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Show THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24, 1933. Rifle Team Encounters Plenty Of Difficulties But Spirit Stands High Member Declares Changed Needed To Improve Conditions OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor The remainder of last year's rifle team would probably like to have an outstanding team organized thisc nr but so far their efforts have fed them in circles. Ever since last ipring the boys of last year have waited for a range on which to practice shooting. Now they have one, smaller than the old range, bat better in that it has uniform heating and lighting. Now another trouble besets the rifle team. Though the nucleus of the team has done all that it could to start practicing and breaking in new recruits early, they are stopped again. This new difficulty is the Kt that each man in the battalion has to shoot 20 rounds of ammuni¬tion to make for himself a personal record. Already the team is handi¬capped by lack of time to practice. At the earliest it will be some¬time in January when the team will be free to start shooting for itself. This will be too late and besides by; that time the ammunition supply will be exhausted. It must be remembered that it takes from three-thirty to six o'clock for just 18 rookies to shoot their 20 shots. The rifle team can¬not be expected to like the idea of coaching all of these men when by doing so they rob themselves of practice and ammunition, both of which they will need to make any ort of showing at all. In closing I might say that the team did not complain when the members had to buy their own let¬ters last year. Neither does it com¬plain now because its members get no military advancement for their time and trouble spent. But some¬thing should be done when a situa¬tion arises which strikes at its vry existence.—A Rifle Team Member: AN OPPORTUNITY The sage of old who said "oppor¬tunity knocks but once," was mis¬taken. Ample proof of this state¬ment was shown when it was an¬nounced by Mr. Hanson, our music (instructor, that all those interested In music could enter any of the musical groups at the end of this term. This gives those who failed to enter at the first of the year a chance to rectify their mistake. As a member of one of the musi¬cal groups, the writer believes he is Justified in saying that a chance to enter a musical group is more than just an ordinary opportunity. A vocation which offers a chance to better one's self should at no time be taken lightly. For this reason we should feel grateful to Mr. Hanson for inviting the music lovers of our school to enroll in musical activity. —Blaine Larsen. BETA ZETA TAU We are extremely sorry that we have so neglected putting the re¬ports of our club's social and scho-lastic activities in the school notes. However, we are sure that you are well aware of our progress. We have had a truly happy and successful year so far, and from every indica¬tion our club will continue to do even better. At our weekly Wednesday night meetings we have had interesting discussions of art in its different phases. The girls have all taken a great interest in this work. Among the various arts that we have studied is the art of making friends. To. increase our friends, we girls of Beta Zeta Tau have (added to our organization six lovely girls of whom we are extremely proud. Our senior pledge is Ellen Conway. Ruth Klomp, Merle McFarland, Martha Foulger, Arlene Harwood, and Nora Lou Allen are our Junior pledges. They are interesting, happy-go-lucky group of girls who are grand to work with, and who take active parts in all our undertakings. How about it girls? By the way, "how's thy 'eart by now?"—Virginia Peter-son. WANTED—MORE MIRRORS To glance into the boys' wash¬room after drill each morning one would think that the big he-men of the school were turning to the ways of the weaker sex. Both sides of the question have been discussed a great deal in the past few weeks. The ladies seem to feel that the fellows are stepping over their bounds when they call "time out" to freshen the waves (?) and curls in their hair. The men, on the other hand, stoutly maintain that they are not guilty of such a girl¬ish offense. Thus we are left in a quandry as to which group has thej better side of the argument. But at last the question is to be solved. Being also interested in the solution of the problem, the writer pushed his way into the mob of fellows who were gathered around the mirrors after drill. And what were they doing? To be sure they were not discussing the recognition of Russia by the United States; meither were they concerned with the outcome of the recent election. You guessed it right, ladies! Every fellow in the crowd had his comb out and was wielding oit to a good advantage. So at last it has been found that the ladies have won and may the discussion be forgotten for a while. In admitting that the boys are guilty, we must say one thing in defense of their actions. The probable reason for the fellows' actions may be found in this thought: "Anything that is good enough for Maurice Kennedy and Jerry Sealed is good enough for me!" (By way of explanation, Maurice and Jerry were occupying first positlons at the washroom mirrors.)