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Show AIR TRANSPORT CONTEST THEME I High School Artists To Submit Posters In Competition OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Barbara Reeve—Associate Editor Art students were working to¬day on posters to enter in a con¬test, sponsored by the Women's National Aerounautical associa¬tion to advertise transportation by air. First prize in this con¬test will be the winner's choice of a trip to Boise, Idaho, Yellow¬stone National Park, or Los Vegas, Nevada in a modern Lockheed passenger plane. —Katheryn Ellsworth. SUBSTITUTES Barbara Reeve, associate ed¬itor of the news notes, is taking the place of Constance Ford, ed¬itor, who has gone to St. Louis with the school choir. Mrs. Florence Newcomb will substitute for Miss Zelta Ballinger as Dean of Women while Miss Ballinger is in St. Louis with the choir. Mrs. Bernice Tyree will take Glen L. Han¬son's place. —Margaret Hocking. PRACTICE FOR PAGEANT Girl's gym classes are prac¬ticing each day for the Classical- ia pageant to be held at the White City Ballroom, April 8, and are obtaining cloth for their costumes. Rehearsals with various gym classes will be held next week; at the White City hall, and final dress rehearsal of the en¬tire pageant will be held Thurs¬day April 7. Final voting for queen of the Classicalia will be April 6. —Kathryn Ellsworth. Students desiring yearbooks must contact Mr. Robins before April 15. The sale list will be George Jensen. A four-reel sound picture of the Indians was released before so¬cial science classes today. The picture, shown through the cour¬tesy of the Department of the Interior, dealt with the rebuild¬ing of Indians, and their life and work. —Stomo Ochi. HEAR ORIENTAL Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Merrill were guests at a banquet held for K. Buddy Uno, Japanese sec¬ond generation lecturer from the Orient. Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Wiggins were also present. Mr. Uno presented his views of the Sino-Japanese conflict at the end of the banquet. Mary Kariya, winner of first place in the ora¬torical contest at Logan, was the toastmistress of the evening.— Stomo Ochi. FIVE CLOGS GET CONCESSIONS AT YEAR BOOK BALL Students To Select Their Queen Apr. 5; Booths Are Designated OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Barbara Reeve—Associate Editor Booths for the Classicalia ball April 8 were allotted five school clubs, Weldon W. Taggart re¬vealed today. The five organi- CHINESE TO TALK TO O. H. S. SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASS Chinn Slated To Speak On China Defense Wednesday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Barbara Reeve—Associate Editor Herbert Chinn, Salt Lake City 1 Chinese speaker will address the fourth period social science class Wednesday afternoon. Chinn will talk on "Defending China," Vis¬itors are invited to the lecture. —George Jensen. REVIEWS TRIP Zelta Ballinger, English in¬structor related incidents con¬cerning her recent trip to St. Louis Monday to English classes. A review of fhe trip was given with some of the most outstand¬ing scenes which she saw while with the choir.—George Jensen. FREE YEARBOOK Tickets for the Classicalia are being sold through gym teams. No tickets will be taken from school but girls may contact their team captains to make pur¬chases. The girl who sells the most tickets in each gym class will have her picture in the year book and the girl who sells the most in the entire school will be given a yearbook free as a prize. —Kathryn Ellsworth. Sport-ettes, girls' club held a meeting at the home of Mar¬garet Tarran Monday evening. Business was discussed after which the students who journey¬ed to St. Louis related their ex¬periences with the choir. Re¬freshments were served—George Jensen. FINE ARTS MEETING The Fine Arts society will hold i a special meeting Wednesday at three-ten p.m. in the visual ed¬ucation room, Vivian Polidor, president of the society declared today. The meeting will be held for discussion of the society's booth at the Classicalia.—Stomo Ochi. Helena Case, physical educa¬tion instructor, held practices for "Classicalia" pageant with girls' gym classes both yester¬day and today after school. A final dress rehearsal will be called Thursday evening at eight o'clock. Girls are request¬ed to have their costumes at that time.