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Show THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1934. Desire Felt For Opera At School Request Made For Action From Those Favoring Production OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor As Mr. Robinson says, "where there's a will there's a way." We won't give up our dances and basketball games. Why then should we give up having an opera? If it takes $150 to put on a» dance, sure¬ly it won't take over $100 to put on an opera. Why then can't we have our opera? If you have any interest in the music department, boost for an opera. The Educational magazine says, "the children of depression should not be deprived of the opportunities as the children before the depres¬sion."—L. R. NO CHARM "Music hath charm," and the fans at the basketball game last week seemed to need some quite badly. When the game was five minutes did the whole audience knew it. We learned at that time that it is nex to impossible to sing school songs without the help of the band. The singing was ragged, and the yell leaders were the only ones that sang. As the old saying goes: "We never miss the water till the well goes dry." We don't know where the band was; we don't know why it was not present. Perhaps the absence of Mr. Hansen had something to do with the absence of the pep band. We hope that in the future we will have the help of the band at our games. Band members, help the student body and be at the games as a member of the Ogden High pep band! We need you at our games.—Blaine Larsen. SKATING Happy days are here again! Have you noticed the growing fad of skat¬ing to school? If you haven't you must surely watch intently for those graceful forms gliding down the street. The rhythmic movements of their beautifully rounded arms waving around in the air and their shapely legs, especially those of the ladies, skimming over the pavement, are really very becoming. Some have perfected the art of keeping erect, while others seem to have a natural attraction for the cement. All of them, however, have spark¬ling eyes, flushed faces, and smiling countenances which denote that they are having a glorious time. Why don't you try it sometime?— Emily Merrill. SHOT IN THE EYE Don't you admire pluck? If so, turn your admiring glances in the direction of Glenn Hansen, who is now back in school. Imagine climb¬ing up and down stairs, and walk¬ing around all day on crutches. Well —that is what Mr. Hanson is doing. Congratulations. Either our teachers are getting younger or our students are getting old. Anyway, our charming typing teacher, Miss Osmond, was walking down the hall, closely followed by one of our playful students who was carrying a water gun. Suddenly he pulled the trigger, and a stream of icy water hit the fair damsel fairly and squarely. Was the boy's face red? I ask you.—Gretchen. PEP—NOW AND THEN Recently a man of the old school addressed us in an assembly called for the purpose of furthering a civic project. During his address he told of what he had seen during his visits to the schools in Ogden. He said this idea we have of trying to stir up school spirit before an ath¬letic contest is one that was never thought of or heard of in his school days. Students in the old days were instructed to pay strict attention to class work. Very few social func¬tions were held because educators did not believe that school was a place to further a social feeling. As Mr. Francis said, the athletic games were few and far between. A fel¬low that called himself an athlete was looked upon as a bully and a rowdy. And of course such a thing I as a pep assembly was never heard of. Would you liked to have gone to school in those days? There was no pep or school spirit; there were no dances or social events. If some of the students of today were placed back into those days, they would wail and say that half of the joy of going to school was gone. Today the situation is just the exact opposite of what it was in the old school. In fact some believe that the social idea is taking too large a part of our school life. This, however, is not the case. In this age we are allowed a little time and freedom to take up a social life, a school life. We have our athletic games, our pep assemblies, our yells and yell leaders, and school songs. We are given dances, plays, and school parties. A student associa¬tion was never known of in the years gone by, yet we today have one. So when we think in terms of progress in education, let's not for¬get to be thankful for our new con-ception of pep and school spirit!— Blaine Larsen. JUNIORS NOT SO LUCKY Ah, for the life of a junior! We are getting and have gotten—so I some say—the brunts of depression as each year has progressed. In junior high school we looked for¬ward with great pride to the time when we could have certain dances and a yearbook. But alas! We had our expectations without our realiza¬tions. The financial conditions were at a standing that we weren't able to enjoy these pleasures. Then we came to high school. As a result, it seems, we aren't having a quarterly and, perhaps, not as many social functions as our older brothers and sisters participated in during the "good old days." But anyway, to many of us who have repeatedly made these statements we can say that we've had innumerable good times at many school organizations, gatherings and in activities, and there's one consolation at least—we won't always be juniors.—Emily Merrill. EDUCATION AND CRIME The question is asked "does edu¬cation lessen crime?" One answer was given at the council of religions in Chicago as long ago as 1893. A Chinaman declared "there is more crime in the city of New York than in China with its hundreds of mil¬lions of people, and that is why I am a believer in Confucius." FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 23. 1934. Wigs Next Addition To Color Fad One More Step Needed To Complete New Style Ideas OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor With the advancement of civil¬ization a woman's wearing apparel is becoming more complicated. By this I mean that the styles of cloth¬ing and accessories are forever changing. Deeply red, light pink, silver, gold and black fingernail polish has been manufactured to have when a lady changes dresses of these colors. Earrings, bracelets, beads, and even lipstick are now available to match the particular tint which is worn. Such details are the vogue of the days. Girls' let's finish our task right and purchase brown, red, black and blond wigs to wear to school when we are garmented in clothes becoming to those shades.— Emily Merrill. GOOD HABITS Good habits make upright char¬acters. In fact, character is nothing more than the sum of an individ¬ual's habits. Bad habits are hard to break, and sometimes are never broken. Why not form good ones while you are about it. Whether the habit be good or bad it is formed by the individual per¬forming this habit a number of times at regular intervals. The habit of afternoon sluffing is acquired by the student going to a show when he feels that the lessons at school will bore him. Finally, after doing this several times, he is inclined to go away from school every time ne has a good show in mind. The habit of sluffing is hard to break. Why not break this habit in the making? Your character will be saved hu¬miliation, and your future made I sound.—Elva Millier. A CONTRAST There has always been a great contrast between men and women ever since the beginning of the family. Then, the father was the complete monarch of the house and the family (including the wife). But since then the wives and women, in general have been growing in power over the stronger sex. This power they have been getting, has made them wicked, overbearing, mean, en¬vious, and nasty, while, on the other hand the men have been growing better. They are marvelous, excel¬lent, and necessary. This can't be a fallacy because letters don't lie: W—wicked. O—Overbearing M—Mean E—Envious N—Nasty. CRITICIZING EDUCATION A recent writer claims that high school education is ineffective, because— 1. Most high school graduates fail to open a book after they leave school. America publishes and reads fewer books per capita than any other nation of comparable civilization. 2. Our cultural liife, music, art, theatre, is supported by a small intellectual elite. Fifty million people go once a week to movies. The radio and the tabloiids are equal rivals to culture. 3. A large proportion of the pu¬pils are incapable of profiting by the usual secondary education. The schools waste time and money in the grim struggle to educate in the humanities. The result is delay in the general progress. Many years ago a popular maga¬zine defined civilization as an or¬ganized attempt ot use dangerous tools. In elaboration of the point the article declared that education, music, wealth, liberty, freedom, art —all the components of civilization are dangerous tools. Unless civiliza¬tion learns to use these tools wisely, then society is threatened. H. G. Wells declares that there is now a spirited race being run between civilization and catastrophe. Surely there is something for humanity to think about. AN IDEA We are very fortunate to live in such an age of vacations. Washington, Lincoln, and other famous men are remembered, in one way, by holidays for school children. Let's be famous too: Then think of the periods of leisure the next genera¬tion will have!—Emily Merrill. |