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Show Ogden High School Girls to Give Tea OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor The Mothers' tea will be held May 27 at two thirty p.m., Mar¬garet Smith, president of girls' association, has announced. In the morning the award assem¬bly will be held at eight-forty o'clock. Students will go to class¬es until noon. Two classes will be held in the afternoon prior to the Mothers' tea. Following the tea, the fashion show will be held at eight p.m. —Margaret Hocking. Tuesday in each advisory class nominations were held for the officers of the girls' associa¬tion. Nine girls were nominated for president and vice-president. There were six nominees for secretary. These girls will be in¬troduced at an assembly in the near future. Voting will be con¬ducted in advisory classes. — Margaret Hocking. The Ogden high school a cappella choir will present a mus¬ical program Thursday evening as guests of the national con¬vention of the Parents-Teachers' association at Salt Lake City, Glenn L. Hanson, director, said today. "The music department ac¬cepted the convention invitation late last week. We feel it a great honor to be able to sing for the benefit of such a great organiza¬tion as the Parent-Teacher's as¬sociation," said Hanson. — George Jensen. In a recent trio singing con¬test, sponsored by the "Tiger Flashes" staff, a trio composed of Doris Snider, Barbara Flem¬ing, and Elsie McKay were an¬nounced winners. This trio may take a proposed trip to Davis county high school to sing and later to a Salt Lake City radio station to visit on an education¬al tour, said Ross Ekins, man¬ager. —George Jensen. Winners in final rounds of a girls' archery tournament who will make up a team to repre¬sent Ogden are: Helen Mitchell, Joyce Shaughnessy and Fumiko Tukahashi, with June Paul as alternate. The team is expected to com¬pete with Weber high school some time this week. —Kathryn Ellsworth. O. H. S. FORUM CLUBTO DINE Annual Banquet of Debate Group Will Be Held Saturday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Forum, Ogden high school de¬bating club, will present its an¬nual banquet Saturday evening at Dick's cafe, announced Wil¬lis Smith, advisor. The affair is attended by past members of the club and speeches are given, by the members. —George Jen¬sen. Ogden high art classes are finishing work for the school year. Block lettering, free-hand sketching, and water drawings are among the phases being finished. —George Jensen. Letters To Be Awarded Ogden high school students voted for block "O's" today in advisory classes. These are for outstanding work done by stu¬dents. Ten will be awarded. — George Jensen. The announcement of student body officers elect and news I notes editors elect will be made in assembly Thursday morning. —Virginia Fotis. "Latest Styles" In Show Ogden high school's annual fashion show, May 27, at eight p.m. will be conducted by the 200 girls of the sewing depart¬ment. Latest styles in afternoon, evening, sport, formal gradua¬tion dresses, made by the girls will be displayed. The music department will be in charge of the entertainment. •— Kathryn Ellsworth. At the Mothers' tea, May 27 at two-thirty p.m. junior girls gym classes will demonstrate the method in which members of the Pep club were chosen by singing and leading, as teams, and the original songs written by each team. Glenn L. Hanson, music director, and a commit¬tee will at this time select the best song from among these, which will be used as a new pep song next year. —Kathryn Ellsworth. O. H. S. TO GIVE AWARDS FRIDAY OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Ogden high school's annual award assembly will be held Friday at eight-forty. Awards in various departments will be giv¬en to students for outstanding work throughout the year.— Kathryn Ellsworth. Classes were busily preparing themes, folders, and art work today for the exhibit Friday aft¬ernoon.—George Jensen. Make-Up Deadline Tuesday All tests and back work must be completed by Tuesday, an¬nounced Glen Eye, vice princi¬pal. Those students have in¬complete grades must contact teachers before Tuesday. — George Jensen. New officers were elected yes¬terday in a meeting of the Fine Arts society. Officers elected are Dan Bailey, president; Clyde Checketts, secretary; and Marjorie Andelin, treasurer. There will be no year-end ban¬quet, it was decided by mem¬bers present.—Stomo Ochi. Juniors Register For Fall Juniors held registration for next year's work Thursday morning in advisory classes. Subjects were explained to the juniors by advisory teachers.— George Jensen, O.H.S. NAMES NEW OFFICERS Choice to Be Secret Until Final Assembly of School Year OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Ogden high school students were selecting campus officers today, but their choice will be withheld until close of the school year. Candidates were, for president Clair Boyle, and Grant Neute- boom; vice president, Emma Martin and Betty Smalley; and for secretary, Lional Chamber and Stomo Ochi. Forum, debate club, officers and the news notes editor, have also been selected, but their names likewise are being with¬held until the final assembly. Girls To Meet For the last week of the school year the Tattler bulletin is pre¬paring a special commencement issue. Prominent and successful seniors will write articles for this final publication. — Stomo Ochi. Sport-ettes, girls' club, meets at seven o'clock tonight in Gil¬bert Moesinger's room.—Virgin¬ia Fotis. Two speed certificates for the most accurate and fastest boy and girl taking typing will be awarded the final week of school according to Bert Fransworth, typing instructor. Each typing room is invited to send in par¬ticipants for the certificates. — George Jensen. Practice Marching Girls' gym classes are prac¬ticing marching in preparation for Loyalty day, Friday. Special attention has been given to halt¬ing correctly and saluting. — Kathryn Ellsworth. ASSEMBLY WILL BE IN CHARGE OF FORUM CLUB Debating Group to Offer Program Friday Morning OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWS NOTES Constance Ford—Editor Forum, Ogden high school de¬bating club, will be in charge of the assembly Friday morning announced Robert Coray, presi¬dent. Skits, musical numbers, and a one-act play will be pre¬sented. —George Jensen. Competition Closes Final competition in a girls' swimming and diving meet was held last night at the Weber college gymnasium. Winners in the various events are: Diving, Marjorie Andelin; back stroke, Jeanne Johnson, 41.6 seconds, Virginia Bybee, 42 seconds and Marian Jude 43.5 seconds; free style, Florence Bunce, 35.6 sec¬onds and Joyce Shaughnessy 36.8 seconds; breast stroke, Marjor¬ie Armstrong 55.8 seconds. — Kathryn Ellsworth. Instructors Honored The domestic art department held an informal dinner for the junior high school economics in¬structors Wednesday afternoon. Members of the department cooked - and served the meal. Winnifred Hauser, instructor was in charge of arrangements. A. M. Merrill, principal, an¬nounces that Carroll college of i Helena, Mont, is offering a $100 ! scholarship to the highest stand¬ing Catholic boy graduating | from high school this spring. —George Jensen. Will Name Candidates Directors of the news notes staff will hold an important meeting Monday. Object of the meeting is to determine candi¬dates for the position of editor for next year. —George Jensen. Ogden high school faculty and all members of the graduating class are being invited to a re¬ception rendered by the faculty and students of Weber college, to be given at the Weber gym¬nasium Sunday evening, May 28. —A. M. Merrill. |