— Blaine Larsen. IF I WERE ESSAYIST What would I do if I were an expert essayist in this day and age? i One of the greatest needs of the world today is for more individuals I who have an earnest, sincere and sympatnetic understanding. THe and all its various phases; individ¬uals who are able to express them-selves clearly and decisively to their fellowmen. So if I were a good essayist I am sure that I would soon find myself busily engaged in mold¬ing and shaping public opinion. My first attempt would be ad¬dressed to the youth of the world and especially to the youth of Am¬erica. My purpose would be to awaken youth to a consciousness of the problems they are expected ! to face, and the responsibility of the part they must play in the mak¬ing of the future. What the world of tomorrow will be depends upon the youth of today. Next I would address myself to the militarists, in the various nations of the world, who are endeavoring by every means available to perpeuate war with all its horrible and ghastly results. This essay would be a se¬vere and scathing denunciation of those who advocate the continued building up of national armaments and the training of our young men for war. Incidentally this would also include the R.O.T.C. in our high schools and colleges. What a shame it is that so many of our boys are unconsciously being train¬ed to destroy human life. Then I would feel bound to present the truth concerning the po¬litical and economic issues of the day. The truth about alcoholic liquor, that monstrous demon which is as much of an enemy of human welfare as is war and which the American people have so foolishly tried to make respectable again. Possibly the most satisfying and worthwhile use of my talent would come from interpreting some of t'he beautiful and interesting things of life such as a mother's love, a forgeous sunset, the magnificence of a mountain storm, the beauty of a rugged, sincere life, or the tender¬ness of a sweetheart's caress. Last but not least, if I were an expert essayist, I would want to help my fellowmen to a better un-derstanding of the meaning of life and of the relationship of men with one another and with God.—Adolph Muller. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 27, 1933. Request Presented That Contests Be Conducted To Enliven Drill Hours Writer Calls For Competi¬tion Outside of Regular Squads OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor I wonder how many boys really i like to go to cadet crops drill. Not many, I imagine. This is illustrated by the number of boys absent and the number incomplete. Maybe you don't mind toting a gun around, but you certainly don't enjoy it as much i as playing football or basketball. When I was in junior high, I used to like my gun period better than all my other classes, even my study halls. Why couldn't we have a good rousing game of basketball once or ; twice a week. We certainly wouldn't make any more noise than those featherweight girls bouncing around. We don't want to take exercises in our gym—we want a competitive game. Some may ask me why I don't go out for these sports. I'll tell you why it's because I am not good enough. There are 500 boys in this school and only 35 or so on the football squad and 20 or 25 on the basket¬ball team so the chances of most boys are small. Please, let's have a gym period.— A Weary Soldier. NOVEMBER SONG I'll sing a song of autumn leaves Softly falling everywhere, Of wind and sleet and cloudy skies Patched with bright blue here and there. I'll sing a song of happy homes Where lamps are turned down low, Of children roasting apples brown Before the fireside glow. —Elizabeth Parkinson. WHAT CLUBS DO What would the Ogden High school be without clubs? What would any school or even society itself be without clubs? In my opinion things would be very dull without them. Clubs help to make a friendlier feeling between the students of Ogden High. Those who are in clubs are very happy about it and are enjoying themselves to the ut-' most. Those who are not fortunate enough to get in clubs at the first are always looking forward to the time when more pledges will be taken in. High scholarship is also an object of every club. Therefore, students work harder in order to get into clubs or, if they are already in, to stay in. The inter-club athletics also add zest to the school. ISLAND TRAGEDY I-Wannan-O why Lloyd Fred¬rick's son, Jerry, is so fond of eat¬ing Carpe. It seems that the Morrie eats, the Morrie wants, even if Phi Lambda Tau at him, but he says if he could Ketchie that Jack to buy Quayle or Seale, he wouldn't Abbot so often. One day when he was very Mary he received an S. O. S. call from Norman, who was stranded on Carroll Island. Norman said that after eating Pecks of Reeds and listening only to his own Eccles, he could Berrett no longer. Jerry decided to rescue Norman, but after Bob-bing around in his little Brown boat, he decided it would be Farr too Hod. Calling a Congress of all his friends, they turned the meeting to an open Forum. Dolly And-'er-son suggested chartering a motor boat, but Phil Thomp's-son wanted to collect some Jack, hire an airplane, and rescue Norman before it got too Cole. Evan after June Pound-ing her Fist-er hand on the seat in the plane until she got a Callis, the Stewart still could find nothing to eat. Sad to relate, Lloyd Fredrick's son, Jerry couldn't reach Carroll's Island to rescue Norman from eat¬ing Reeds, and though I can hardly Berrett, it's so sad, I guess Norman will just have to Rye-er something. —The Big Bad Wolf. Dear Nose All: You are getting more fan mail, I can see. I was not the one that asked you to come up and see me. If I were the one, what makes you think I could not peel a grape? I called Mae West on long distance. She said, "Come up and i see me sometime." Well, I did. She gave me all the info that I need to peel a grape. From now on, when I write to you, I have a good name.—Ax-all Pat. Pend. 1933. Dear Ax-all: Oh, yes—I really am getting quite a bit of fan mail now. I hope your phone bill wasn't too large after talking to Mae West. Well, now that you know how to peel a grape, you'd better come up and see me sometime. I hope you're dark and handsome!—Nose-All. SONGFEST ASSEMBLY At one assembly Friday we spent Ithe entire time at singing — old songs, new songs, school songs, patriotic airs—every kind of song— and did we enjoy it? We'll say that we did, and most of all, best of all we excluded the teachers. They cannot sing, you know, so we just i didn't want them around occupying space. 1 We students are all good singers. We're modern you know. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Room 213, Mr. Victor Hancock's room, reported perfect attendance all week. Congratulations room 213: It's too bad you have to stand alone. Why can't some other rooms work up this spirit of punctuality? |