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Show GUILD PRESENTS ONE-ACT PLAYS Pioneer Skits Authored By- Students For Air Program OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Two one-act plays, "Man" di¬rected by Barbara Reeve, and "His Final Hope" original play by Dan Bailey, will be present¬ed Wednesday in the visual ed¬ucation room by the dramatics art guild of the Fine Arts coci- ety. Pioneer skits are being writ¬ten by members of the Writers' guild lor presentation over the KLO, by the Tiger Flashes staff. The stories were revised from stoiy form to radio dialogue.— Stomo Ochi. The senior class will vote on school pins Friday in advisory classes. All students are re¬quested to make their selection then. SENIORS HOSTS The long awaited party for the juniors at the seniors' expense will be given during the week of March 17 when a dance in the school gym. Louis Armstrong's orchestra will play. Art classes instructed by Le- Conte Stewart are studying sculpture. Modeling in clay and plaster are part of the present semester work. Advanced groups are modeling portraits, sketching still life, and drawing posters depicting Americaniza¬tion.—George Jensen. AID TRAVEL FUND The Girls' association has do¬nated $15 toward the a capella choir "On To St. Louis" fund. Ticket sales are picking up said Helena Case, physical education director.—Kathryn Ellsworth. March 15 is the deadline for yearbook orders. Only books that are ordered will be publish¬ed. The yearbooks, ordered now will be available in May.—Sto¬mo Ochi. Edward Shurtliff, Ogden pho¬tographer, will be gue,st speak¬er at the Ogden High Camera club Thursday.—George Jensen. TALKS ON PRISONS Military examinations in the¬oretical work is required by the war department, Sergeant Holloway said today. He said the records would be put on a perm¬anent file at battalion headquar¬ters.—Stomo Ochi. Moral life in the Utah state prison was discussed Monday in the fifth period socialogy class by Victor Hancock, instructor.— George Jensen. NINE WILL BE SELECTED FOR QUEEN'S RACE Final Choice For Classicalia Honor Will Be Made Tuesday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Nominations for queen of the Classicalia, Ogden high school costume ball, will be made at an assembly Friday morning. Nine will be chosen for a final selec¬tion at a girls' assembly next Tuesday. Members of the com¬mittee in charge are: Helena Case, W. W. Taggart, Zelta Bal¬linger and Jennie Bekker.— George Jensen. Two one-act plays, "The Best Man" directed by Barbara Reeve, and «'His Final Hope," written and directed by Dan Bailey, were presented at a meeting of the Dramatic guild Wednesday. Dan Bailey, Grant Neuteboom, Vivian Polidor and Lottie Lund took parts. More of this type of play, many of them j written by members of the guild will be presented in the near future.Kathryn Ellsworth. The Engineers club was en¬tertained by an illustrated lec¬ture on topographical drafting; given by M. W. Bird, chief j draftsman of region No. 4 of the forest service.—Ernest Cook. SPEAKER BOOKED O. H. Peterson, official of the state industrial school, will be guest speaker at a program to be given by the fourth period sociology class. Peterson will speak on "Juvenile Delinquen¬cy."—George Jensen. New honors were brought to the Ogden high school sewing de¬partment when Rama Eyre, sen¬ior received first place for Utah in a pattern and fasterner con¬test. O. H. S. WINS IN j ESSAY CONTEST j Junior Chamber of Com¬merce Presents Cup Trophy OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor | Ogden high school was today pre- : sented a trophy emblematic of first j place in the city-wide junior cham- ; ber of commerce Americanism essay ; contest. The cup was presented at an assembly by Sam Barker, of the chamber. Barker also presented prizes to the following students for their essays: Earl Jenkins, first; Betty Ann Stewart, second; and Dahrle Richards, third. Two con¬secutive wins is necessary for per¬manent possession of the cup. Mound Fort won for junior high schools.—Margaret Hocking. U. Go First, courtesy club, is ; studying the book, "How To Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie. Mildred Saxey Thursday reviewed the first chap¬ter. Cloe Campbell talked on new hair styles for the coming year.