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Show MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 30, 1934. Boys Doff Army Garb Cadets Readying Unit To Impress Inspecting Officer OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor In anticipation of that most note¬worthy event, inspection day, the R. O. T. C. boys have been appear-ing at school minus the well-known army garb. While the fellows are having a great time drilling in civ-ilian clothes, the uniforms are be¬ing cleaned and pressed for the great occasion. Both the individual and collective appearance of the unit will be a great factor in de¬termining whether Ogden High will again become an honor school. No doubt neat, well-appearing lines of cadets will have a great deal of in¬fluence on the army inspector. After all, we can gather a large amount of learning and yet not have that winning punch because of poor ap¬pearance. Along with the fine training we have received in drill, cadets, let's display on inspection day some of the neatness in ap¬pearance we are capable of. — Blaine Larsen. IDEAL SCHOOL The high school of More's Utopia, the fabled perfect city, has just is¬sued a school paper telling among other things of a lieutenant in the R. O. T. C. getting licked in a fight because he gave his platoon too many rest periods; of the teachers signing a petition for pay during the spring vacation as the students refused to take the vacation; of an announcement that anyone wishing to join a club should hand his name to the club president; of a special banquet to welcome all students to school; of the busses that go to the students' homes to bring them to school; of movie pictures every Friday. There was mention also of there being two boxes to hold all the notes that were being handed in to editors; and last but not least, a demand from the principal that students should not hurry so fast to their classes.—J. B. CLUBS Do you remember all the days or I should say weeks that you spent by yourself at the first of school? It seemed as if the bottom had dropped out of the world. Every¬where you looked you saw strange faces and no one spoke to you. You thought that even the teachers were trying to keep from getting ac-quainted with you. Then the dawn came. You were pledged into a club. You at last could make acquaint¬ances and real friends. School be¬gan to become a pleasure rather than a bore. Then, too, you had to keep up your marks, which pleased your parents. These are only a few of the things that clubs do to make the Ogden High school more pleas¬ant. ASSEMBLY President Jensen called the as¬sembly to order and announced the clever skit which the juniors pre-sented to advertise the prom. As the program was sponsored by the senior class, Dorothy Bowman, vice president, took charge. The first number was an interpretation of Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony" by our orchestra. It is indeed easy to see what a great deal has been accomplished by Mr. Hanson this year. The speaker of the day was Aar¬on W. Tracy, president of Weber college, who enumerated the many advantages given to students at Weber. He also highly praised the high scholarship of Ogden High, which had produced so many hon¬or students in Weber. To finish off an excellent pro¬gram, the school's prize quartet sang "In the Little Red School- house."—M. P. WORSE THAN DROUTH The city commissioners threaten to shut the water off the city schools unless the board of edu¬cation pays some six thousand dol¬lars allegedly due for water that has been used in the city schools. Our advice to the commissioners is not to carry out that threat be¬cause the ten thousand children in the city schools would get dread¬fully thirsty without water and they're too young to drink beer, even if they had the money to buy it. It is generally conceded that water is very good for school chil¬dren, and we are afraid our papas and mammas would get awfully mad if their children couldn't get a drink at school. Besides our par¬ents say it's their water, and they pay for it that nobody has the right to deprive their dear children of wholesome H. 2 O. TO HEAR J. C. PENNEY On Tuesday morning at nine-fif¬teen o'clock the students of Ogden High school are to have the oppor-tunity of seeing and hearing Mr. J. C. Penney, as he will address us at a special assembly. In 1902, J. C. Penney was an or¬dinary citizen of Kemmerer, Wyo., with no more money than you or I have today— unless you are ab¬solutely broke. In exact figures Mr. Penney had resources totaling $500. Today he operates 1500 big stores with an annual business of nearly two hundred million dollars. What a change! What a transformation in so short a time! I guess we shall have to regard Mr. Penney as a successful busi¬ness man. As such we shall be glad to meet him and to hear of some of the events in his meteoric rise in the business world. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1934. Time Here For Smiles O. H. S. Urged To Show Cheery Spirit During Final Days OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor We'll soon be leaving now! Just 30 days to make friends of our enemies and to establish a firmer bond with our present friends. Though this sounds like a little thing, there is much co-operation needed before the above aims can be completed. Juniors and seniors, let's be good, not goody, goody, but cheery, friendly and genial rather than sarcastic, snobbish and dis¬heartening. Juniors: This year you don't real¬ize it, but next year you will. We seniors want to remember this year as the happiest time of our lives. You, as well as our fellow class¬mates, are a great factor in fulfill¬ing this hope. How about it—a smile for a smile and a smile for a frown! Do we get your co-operation?—M. P. REVEALED . Words, words, words surround him —a disguise, I knew. So meaningless, so hollow were these words of his at times in comparison to his real self, so useful and easy for pretense when he so desired, for friends sometimes knew not nor appreciated the full¬ness of life which he had. But brimming with wisdom was he when he was with intelluctals, capable of piercing the depths of things. Then, knowledge indeed stood revealed.— Emily Merrill. READING ALOUD I for one, do not see the object of reading aloud, but that is my as¬signment and so: "At once Sir Lancelot's charger fiercely neighed, And death's dark war horse bound¬ed forward With him." I get the same meaning out of Tennyson's two lines by reading them to myself, and it is much less annoying to anyone else who may be reading or studying. You may say: "Go into another room." In my opinion, a constant mumbling coming from an adjoining room would be more annoying than hearing the complete story. Again I have started reading: "Then those that did not blink the terror saw That Death was cast to the ground, and slowly rose, But with one stroke Sir Gareth split the skull." I am gaining interest in the story when, "telephone!" interrupts me. After an interesting conversation with a friend, I return to my book. By this time my sister has company- and surely it wouldn't be right to monopolize their time by reading aloud my English assignment. Con¬sequently, I take my book out on the back porch steps and pour my tale of woe into the sympathetic ears of my dog. INSPECTION With inspection day than a week away, the members of the R.O.T.C. await in nervous anticipa¬tion the event. The juniors espe¬cially are a little in doubt as to the procedure. Perhaps we now wish that we had paid more attention to the technical parts of drill such as the parts of the gun, the extended order of drill, first aid and many others. What if I should drop my gun? What if the inspector asks me a question? Suppose I forget where I go? are among the questions heard in the halls. For once we juniors envy the sen¬iors! They know what it's all about. Even then matters are made worse because of the fact that there is to be a new inspecting officer this year. Now even the seniors don't quite know what to expect. To tell the truth, fellow students, we juniors are scared!.—Blaine Larsen. With inspection coming off soon, there are a few last minute things which need clearing up. One, which is very important, is the command, "stand fast." How does one stand fast? One can run fast, walk fast, think fast, but can one stand fast? According to the dictionary, stand means to rest or remain still while upright. Past means swift or speedy. Therefore, how can one remain still, or rest, speedily? So we see that the command, "stand fast," is impossible to execute.—M.E. TAU ETA NEWS If there had been more than two pledges to initiate at Tau Eta Nu's initiation party Thursday night, some of the members would surely have split some ribs. Lucile H. thinks that garlic tastes and smells most inviting, and Dor¬othy H has an altogether new name for corsets. After much laughing and frolic, (mostly laughing) a most enticing lunch was served at the home of Maryan Evertts. Oh boy! What rolls! What salad! What an initia¬tion! But most of all, "what a laugh! "—Reporters. A PRAYER Make my soul like roses in moon¬light, Pearled and scented with dew; Let each petal be perfect, in bloom, Reflecting an image of you. —Emily Merrill. |