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Show THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1933. School Dance Offers Opportunity To Make Friends Among Pupils "Get-Acquainted" Party To " Be Held Week From Next Friday OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor Upon arrival at the institution of higher learning Known as high school, an average junior finds a number of problems facing him that perhaps iie has never before known, Perhaps first and foremost among these is the problem of meeting and making acquaintances. To most juniors coming to high school the same problem is to be faced as is faced by a stranger entering a new city. He must at once make new friends and form new acquaintances with the people about him. In the same sense a junior coming to Ogden High must meet new people and make new friends. In keeping with the custom adhered to by Ogden High school, the seniors have solved the problem of making new acquaintances by presenting the "Get Acquainted Dance" which will be held one week from next Friday night, October 13. By giving this dance the school has made it possible for the en-trance into our school life of a new and warmer friendship between students. Now students, in consid¬eration of the fact that the school has taken steps to support us, let! us in turn support the student body by attending this dance. As you may see the dance has again been postponed but the inter¬vening time will only give more boys an opportunity to save their money and get a date. Let's get acquainted.—Blaine Larsen. FRIENDSHIP "Hello Jane;" "Howdy Jack," Coming over tonight Bill?" are just a few of the exchanged greetings in the halls as the students change classes. All together they make a joyful din, and what some pople would call a dreadful noise is noth¬ing other than the making oil friendships and the greetings of new acquaintances. Although it takes time our school will even¬tually grow and expand upon the basis of friendship the only sound and secure footing for democracy and social welfare for any school organization, or even a nation.—Elva Miller. PAUL HANSEN In a previous article listing the, new faculty members of Ogden High school, Paul Hansen, the excellent, new history teacher, was accidentally overlooked, fir. Hansen received his master's degree from U. of U. this past school season. He spent the summer months in Yellowstone national park recuperating from his winter's studying.—A. H. COUNCIL REPORT Regular council meeting was called to order by President Jensen, the roll was called, the minutes were iiead and approved. Lloyd Frederickson reported for the flag stand committee. He stated a that the material for the stand, would soon be obtained and that the work would be started. Warren Stewart stated that 250, sheets of stationery and envelopes would be in our possession Wednes¬day. Anthon Yarbrough, reporting lor the social committee, gave dates for all the school dances to be held on condition that the first dance is a financial success. The dates are: October 6, Get Acquainted Dance: November 29, Thankiglving dance- December 20, Holly hop; January 26, Girls' Accolade; February 21, Cadet hop; March 30. Classicalia; April 27. Junior prom; June 1, the Senior reception. mission from Mr. Merrill and have it passed in council. A discussion on club pledging took place. The chair stated that no student shall be pledged to or in-itiated into or voted upon by a club until after the first six weeks of the fall term of the school year. At the first regular meeting dur¬ing the seventh week of the first semester, clubs may hold elections for new members. Successful can¬didates may be notified of their elec¬tion at any time during the week but no formal pledging of candidates may take place before four p.m. on Monday in the eighth week of the first semester. After this discussion council" ad¬journed by a motion.—Clifford Thorne, secretary. ADVICE Alexander Pope once said: "A lit¬tle learning is a dangerous thing, drink deep or taste not the Perian spring."—We'd do well to heed such a bit of philosophy, if we intend to get our lessons at all, we should j intend to get them all And I haven't another thing to say but, until the next time, "good bye .'"