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Show team leaves EARLY friday Speakers of Ogden High Seeking Regional Con¬test Places OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Ogden high school debating team will leave Friday morn¬ing for the regional debating tournament in Salt Lake City. Winners of the tournament will compete in the state champion¬ship contest late in May. Because of a recent board meeting, the instructors will not accompany the speakers who are: Reed Corey, Blair Burton, Betty Baker, Gale Rose, Betty Lou Balch, Garnet Neuteboom, Dan Bailey, LaMoin Suttlemire, Barbara Reeve, May Kariya, and Allen Van Dyke. — George Jensen. SPANISH CLASSES Spanish classes have organiz¬ed committees and selected chairmen to act as officials of programs and class work. "The object of the committees is to come in closer contact with natural speaking people, and to learn the Spanish language with the natural foreign accent," said Victor Hancock, instructor. — George Jensen. TO FOOTHILLS Art classes under instruction of Le Conte Stewart are sched¬uled to make trips to the east ! bench foothills during the final term. "The classes will do landscape paintings, oil paintings and drawings from still life. The stu¬dents are finishing up pastel wa¬ter paintings and .sketches of real life," said Stewart, today. —George Jensen. Tickets for the Junior prom, Friday, April 29, are on sale in the office. Two hundred leis will be given away as a feature of the Hawaiian theme. Seniors and juniors are invited to attend the dance.—Stomo Ochi. ASSEMBLY FRIDAY Have you ever seen or heard an Oboe? Come to assembly Fri¬day and learn all. This will be one of the eight big features of Friday's assembly. GIRLS VIE FOR LEADER POSTS; BfllUSTiQNQAY Ogden High Association Nominates; Juniors To Register OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor In preliminary elections for officers of next year's Ogden high school Girls' association, the following are nominees: for president, Betty Lou Balch, Phyliss Brophy, Helen Brown, Edna Brown, Helen Fuller, Bet¬ty Hinckley, Ruth Packer, Bet¬ty Smalley, Ruth Taylor, and Athleen Woods; secretary, Bet¬ty Comer, Shirley Hendrickson, Chothel Gale, Marjorie Jacobsen, Ruth Purdy and Jean Wallwork. Voting will be held Monday in advisory classes—Kathryn Ells¬worth. Registration for the next school term will be held forjun- SLASH MADE IN ELECTION LIST AT OGDEN HIGH Nine Candidates Remain In Competition For Three Offices OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Preliminary student body elections were held at Ogden high school Tuesday. The vot¬ing limited the field to three can¬didates for each office. Semi¬final voting will be held next week. The winners will not be announced until the final assem¬bly of the year. Surviving can¬didates are: For president: Clair Boyle, Grant Neuteboom and Mickey Whitney; for vice president: Emma Martin, Edna Brown, and Betty Smalley; for secre¬tary: Reed Corey, Stomo Ochi, and Lional Chambers.—George Jensen. Brigham Young university symphony orchestra presented a program today in the auditor¬ium. Many former students of O.H.S. were in the organization. —George Jensen. Roys Hear Advice "The more schooling one has the greater success he will have in the business world," said Dr. H. T. Plumb, regional director of the General Electric Co., in a boys' assembly Tuesday. "There is only one time in the world that you live and that is the present," he said.—George Jensen. A German moving picture will be shown Thursday at eight fif¬teen in Kingsbury hall. All Ger¬man students wishing to attend should see Raymond Poulter. A bus will leave Ogden high at six- forty-five. A comedy, travelog, musical, and the feature, "Wenn Wir Alle Engel Waren" will be shown.—Margaret Hocking. Speaks On Heath D. C. Houston, director of ed¬ucation of the state board of health, addressed social science students Tuesday. "If a person is sick, he has no right to be in public and to dis¬tribute the disease to other peo¬ple. It is one's responsibility to see that no human being con¬tracts disease through your care¬lessness", said Houston. A film on bubonic plague was shown.— George Jensen. iors next week, announced Glen Eye, vice-principal, today. The new courses are being outlined by Principal A. M. Merrill and the school board. Termination of the final six weeks term is scheduled for June 3. —George Jensen. The third period Spanish class will hold its final social of the year Saturday evening. The class will participate in an out¬ing in Ogden canyon. Refresh¬ments will be served to a moon¬light excursion. Victor Hancock, instructor, will accompany the class. Eugene Brunetti has charge of the arrangements. — George Jensen. Members of Zelta Ballinger's fourth period English class have completed artistic covers for the annual exhibit, to be con¬ducted the final we6k of school —George Jensen. The R.O.T.C. will hand in their uniforms next week. The last time to wear them was in the parade today. Yearbooks will be given out the last week of school, announc¬es the yearbook^staff. O. H. S. NARROWS CANDIDATES FOR DODY PRESIDENT New Students' Administra¬tion to