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Show THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1933. Ranks As Subject of Most Importance In High School Courses OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor; Jack Bennett, Associate Editor; Emily Mel-rill, Blaine Larsen, Assistant Editors One study in our high school cur¬riculum which is most interesting and of the greatest importance is English. For no other subject is so practical and beneficial to students along life's progressive path in real¬izing ambitions and overcoming seemingly difficult obstacles. To be able to express one's feelings, thoughts and emotions in an inter¬esting, clear, pleasing, logical and cohvincing manner it certainly a most valuable asset, since this cap¬ability will bring confidence and power to one. Employers and work-ers have respect for those individ¬uals who speak and write well, for this denotes intelligence, and educa¬tion. People who don't care and who make no attempt to use good dic¬tion arouse a faint contempt of their stamina of character in the minds of their readers or hearers; slugginess in speech usually means laziness in natural and acquired traits. A poor speaker or writer never forcibly conveys an idea to others, and arouses no interest. The aim of our English course is to develop and maintain the maxi¬mum per cent in mechanics of writ-ten and spoken English and to prac¬tice avoiding common errors. This habit will be a means to an end. With such a splendid goal in view we should be foOlish not to study English. So students, let us make the best of our opportunity in mak¬ing a success in life by learning to speak and write well.—Emily Mer-rill. POSSIBLE SUBJECTS Dear Nose-All, Students who have writing ability have been urged to write for the notes. Many of us would like to do so but are at loss to know What to write about. Would you please advise us as to what things are acceptable? — A Little Bird. Dear Little Bird, anything is ac¬ceptable that you would enjoy read¬ing yourself. Write things that pertain to school life, the curriculum, activities, and if you can put it cleverly in an interesting style, something that has happened to you personally. — Nose All. THIS AND THAT I am of the opinion that the foot¬ball team should be transferred to the music department. Every night after school the students in Miss Osmond's typing room are very pleasantly entertained With melodies issuing from the boys' dressing room. Though the songs are of very doubtful pitch and key, they might be termed musical. They are best, appreciated if the hearer knows very little about music, especially good music. I suggest that the boys all try singing the same song for a change. In this way they might help the typing students, because they could type in rhythm with the strains floating across the hall. A familiar shout in this part of the building is, "Close the door!" Have you heard it? No one studies in the library the fourth period any more. Every one is occupied watching Clifford and Wilma smile across the room at each other. I really think, Detectives Black and Blue, that you are on the wrong scent. Your "cases" should not or-iginate in fancy. On the contrary, my dear detectives, they should be based on fact. — The Lady at the Keyhole. PHI LAMBDA TAU You saw those seven very excited girls around the halls last Monday wearing blue and white corsages, didn't you? Oh, you couldn't have missed them! They are Phi Lambda Tau's new pledges. The two seniors are Ruth Ketchie and Maxine Ev¬ans, and the Juniors are Bernice McKinnon, Barbara Foulger, Idonna Pickett, Betty Lake and Elizabeth Parkinson. Last Thursday evening the members of Phi Lam entertained the pledges with a banquet at the home of Miss Dorothy Bowman. A short speech ; was given by each member, each pledge and our advisor, Dave Wangsgard and Mrs. Wangsgard. Phi Lambda Tau is very proud to pledge these lovely girls and We think they are just as proud to be pledged.—Lola Greaves, Reporter. COUNCIL REPORT Regular council meeting was call¬ed to order by President Jensen; the roll was called, the minutes were read and corrected. Barbara Reeves reported that Zeta Phi Zi and Tri Delta received per¬mission from Mr. Merrill to hold parties October 30 and . November 3. They were sanctioned by council A new club called "The Poetry club" was accepted and put under jurisdiction of the council. The chair made the following an¬nouncements; the game Friday with Box Elder will cost 25 cents, as student body cards will not be hon¬ored; the parents and teachers re¬ception, November 8 at eight o'-clock in the gym; regular weekly as¬sembly Thursday, beginning the extemporaneous speech contest; and that club presidents and advisors will hold a meeting Thursday after school. The associate editors of the year¬book and notes were elected. They are: Ruth LaVin Cragun and Vir-ginia McNamara for the yearbook and Emily Merrill and Blaine Lar¬son for the notes. Election of assistant business managers will take place at next council meeting. As there was no further business council adjourned by a motion. Clifford Thorne, Secretary. MY DITTY Teachers, tests, and students too All together make a school Slippery sidewalks and water pools All together make girls fools. —Unfortunate. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1933 Tigers Favored Scholastic Teams Meet At Brigham Friday Afternoon Crucial Contest Arouses Interest; Weber Meets North Cache Team Northern Division Won. Lost. Pet. Ogden 3 0 1.000 Box Elder ., 3 0 1.000 Preston 3 0 1.000 Logan 1 1 .500 North Cache 1 1 .500 Weber ....1 2 .333 Bear River 0 2 .000 South Cache 0 2 .000 Friday's Schedule Weber at North Cache. Ogden at Box Elder. Preston at Bear River. South Cache at Logan. Four league grid attractions are scheduled Friday in the northern division of the Utah state scholastic football league. Ogden and Box Eld¬er, two of the three undefeated teams tangle at Brigham City in one of the head¬line events of the week. The Tigers and Bees are dead¬locked for first place along with Preston with three victories each. The Box Elder-Ogden contest is one of the schol¬astic grid treats of the season. Both teams ap¬pear evenly matched with the Tigers holding an edge in experi¬ence. Coach Baldy Simkin looks for a victory for the "Orange Streaks" in the Brigham City matinee Friday. "We have one of the best teams in years at Ogden and while I an¬ticipate a spirited battle, I am con-fident that my team will romp home on the long end of the score," said Coach Simkin today. "Meeting Box Elder on her home field is a disad¬vantage, but our men are primed and ready for a great game." Ogden will hold a three pound per man advantage on the line and will outweigh the Bees nine pounds per man in the backfield. Burbidge, Wayment, Greenwel and Kennedy will get the ball lug¬ging assignments in the Tiger back- field for the crucial game. Coach Earl Ferguson has a cap¬able ball toter in Mecham and three other fine backs in Minson, Maerc and Rasmussen. With ideal weather promised record breaking attendance is anti¬cipated by officials of the Box Eld er high school. The kickoff is slatec for two-thirty sharp. Mark Ballif will take his Weberites to Richmond for a game witt North Cache Friday while Prestoi invades Bear River for a leagut contest. South Cache plays at Lo¬gan in the other league attraction. Probable lineups for Friday's game with weights in parenthesis, fol¬low: OGDEN BOX ELDER Cole (150) le Hansen (146) Barker (150) It Egbert (159) Decorso (150) le Johnson (150) Higgins (160) c Braegger (136) Call (145) rg Warburton (150) Randall (180) rt Knudsen (152) Kinnard (155 re Jensen (175) Burbidge (135) qb Mecham (135), Oreenwell (150) Ih Minson (136) Wayment (160) rh Rasmussen (136) Kennedy (170) rb Maero 153) |