-Little Lame Prince. GOOD WORK The good work of Ogden Hign graduates continues. The week be fore last an extemporaneous public speaking contest was held at We¬ber college, and the freshmen de¬feated the sophomores. The follow-ing students, who were graduated from Ogden High school last year took part: Don Banks, Janet Fife, Grant Goddard, SM Gordon. Roy Ross, Roland Stone and Helen Smith. We heartily congratulate them, may they have a successful year. One notices that four of the seven participants received their earlier training in Forum the boy's debat-ing club. STRAYS W6OHS held its second meeting Monday night. Officers were elect¬ed as follows: Secretary-treasurer. Ferrell Carter; vice president, Jun ior Iverson and president Marvin Farr, When W6OHS finishes the amateur station it is building up in Ernie's lab, it will send messages for the student body any place in the United States—free—M.L.F. OFFICERS ELECTED Members of the orchestra have elected the following officers: Ruth Dyer, president; Dean Crandall, vice president; Kenneth Bnzee, librarian. are sure that these students will work unceasingly in the interests of the orchestra. Now if some civic minded person will help us to ob¬tain a string bass and one or two other instruments, we are sure f we will have the best orche the history of the Ogden chool. TIGERS OPEN GRID SEASON ON HOME LOT Bear River Will Provide Competition Friday At Local Stadium NORTHERN DIVISION Won Lost Pet. Preston 1 0 1.000 North Cache 1 0 1.000 Ogden 0 0 .000 Weber 0 0 .000 Box Elder 0 0 .000 Logan 0 0 .000 Bear River 0 1 .000 South Cache 0 1 .000 Baldy Simkin's Ogden High gridders open their 1933 league season Friday at the stadium with Bear River. The kickoff is booked for three o'clock sharp. The Tigers were impressive in a 12 to 0 victory over the South High eleven of Salt Lake City' last week and stand out as favorites over the Bears. Coach Baldy Simkin may start the following lineup: Revell and Sanders, end; Herscovitz and Barker, tackles; Piersanti and Call, guards; Seale, center; Kennedy, quarterback; Greenwell and Whittaker, halfbacks and Wayment, fullback. The Bears suffered a 7 to 6 defeat at the hands of North Cache ast week and Coach Simkin is look- ng for a spirited game with the risitors. Weber High journeys to Preston or a league encoufiter with the northern aggregation. Preston last week sprang a surprise by defeatng South Cache 8 tc 0. Logan, division champions, meet he strong North Cache eleven and ^Box Elder opens her schedule Jigainst the strong South Cache ileven. Here are the guesses of "Hit and Miss," Standard-Examiner football 0 ritic for Friday's games: s Ogden 19, Bear River 0 -1 Logan 13, North Cache 0 Preston 20, Weber 6 The chair stated that the first league game will be held at the sta¬dium on Friday at three o'clock. The get acquainted dance will be held one week from Friday; and; is the only dance of the year for which student body cards will be used. Those without cards must pay 40 cents a couple or 25 cents each All clubs desiring to hold meetings on fchool nights must get per J. E. Beeson, Ogden school vet¬eran, whose death occurred in Ohio. FORMER OGDEN EDUCATOR DIES Body of J. E. Beeson Will Be Brought From Ohio Jesse Evan Beeson, 75, Ogden educator who served in the city school system for 25 years, died Sunday afternoon at the home if his daughter, Mrs. Harold Freeman in Akron, Ohio. Word of his death was received here this morning by Mrs. George French from Mrs. Freeman. The telegram related that the body of Mr. Beeson will arrive in Ogden Wednesday morning at nine o'clock. Funeral services will be held Wed¬nesday afternoon or Thursday. Mr. Beeson came to Ogden in 1906 to become head of the mathe¬matics department of the high school. At that time the high school was situated in what is now the old building of Central Junior. He taught mathematics for 10 years and then was appointed principal of the school but in 1920 he voluntarily re¬linquished the principalship to re¬turn to the teaching of mathemat¬ics. This he continued until 1930 when he retired after 25 years of continuous service. At that time teachers, students, former students and friends gave Dad Beeson a tes¬timonial dinner at the Hotel Ben Lomond. Mr. Beeson's wife died several years ago. Mr. Beeson was a graduate in 1888 of Purdue university. He had 14 years of teaching experience be-fore he came to Ogden. During his many years of resi¬dence in Ogden, Dad Beeson was prominent in civic and fraternal circles. He was a member of Weber lodge No. 6, F. & A. M. |