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Show THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1934. Pupils Can Enroll For Music Class Opportunity To Enter Courses Occurs At Mid-Year OGOEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor The mid-year approaches and with it comes the time to make up for mistakes heretofore committed. A change in course, schedules, etc. is granted at such a tie, if the su¬periors see fit to have the change made. Those of you who, unknow¬ingly, overlooked registering for some music class at the first of the year, are, no doubt cursing your over-sight. Since listening to the glee club's renditions in assemblies, to the band's inspiring numbers, to the or-chestra's superb playing, a thought comes to mind that you are losing out on the joy made possible through music. The great achieve¬ment of the music department, as yet, has been the Cantata. The joy of participating in this outstanding event was seen to be on the faces of those who sang or played in it. Think of what you who are not en¬rolled in the various music classes will miss if you do not redeem your¬selves by registering now. One mistake is easily overlooked when not followed by half-a-dozen others. Take advantage and enroll in any of the following: Band, first period; a capella chor¬us, third period; orchestra, fourth period; boy's glee club, fifth period;' and girl's glee club, sixth period. These classes are under the in¬struction of Glenn L. Hanson. — Barbara Taylor. MY IDEAL "Dreamer" has started something: My ideal (?) man is a man with the personality of Grant (Smokey) Jensen, the brain of Anthon (Jenny) Yarobrough, the walk of Lloyd (Dreamy) Fredrickson, the hair of Eugene (Clarence) Pack, the line (?) of Jack (Percy) Wilcox, the smile of Reed (Doc) Berrett, the height of Jerry (Dixie) Seal, and the constitution of James (Barker) Bevan.—Squeak. A DRAMA The time of this drama is the third period. The place is in the li¬brary. The scene is a scene of trag¬edy. I am the hero of this story and as the curtain rises I enter the room and seat myself. All of a sud¬den, I feel a cold draft around my face. I look up and even before my brain can register what I am looking at, an icy blast envelopes my body, I look at the person ahead of me and see that he is hugging the radiator and shaking like he has St. Vitus dance. The cold had got him. By this time I had found out that the windows were opened. I yell for the teacher to come and close the window but I see that the cold has got her too. I look around and see all my comrades stiff in their seats, too cold to help themselves. That's where I come in. I grab the pole and close the win¬dows and save the day. Moral: Let's have more and bet¬ter heat in the library. After all we are not Eskimos. I thank you.— Lotta Nickels. ENCOURAGEMENT Are you being asked for a date to the Accolade, fellows? If you are not, it is your own fault. All of the girls are anxious to get dates, and if you would give them the least encouragement they would be only too glad to spring the impor¬tant question: "Will you go to the Accolade with me." It is the boys who will say "yes" for a change. We girls get awful tired of hav¬ing to do all the "yessing." Won't you please let us turn the tables for a much needed change? We I cannot do it without your co-operation and your "yes"—E. M. BEING EARNEST Today, the first day of the second semester, brings one to the realiza¬tion that earnestness in school is one of the prime factors of a full education. To be earnest with one's self teaches one to be earnest with others. If you earnestly try to do your lessons you will find that it takes only a short time to a hard asignment; that when you work to work earnestly you will find that the top of your profession is only a step from the bottom; and that to earnestly try to be earnest in everything will be an indication of your zeal to learn and advance. Many of the students of O. H. S. are now facing the last part of their high school career and many of them are now facing the last part of their entire educational program. Be earnest in your work, be earnest in play, and be earnest in life. "Don't kid yourself" into believing that the problem of life is to be taken lightly. Life advances with' you so that in comparison you have to put as much into it when you are old as when you are young. Put earnestness into it. Life advances with you why not you try to advance with life. Be earnest and advance as you can only when you are earn¬est.—Jack Bennett. ASSEMBLY REPORT Assembly was called to order by President Jensen. Norman Carroll made an announcement begging all seniors to get their pictures taken, after which Ruth Dyer made sev¬eral comments upon the Accolade. The time was then turned over to Virgie Minnoch, president of Zeta Phi Zi. The first number rendered was a piano solo by Prank Rounds en¬titled "Sweet Sue", followed by "Smoke Rings," and "I Surrender, Dear." A burlesque "Just Imagine" was introduced by a prologue by Marion Wilson. The burlesque followed, and was enjoyed immensely. President Jensen announced the little adver¬tising skit of the school play, "The Importance of Being Earnest." The game with Bear River was also an¬nounced. Yells were given. . Frank urged the students to support the girls games as well as the Bear Riv¬er game. Assembly then adjourned. —Elva Miller. STRANGE SIGHTS Picture 'em if you can: John Kin- nard as your milk man ten years from now. Adele W. running a speakeasy on lower Twenty-fifth street. Charlene Woods as a pro¬fessional fly catcher. Fred N. run¬ning for no reason at all except to catch up with this modern pest, Snoop. Harry H. as a professor of Hygiene in a girl's school. Dixie S. chief matron at the state prison. Wilma Mulcahy still leaving all the masculine sex alone. Phil T. taking advice from some one. Grant J. making fake money. Frank F. chief monkey in a zoo; along with Reed as the strong man of the circus. Gwen S. as a brunette writing stor¬ies for the True Story magazine; Mary H. as a sales girl in a depart¬ment store. Bev. B. as the leading ballet teacher in the west. Dorothy H. a quiet school teacher. Billie T. a demand for love, paying for it as it came. Warren S. as the best little jockey around. Dick W. as street cleaner. Garth P. digging sewers. Grant R. going home nights. Norm C. prize fighter. Ray P. manager of a nut factory. Winifred F. playing a, harp in an orchestra; Henrietta C. as the wife of a poor young farmer, and me president of the United States. —Beb. LOOKING AHEAD Hot-ziggity-zog! Is the Cadet hop going to be a huge success. Tsh! Tsh! Dunt esk! Beyond all doubts this year's Cadet hop is to be given on the twenty-first of February. It is to be one of the most brilliant af-fairs of this season. The R. O. T. C. sends a cordial invitation also to the parents of ca¬dets to come and spend the eve¬ning at the dance. The attraction of the evening will be the Crack company's exhibition which is now being formed, under the direction of Sergeant Halloway. Come on Ma, and Pa, leave little Willie with the neighbors, and come and see what the army does to Johnny. O. H. S. military dance should be a success. It shall be a success. The R. O. T. C. members and their frilends shall see to that. —J. W. P. |