— LaVon Janke. The Engineering club is studying the plans of the school building. J. W. Connell, club advisor, said an illustrated lecture on the printing processes would be given at the next meeting. — Stomo Ochi. STUDENTS SEEK QUEEN TO RULE AT O. H. S. BALL Sixty Girls Nominated For Royal Position At Assembly OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Nominations for queen of Og¬den high school's Classicalia, April 8, were made in today's assembly. The nominees must be reduced to nine next week, President Ray Stewart stated. Votes will be cast Tuesday or Wednesday in advisory classes. Besides the queen there will be two maids of honor, and six girls of the senior class in the court. The 60 nominees are: Marjorie Armstrong, Conche Arcibal, Mary Barker, Delia Bartlett, Jennie Bekker, Joy Berry, June Bingham, Carrol Boyle, Evelyn Case, Helen Clif¬ton, Beth Clark, Charlene Clark, Betty Christiansen, Shirley Crit- chlow, Anne Danvers, Ruth Eames, Barbara Earl, Isabelle Edwards, Hendrina Evertsen, j Rama Eyre, Catherine Farr, Nadine Farr, Peggy Fjeldsted, Constance Ford, Frances Gib¬bons, Shirley Goddard, Doraine Herbert, Jeanne Johnson, Doro¬thy Little, Edna Loughran, Netta Lavin, Lottie Lund, Florence ler, Verda Parkin, Ollie Lou Peck, Vivien Polidor, Shirley Poulton, Dallas Porter, Mar¬ion Reed, Margaret Rawson, Marian Rubin, Alice Scott, Darlene Schillian, Rosebud Scowcroft, Odette Scowcroft, Doris Secrist, Margaret Smith, Doris Snyder, Kay Storey, Clara Steckel, Marjorie Tanner, Clara Tillotson, Ruth Tolhurst, Jeraldine Wadsworth, Betty Watson, Mar¬ian Wilcox, Shirley Williams and Elizabeth Williams. — Stomo Ochi. SENIORS HOSTS The senior class will fete the juniors at a dance on Friday, March 18, at nine p.m. in the school gymnasium. Juniors won the right to be guests because they bought the greater number of student body cards. Carl Yarrington predicted the dance may become a school tradition.—Sto¬mo Ochi. MODEL IN CLAY Art classes of Le Conte Stew¬art are studying clay modeling and plaster work. Others are studying show card technique and charcoal drawing. THREE C'S BASE OF DEMOCRACY Speaker Says Comradeship, Confidence, Cooperation Needed In Home OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor The three "C's", comradeship confidence and cooperation are the bases of democracy in the home, the Rev. W. H. Fowle de¬clared at the Ogden high school meeting Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lucille Chambers gave a resume of the best education¬al thought on the subject, "De¬mocracy in the School."—-Stomo Ochi. A poster contest advertising flying as means of transporta¬tion is being sponsored by the Women's National Aeronautical association, open to all art stu¬dents. The first prize is a trip in & passenger plane from Salt Lake City to Boise Ida. The con¬test closes April 15. —Kathryn Ellsworth. The yearbook deadline has been postponed, Kent Rounds, business manager said in coun¬cil Wednesday, from March 15 to an indefinite date. — Stomo Ochi. Girls taking gym Friday will display their scrapbooks or hob- j bies during gym periods to mem¬bers of their own team.—Kath¬ryn Ellsworth. CADETS STUDY FOR INSPECTION Students Getting Ready For Formal Review This Spring OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford, Editor Ogden high school classes in j military science and tactics are studying extended order. Lt. Col. Carl Yarrington announced that preparation for inspection by regular army officers will. soon start. He said inspection day will probably be in the early part of May.—Stomo Ochi. TROPHY RECEIVED Two teams composed of Barbara Reeve and Betty Lou Balch ! and Blair Burton and Reed Coray, with Bob Coray acting as master of ceremonies, today in assembly presented a debate on "Resolved: That the several; states should adopt a unicamer¬al legislature." Robert Polidor, Weber college student body president, present¬ed Ogden high school with a trophy for high honors in the college oratorical, extemporan¬eous speaking and debating con¬tests.—Kathryn Ellsworth. WILL VOTE AGAIN A re-vote for school pins will be held next week, Carl Yar¬rington, senior class president, said today. Four pins, Yarring¬ton said, will be placed in the bulletin space in the main cor¬ridor for display.—Stomo Ochi. |