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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 1934. Ball To Use Rhymes As Attire Idea All Expected To Attend School Classicalia In Costume OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor One of the biggest events of the 1 school year is the Classicalia in which the queen of hearts and at-tendants will be shown. This dance is a festival indeed, with booths and costumes to lend an air of festivity in the atmosphere. Everyone will be gay, everyone i will have a perfectly marvelous tiir°. and everyone should appear in costume so that the effect of the I carnival won't be marred by individuals not aiding in the spirit of this affair. For striking effects and econom¬ical reasons, also, a nursery rhyme scheme has been chosen this year to be represented. Such apparel as "Little Bo Peep," "Little Boy Blue," "Jack Be Nimble" and others are the types of per-sonages to be characterized in cos¬tume. Let's even delve into fairy stores, if necessary, to find some image to portray and make the Classicalia the most successful dance of the year!—Emily Merrill. COMMANDER SPEAKS The R.O.T.C. boys were given an opportunity Monday of hearing from Commander Porter of the United States navy. Commander Porter has been at Ogden High a number of times, and the cadets were glad to hear him again. He spoke of how icebergs are formed and how they break off and begin to float to the south. An interesting story of how the Ti¬tanic struck an iceberg was told. Mr. Porter said a feeling of safety was the cause of much of the loss of life in the wreck of this great ship. He said this^was caused by the feeling the ship was unsinkable. After this accident the interna¬tional ice patrol was formed among the nations to protect ships of all lands from floating ice. Not one life has been lost by collision with icebergs since the wreck of the Ti-tanic. Commander Porter also told of the origin of the hand, rifle and gun salute. The cadets were more than interested to learn how the art of tattooing originated—Blaine Larsen. SPEED DESIRED I am in a hurry. I want to get from this class to my English class to do some last minute cramming on I the review. I concentrate on just how to man¬age to get through the crowds in the halls. I might swing along the celing like Tarzan. No. I can't do that I because of Thomas Child's head. I It sticks up too high and I might I bump it. I might crawl on my stomach and wiggle through the I crowd. No. I might get badly man- I gled. I might get out of this class just I as the bell starts to ring and make I a mad dash to the English room be- I fore the mass gets out in the halls. No. The students get out of the rooms as fast as I do, and so they I have more time to stay in the halls. I I must think of some ingenious way to get out of the way of the crowd and think of it fast. The bell rings. I run out of the door and the teacher calls me back I and tells me to go out of the door I like a gentleman. I try it all over again and by this time the halls I are so crowded I can hardly get I enough room to get going, as I will Btjiave to use the old gridiron system I of plowing through. I have to dodge I through half a block of thick hu- I man traffic instead of the eleven I men 6f a football field. As usual I get there just as the tardy bell is ringing and I have no I time to do my last minute cram- W ming. What a life!— Lotta Nickels. EIGHT REMAIN Now that there are only eight girls left, from which we are to select two, a very difficult task to do. About three-fourths of the stu¬dent body stre in doubt as to whom they want for queen. The kind of girl we want to represent our school is a girl that is "deep." By this I mean a girl that is dif¬ferent and always interesting, and one that you never get tired of knowing. We want a girl that has charm and poise, and above all gracious to everyone. No one fills all of these qualities better than Eleanore Eccles! I only wish that all of you could know her, and then you would understand why I have praised her so highly. Students, let's all vote for Elea¬nore, and I'm sure we shall be happy to have such a lovely girl as our queen.—P.D. O.H.S. CHOICE For charm and fun pick Dorothy Stone. For primness choose Adele. For natural beauty Eleanor And Marion as well. For knowledge we like Barbara For beauty Dorothy B. For all these things they qualify We readily can see. For maid of honor let's have Ruth She rates the best, we've seen. But all of us agree we'll have— The best—Charlene for queen! A QUEEN OF HEARTS Glossy black hair, deep hazel eyes peaches and cream complexion, ex¬quisite features, and a brilliant smile combined with a most pleasing per¬sonality make Marian Wilson a queen of hearts just as if she had stepped out of the story book. Make the fairy tale a reality in electing Marian queen.