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Show High School Celebrates Red Letter Day Sherman Smith To Get Chief Award of R. O. T. C. THE "O'S" HAVE IT . . . Leading Ogden high school students today proudly received school achieve¬ment wards at the annual honor assembly of the hilltop school. Stepping up to receive their awards from Assistant Principal Glen G. Eye, five of the fortunates are shown in The Standard-Examiner photo: (Left to right) Constance Ford, Ray Stewart, Margaret Smith, Carl Yarrington and Beth Clark. DR. CARVER WILL TALK TO GRADUATES Dr. John Edward Carver, of the First Presbyterian church, | will deliver the baccalaureate! address Sunday, May 29, before j the 1938 Ogden high school gradu- J ating class in the new high school j building, Principal A. M. Merrill said today. Commencement exercises will be held June 3, when diplomas will be handed to 570 students, largest graduating class in the school's history. . Following custom, only stu- J dents will speak at the gradu- ! ation rites, Merrill said. O. H. S. HANDS OUT AWARDS Honor Students Cheered At Closing Assembly o£ Scliool "Year Enough medals to make a French general mad with envy; enough gold footballs, basket¬balls, baseballs and track shoes to warm the cockles of a pawn¬broker's heart; scholarships, (including one for $400) enough to make parents swell with pride, and the coveted 15 gold block "O's," symbols of leader¬ship, were given out at the an¬nual Ogden high schpol honors assembly today as members of the student body roared their approval. The 15 seniors who marched proudly up the auditorium aisle to claim block "O"s from facul¬ty members are: Alan Bader, Jennie Bekker, Glen Brewer, Eugene Brough, Beth Clark, Constance Ford, Sherman French, Marian Lund, Shirley Poulton, Barbara Reeve, Margaret Smith, Ray Stewart, Jim Summers, Ray Wilson and Carl Yarrington. Seniors who walked off with scholarships to colleges and un¬iversities next year included: Beth Clark, a $400 scholarship to the University of California; Wayne Boyle, Bob Coray and Barbara Hassing Utah State Agricultural college, Weber college gave tuition awards to Shirley Poulton, Ag¬nes Jensen, Kent Rounds, Bar¬bara Adams, Betty Hill, and a combined scholarship to Joyce Poulter and Reta Jeffries. Com- merical scholarships to the Uni^ versity of Iowa were given la Blaine Hunter and Jack Peter¬son. Departmental awards were: Commercial: Majorie Hampton, Margaret Kaneko, Shirley Poul¬ton, Mildred Ranson, Betty Hill, Katherine Telford, and Reta Jefferies. Athletic: Dale Baird, intramu¬ral trophy; Frank Berglund, Mil¬ton Berglund, Alan Bader, Carl Yarrington,. John Sanders, Percy Peterson, Harold Ambler, Jack Wecker, Delbert Nye, Don McClanahan, Frank Hudson, John Tuscan, Fred Law and Emmert Jorgenson, gold footballs; Frank Olson, Ray Stewart, Keith Peterson and Athletic Manager Dave Handy, gold bas¬ket balls; George Stewart, Mar¬ion Carter and Sylvan Godfrey, miniatuure track shoes; Sher¬man French and Mack Cook, gold baseballs. Students who participated in more than one of the above ath¬letics were given their choice of awards. Editorial staff of the 1939 yearbook was announced as fol¬lows: Gale Rose, editor; Betty Smalley, associate editor; Jack Andrews, business manager, and Buster Glasmann, assistant busi¬ness manager. Golden Spike chapter, Daugh¬ters of the American Revolu¬tion, presented Lois Belnap and Mary Kariya with gifts. Mrs. John Evans, state chairman of the committee on Americanism, made the awards. Miss Vivian Polidor, represent¬ing the Fine Arts society, pre¬sented Principal A. M. Merrill with a check for $10 for books for the fine arts department. Members of the Pep club elect- ' ed for next year are Ruth Shurtliff, Clara Gilman, Marian Keeter, Ruth Purdy, Betty Comer, Murel Wood, Marjory Jacobson, Arlene Greenwell, Jean Wallwork, Ruth Taylor, Mildred Van Dyke, Darlene Reynolds, Norma Kelly, Athleen Woods, Shirley Hendrickson, Ruth Cunningham, Edna Brown, Neva Huggins, Bernice Perrins, Dorothy Wessler, Inetta Hart, Clottiel Gale, Beverly Butterfield, Marguerite Smith, Ardell Russell, Phyllis Brophy, Mary Kariya, Margaret Hocking, Bet¬ty Lou Balch and Virginia Rock¬well. M. S. Stone, president of the city board of education; M. B. Foulger, past president; Mrs. Harry F. Erwin, former dean of girls at Ogden high school; Several Honors Will Be Conferred. Thursday At Assembly Sherman Smith, Ogden high school senior, will Thursday re¬ceive a Sons of the American Revolution award as the out¬standing R.O.T.C. cadet of the year, it was announced today. Presentation of the medal will be made by S. P. Dobbs at an award assembly at eight-forty a.m. in the school auditorium. Smith, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert E. Smith, 1504 Lake, served this year as cadet cap-- tain in charge of ordnance. Will Receive Saber Clair Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Boyle, 2825 Adams, will be presented a saber by Raymond Read of Ogden chap¬ter of the Reserve Officers' as¬sociation, as the outstanding jun¬ior cadet of the year, and Milton Berglund will be honored as the outstanding non-commissioned officer of the battalion. Berg¬lund, a senior, served as first sergeant of company C. He is the son of Mrs. and Mrs. George Berglund, 683 Eighth. Frank M. Browning, chairman of the chamber of commerce military affairs committee, will speak at the assembly. Plans for a drill in honor of Major General W. C. Sweeney, who was scheduled to be the featured speaker, were called off today following announce¬ment the general will be un¬able to attend. The cadets, all in uniform, will sit at the front of the auditorium. Carl Yarring¬ton, cadet lieutenant colonel, will preside. Other Awards Planned Other awards to be made in¬clude: Miss Constance Ford, editor of the school notes, for the publicity she obtained for the battalion this year; to 15 mem¬bers of the rifle team which placed fourth in the Ninth Corps area this year; cups to the best company, platoon and squad of the battalion. A flag for exclusive use of the R.O.T.C. will be given by SHERMAN SMITH Outstanding Cadet Golden Spike chapter of the D. A.R. |