—Kathryn Ellsworth. zations, Forum, Fine Arts So¬ciety, International Friendship Club, Sportettes and Engineer¬ing Club partnership, and the1 U-Go-First, will have separate booths along the north end of I the White City ballroom. Script tickets sold by Grace Atkinson in a nearby booth, will be used to make purchases. — Stomo Ochi. Final voting for the Classicalia queen will be held April 5, Wel¬don W. Taggart said today. Fin¬alists in the contest are Vivian Polidor, Lottie Lund, and Jennie Bekker. One of them will be queen. Runnersup will be maids of honor. Six other senior girls who will constitute the queen's court. All students are requested to SWORD TO GE PRESENTED TO FINEST CADET Reserve Officers" Associa¬tion Will Make Gift To Ogden High Youth OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Barbara Reeve—Associate Editor The Reserve Officers associa¬tion will present a regulation 30-1 inch infantry saber to the out¬standing first-year R.O.T.C. ca¬det, Cadet Lt.-Col. Carl Yarring- ton announced today. The re¬cipient of the saber will be se¬lected by the cadets. The saber will become the permanent pos¬session of the winner. Appear¬ance, punctuality, popularity, and military knowledge will de¬termine the recipient. —Stomo Ochi. R.O.T.C. staff officers will con¬duct a batallion inspection Fri¬day. The initial spring inspec¬tion will consist of a cadet uni¬form inspection. —George Jen¬sen. MUSICIANS BUSY Music classes under direction of Mrs. Bernice Tyree, in the absence of Glenn L. Hanson, music director, are working on numbers for the state regional music contest at Hyrum, April j 29 and 30. —Kathryn Ellsworth. All girls who will participate in the Classicalia pageant at the White City ballroom April 8 are requested to obtain material for their costumes this week. A dress rehearsal, at which time all girls must have their cos¬tumes, will be held April 6. DIXON TO SPEAK President H. A. Dixon qf Web¬er college will speak on "Weber College as an Institution of Learning" at assembly Friday. Dixon will explain entrance fees and give data concerning the history of the school. —George Jensen. Names of first year shorthand students who have passed either 60 or 80 word a minute tests have been sent to the Gregg Shorthand company. Certificates will be awarded to these stu¬dents. —Kathryn Ellsworth. GUILD OFFERING The Dramatic guild presented "Betty, Behave," a one-act play by Rose Campion, Wednesday in the visual education room. Opal Stone directed the play. The cast consisted of Betty Claypool, Rosebud Scowcroft, and Rosella Borger. —Stomo Ochi. A radio skit written by Blair Burton will be entered in the B.Y.U. speech festival in Provo, April 1. The cast consists of LaMoian Suttlemeyer, Don Bus- well, Clair Whiteley and Grant Neuteboom. be at the Union station Monday morning to welcome the a cap- pella choir home from St. Louis. First period classes will be dis¬missed. —Kathryn Ellsworth. In a Thursday night meeting of U-Go-First, courtesy club, I Geraldine Bingham talked on 1 "Hobbies" and "Ways to Make Girls Like You." —Lavon Janke. SWORD TO GE PRESENTED TO FINEST CADET Reserve Officers* Associa¬tion Will Make Gift To Ogden High Youth OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Barbara Reeve—Associate Editor The Reserve Officers associa¬tion will present a regulation 30- inch infantry saber to the out¬standing first-year R.O.T.C. ca¬det, Cadet Lt.-Col. Carl Yarrington announced today. The re¬cipient of the saber will be se¬lected by the cadets. The saber will become the permanent pos¬session of the winner. Appear-ance, punctuality, popularity, and military knowledge will de¬termine the recipient. —Stomo Ochi. R.O.T.C. staff officers will con¬duct a batallion inspection Fri¬day. The initial spring inspec¬tion will consist of a cadet uni¬form inspection. —George Jen¬sen. MUSICIANS BUSY Music classes under direction of Mrs. Bernice Tyree, in the absence of Glenn L. Hanson, music director, are working on numbers for the state regional music contest at Hyrum, April 29 and 30. —Kathryn Ellsworth. All girls who will participate in the Classicalia pageant at the White City ballroom April 8 are requested to obtain material for their costumes this week. A dress rehearsal, at which time all girls must have their cos¬tumes, will be held April 6. DIXON TO SPEAK President H. A. Dixon of Web¬er college will speak on "Weber College as an Institution of Learning" at assembly Friday. Dixon will explain entrance fees and give data concerning the history of the school. —George Jensen. Names of first year shorthand students who have passed either 60 or 80 word a minute tests have been sent to the Gregg j Shorthand company. Certificates' will be awarded to these stu¬dents. —Kathryn Ellsworth. GUILD OFFERING The Dramatic guild presented "Betty, Behave," a one-act play by Rose Campion, Wednesday in the visual education room. Opal Stone directed the play. The cast consisted of Betty Claypool, Rosebud Scowcroft, and Rosella Borger. —Stomo Ochi. A radio skit written by Blair Burton will be entered in the B.Y.U. speech festival in Provo, April 1. The cast consists of LaMoian Suttlemeyer, Don Buswell, Clair Whiteley and Grant Neuteboom. REFUND LEVY No tax will be charged on yearbooks, and students who have purchased their books and paid the levy will be refunded. —Kathryn Ellsworth. |