miss Zelta Ballinger, Mr. and Mrs. Glen G. Eye and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Armstrong. The Pep club gave a surprise shower in honor of Miss Hendrina Evertsen. Refreshments were served and members hik¬ed to the canyon home of Mrs. Helena B. Case. |