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Show SEPTEMBER 21, 1933. THURSDAY EVENING, TICKET SALE CALL SOUNDED O. H. S. Urged To Overcome Obstacles To Fine Social Season OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. A study of the economic changes of the last century reveals that the trend of industrial prosperity tends to run in cycles. Thus, the years show periods of prosperity and plenty followed by years of distress and almost veritable famine. The country is now emerging from a period of depression and economic "stagnation that has never been paralleled in respect to duration or seriousness in the buisiness and in¬dustrial history of the world. However, this recovery is being brought about only after, a complete study of the causes of this catas-trophe and by carefully adminis¬tered relief measures. As a result the nation is being borne upward on a rising wave of prosperity brought about by such institutions as the Reconstruction Finance corporation and the national industrial recovery act. Today the student body of Ogden High school is faced with as serious a situation, comparatively, as the government encountered during the so-called depression. Up to date there have been only one-fifth the number of memberships to the Stu¬dent Body association subscribed as there were at an earlier date last year! There is no need to recount what this means to the school life of Ogden High school, but, perhaps some of us do not realize how drab and dull our school year will really i be without these extra activities, There will be no dances, no quarter¬ly or annual Classicums, and no school play or opera; in short we will settle down to a hum drum, every day existence of nothing but classes and study. The year of 1933-34 will be remembered not for its accomplishments, but for its lack of accomplishments—something that will remain with the graduation seniors throughout the years colored with a tinge of regret. Now the United States has sur¬mounted her economic difficulties —why cannot Ogden High school with the proper spirit and support of the students do the same? In some cases the purchase of student body tickets will mean hardship and sacrifice—but it's worth it. Let's all who have not already purchased a student body ticket do so, and show Old Man Depression that he cannot down a group of students who have the real spirit to succeed.—Norman E. Carroll. NOTE TO CLUB MEMBERS Dear Senior club members: Just a few lines to let you know that there are still a few seniors left in the school who do not belong to a club. Some seniors did not have the opportunity to belong to a club last year and would like very much to have the chance to belong to one this year. As a member of one of the clubs, I suggest all club members to not only give bids to juniors, but also give those seniors who did not join a club last year an opportunity this year. Seniors should have the preference.—Yours truly, A. Club Member. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE This year the band desires two twirling or exhibition) drum ma¬jors. The twirling drum majors have no responsibilities other than to march at the front of the band, keep in step, and make a classy appearance. If you like to be seen, if you can see yourself at the head of the band twirling your baton at the side of you, in front of you, be¬hind you, if you can see the baton sparkle as you toss it into the air and catch it, then you are the one! for the job. You need not be ex¬perienced. We will teach you if you are willing to learn. Everyone is eligible, boys or girls. See Mr. Hanson if interested. Troyouts for regular drum major will be held on Thursday, September 21, at three-thirty p.m. in the music room. SPEAK EASILY CLUB The fourth period oral expression class has organized into the Speak Easily club during the preceding two weeks. The ultimate aim of the club is to teach and promote the use of parlimentary rules of law and or¬der, public speaking, pantomine, dramatic interpretations and other useful ways and means of expressing one's self. New officers are to be elected every six weeks. The officers for the coming term are: Maurice Kennedy, president; Barbara Foulger, vice president, Ruth Van Dyke, sec¬retary; John Kinard, parlimentarian; Arlene Haygood, reporter. A constitution has been adopte and many beneficial achievement should be accomplished througho the ensuing period.—A. H. |