—A Knave of Dia¬monds. EIGHT CANDIDATES Well, folks, if you'll stand by a few minutes I have Wia- very im¬portant news for you. Of course, as you all know, we have been very interested in just who's who around this dear old school of ours. Well, at last we've found out and inja grand way, too. The eight lucky candidates for queen of the Classicalia have now been chosen and I am very desirous that you all should know just who these very lovely girls are. The Misses Dorothy Bowman, Ruth Dyer, Eleanor Eccles, Adele Larson, Barbara Reeves, Dorothy Stone, Marion Wilson and Charlene Woods. Now we all know that any one of these girls would make an excellent queen. They are all pretty, have gorgeous smiles, are not the least bit snobbish, and are all evry sweet girls. it may be that one is a little bit more beautiful than another and that one has a bit prettier smile, but they all deserve the position to which they aspire. So let's get behind all of these girls. Give your own special can¬didate praise, but "never let it be said that one girl was more deserv¬ing of the position than another." By the way, while I'm giving such excellent advice, I'd like to say just a word for my own special candidates. Let's all give Dorothy Stone a great big hand and see that she gets on the throne as our one and only Mother Goose Queen. Come on, everybody! OBSERVATIONS Mr. Peterson was telling one of his civics classes how senators sometimes come to blows over sec-tionalism. He thought his lesson was thoroughly understood until Ruth Greenwell asked: "Why don't they leave their girl friends out of pol¬itics?" Jim Lazenby and Elva Miller seem to be well versed in the arts of love. You should see Jim get down on his knees and propose— (in a play). Elva actually blushes —the most beautiful cherry red! FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 30, 1934. Girls Holding Song Practice For Contests Sixth Period Music Class Offers High Grade Vocalizing OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor Not much is ever said about the music club, especially the girls' glee club. If you want to be enthralled with some good singing take a period off and come into the girls' sixth period music class. The girls are now practicing the contest numbers, "Starlight," and "Gypsy Daisies." A visit and a little help from Mr. Robi- son on these songs helped us out a great deal. Under the supervision of Mr. Hanson these numbers are com¬ing along nicely.—Le Ida Roberts. GOODS NEEDED Girls and boys, men and women, the rummage sale is still in the making. Don't fail us or the Girl Scouts by forgetting to bring any¬thing which is no longer useful to you but very useful to us. You all know that the clubs are competing for the prize to be given to that club contributing the most articles. Anything—clothes, furniture, vases, toys, and what have you, is desir¬able. If you have material but are not able to deliver it to school or to the place of sale, 2460 Washing¬ton avenue, call Ruth Dyer, 1950-W. Saturday morning will hot be too late to bring contributions, so get into the trunks and closets and give your home a real spring cleaning. FLITTING AROUND Can you imagine Dorothy Hall telling the entire class to give their lips plenty of action? I wonder if that is really good advice. You tell me, Dorothy. Did you know Ken Williams was in a fight, and got the worst of it? Anyway, the fight was with a piece of wood when Ken was chopping kindling. At least we know he works! From the looks of all the pretty light dresses, ankle sox, hair rib¬bons, etc., I was pretty sure that the students had entered their second childhood. I'm sure, now, because I saw Billie Talbot and Earl Rowse standing on the balcony, reading "Raggedy Andy." Sweet little children! WHAT'S BEST The past few dayi have brought with them a variation in the routine of the R. O. T. C. Two parades, a lecture, and then a leisure hour in¬side, made possible by the weather conditions. All of these help to re¬store our peace of mind and relieve the monotonous life of a soldier. However, the fact still remains that we receive a great deal more bene¬fit from direct action in the open. A movement explained on the black¬board changes its appearance when executed outside. Above all we are sacrificing that invigorating outdoor exercise for the stuffy air of a little room where we actually learn noth¬ing. We members of the R. O. T. C. need as much actual practice as possible in preparation for inspec¬tion and my opinion is that the sooner and more thoroughly we learn our duties the higher honor we may attain.—Eugene Poulter. TRACK MEN OUT Taking advantage of the warm weather the track men of the school have donned their spikes and are practicing regularly. Coach Kapple anticipates a fine season this year and says that his boys are perform¬ing in style. Anyone wishing to try out for track must apply to Coach Kapple in the athletic room where a suit, devoid of shoes, will be issued. Any track man, possessing a suit, that has found himself unable to come out will please return the suit so that it may be issued to someone else.—Toad. FOR PARADE Dear Nose-all: Would you please tell us girls if we are going to have to wear white dresses on Boys day (for the parade) this year? We would like to know so that we can begin to make them—We Girls. Dear Girls: It is not necessary to wear white dresses, but light colors are preferred.—Nose-all. CLASSICALIA Gay, carefree, Joyous, lovely, Colorful, Beautiful, The Classicalia is now in swing, Any everyone is having his fling. Laughter resounds through the hall, And everyone this occasion will recall When old and gray. For this is the day Of the Classicalia. —Frank Fister. SECRET All was quiet when suddenly the sound of footsteps broke the silence. A boy and girl ran down the hall. Two lone figures watched them go. They jotted down something in a book. Then they disappeared. But not for long did they remain hid¬den. Someone else was discovered and a new item noted in the book of the watch-dogs. Yes, my dear friends, Sherlock &nd Watson are the sharp-eyed searchers. We miss nothing that goes on about the school; we see all, hear all, and tell everything. We'll be seeing you all.—Sherock and Watson. |