Be Announced At Late Assembly OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Candidates for president of the Ogden high school student body today had been narrowed I to five. The first of two pri¬mary elections was conducted Thursday. A second election will be con- ; ducted Tuesday to reduce the | field to three, and final ballot - | ing will be held the following ! week. Candidates surviving Thurs¬day for the presidency are Claire Boyle, Kay Crockett, Grant Neuteboom, Arnold Grove, and Mickey Whitney. Delay Results Other candidates are: for vice president, Betty Lou Balch, Ed¬na Brown, Helen Brown, Emma Martin and Betty Smalley; for secretary, Betty Lou Balch, Lionel Chambers,, Reed Corey, and Stomo Ochi. Final results will be delayed until late in the school year. See French Movie Members of Ogden high French classes jurneyed to Salt Lake this week to attend the French movie "Knock," by Jules Roman and sponsored by the University of Utah. Weldon Tag- gart, and several junior high students and language instruc¬tors attended the play.—George Jensen. Ogden high annual exhibit day will be the last Friday in May, it was announced today. Work in all types of subjects will be on display in various rooms.— Kathryn Ellsworth. Work On Exhibit Zelta Ballinger's junior Eng¬lish classes have begun work on class projects which will be shown in the school exhibit late this month. The projects consist of autobiographies and short stories of famous people.— George Jensen. Girls' junior gym classes have been practicing marching and leading in pep songs in prepa¬ration for the girls' assembly May 11, when they will try for a position on next year's pep club. SCHOOL DEFERS MOTHER SOCIAL Rush of Activities Causes Postponement to May 27 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Because of other activities, the annual Ogden high school moth¬ers tea scheduled Friday has been postponed until May 27, Zelta Ballinger, dean of girls, said today. Elections Under Way Preliminary student body elec¬tions were held today in advis¬ory classes. The candidates were reduced to five in each of¬fice. Two elections will then narrow the field to two students for each office for the final elec¬tion.—George Jensen. I Nominations for offices of the Girls' association were held Tuesday in each advisory class. GIRLS TRY FOR PEP CLUB JOB University of Utah Bids A Cappella Choir to Music Festival OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Selections for next year's Pep club at Ogden high school will be made Tuesday at nine-forty in a girls' assembly when junior girls will lead in a pep song. The girls were given numbers and will be voted on according to these. The results will not be announced until one of the final assemblies of the year.— Kath¬ryn Ellsworth. The Ogden high school A Cap¬pella choir will sing at the Un¬iversity of Utah as special guests Friday evening, Glen Hansen announced today. The choir will sing at the annual spring music festival. A dance will honor the singers after par¬ticipation in the concert. "This will be the first time in the history of the university's musical that a high school choir has been invited to sing. We feel I it a great honor to oblige them," said Hansen.—George Jensen. All students are requested to listen to "Tiger Flashes" over KLO this evening at five-fifteen and to phone their vote in for favorite trio in the trio contest. The winning trio will sing in an assembly at Davis high school and will later take a trip to the KSL studios in Salt Lake City. —George Jensen. Vote Tuesday The semi - final preliminary1 student body elections will be held in advisory classes Tues-day. Candidates will be narrow¬ed to three for each office then and final election will be held next week. Officers will not be known un- ; til the final assembly of the tyear.—George Jensen. , Members of the debating club : Forum are working on their an¬nual banquet to be given at Dick's Cafe the week of May 15. —George Jensen. Host To Teachers The home economics depart¬ment will be host to home eco¬nomics teachers of the city on May 11 at four-fifteen, Winnifred Hauser said. On Friday, May 13, each class will prepare, serve, a dinner, electing its own host¬ess, appointing waiters, and de¬signing the color scheme. "These functions will climax the year's program," the cooking instructor said.—Stomo Ochi. Sport - ettes meeting will be held tonight at seven o'clock in Gilbert Moesinger's room. There were nine nominations for i president and vice president, and !six for secretary. Each class of 20 girls sent a representative to a general assembly. —Margaret Hocking. Trio Contest Entries Students interested in entering the school trio contest are re¬quested to see Ross Ekins in room 119 before Friday. It will have two divisions — popular numbers and old-time songs.— George Jensen. Inspection Friday Major Gabriel T. MacKenzie, of the Fort Douglas Thirty- eighth infantry will inspect 500 Ogden high school cadets Fri¬day at two p.m. at Monroe park. Regular school will convene un¬til Friday afternoon. Students will be dismissed in the after¬noon, announced Cadet Lt. Colo¬nel Carl Yarrington. ~ Stomo Ochi. |