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Show TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 20, 1934. Boys Resume Desks After State Games School Proud of Record Attained In Annual Competition OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor JacK Bennett—Associate Editor Once again the basketball team members are attending their classes. The boys who went to the state tournament in Salt Lake City left school last Tuesday and returned to their classes yesterday. The whole team performed admirably and truly have the admiration of the entire student body. The Ogden team has always con¬tributed members to the mythical all-state team and this year they more than filled their quota. Mau¬rice Kennedy was chosen as an all-state forward, Captain Clyde Green- well was accorded honorable men¬tion, and Merlin Woodland, guard, also was chosen on the list of hon¬orable mentions.—J. B. TO BE OR — To be or not to be—that is the question. Or is it? Today as I was sitting in a classroom I wondered why nobody ever elected me for anything. Considering everything it is queer isn't it? Or is it? But then reconsidering, I decided that maybe nobody knew the plat¬form on which I stand (sit, sleep, eat and think—don't think that is funny, I really can think, if I set my mind to it). So in view of everything I think I will state my platform. I stand for. Three good meals a day (I do not object to eating between time). Plenty of time for relaxation. Wider halls in school (I just hate to go through the halls bump¬ing into peop alend being bumped into.) In fact, three-fourths of the school should be halls — everyone would be happier, or would they? Shorter class hours (in fact it wouldn't be a- bad idea to abolish them all together, or would it?) Seats with cushions (if there is anything I dislike it is hard wooden seats—I can't concentrate on them—personally I prefpr divans or easy chairs). Now let me see, number six, well all I can say is: I am just about off the edge of my platform so I guess I'll stop and say until next time I am,—Just A Pansy. QUESTION BOX Dear Nose-All: Is there any special form or way of writing we should use when we write school notes for the newspa-per? If there is, please answer in detail.—Ambition. Dear Ambition: All English teach¬ers have been instructed to teach the subject of news writing, or jour-nalism, and by the time this is print¬ed you will have been thoroughly versed in the art of writing. —Nose-All. THE QUEEN Too often in elections of various kinds, campaigning is carried so far beyond the dictates of good taste and sound judgment that the merits claimed for the nominee seem to be absurd. However, when one can base their claims on facts, and in their asser¬tions merely give a resume of well- recognized qualities and merits that is quite another matter. Ogden High is tradition bbund to live up to the highest standards in its undertakings, both in the selec-tion of the participants, and in the manner in which the enterprise is carried on. Thus, in choosing the queen we must select a girl deserv¬ing of the honor, one whom the student body as a whole, would be proud to have as their queen. In the person of Miss Virginia Minnoch perhaps more so than in the person of anyone else in school, all of these necessary qualifications and merits are truly represented. As a student her marks will com¬pare favorably with those of anyone in school. Originally intended as editor of this year's quarterly Class- icum, she received a disappointment when adverse circumstances com¬pelled the abolition of their period¬ical. However, displaying true school spirit, she has worked diligently and faithfully as a member of the an¬nual staff, doing a great deal to make the yearbook a success. Per¬sonally she is kind, generous, good natured and friendly to all. In every sense of the word she is truly an ideal queen. CONTESTANTS BUSY About thirty students are busy preparing to participate in the Lewis oration which is to be held April 18. The choosing of subject matter is to be left to the discretion of the contestants. Speeches are to be from six to eight minutes long. The trial con¬test will be held before the spring vacation, March 29 and 30. After the tryouts there should be a number of students prepared to' enter the finals with splendid speeches. The oration is held be¬tween four high schools in this part of the state. Judging by the success of Ogden High speaking teams dur¬ing the year, the art is on the up climb.—Blaine Larsen. AN IDEAL QUEEN The one gala event of the year is near at hand and the one thought that is hovering through the air is the election of a queen. In past years we all know that the Classicalia queens have been queens, but this year we want a queen that will outshine them all. The girl we want to reign over our annual dance must be beautiful, she must have poise, charm and a lovely personality. Snobbishness is a thing unknown to her. Who in the group of senior girls in our school could fit such a de¬scription but Dorothy Bowman, an ideal queen!—Zip and Zip. |