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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1934. School Plans Year's Honor Event Friday Parents Invited To Attend Assembly of Ogden High Pupils Friday morning, at ten-twenty o'clock, the annual award assembly of Ogden High school will be held. As this event is usually interesting to all, the parents are cordially in¬vited to attend, mayhaps to see their darlings receive an award. BOOKKEEPING AWARDS. "To the victor belongs the spoils." So, after nine months of battling with credits, debits, notes, invoices, and discounts, several students un¬der the direction of William Abplanalp have persevered and shall be justly rewarded for their year's work in bookkeeping. Advanced bookkeepers who have merited gold pins and certificates for excellence in their second year work are: Dorothy Bramwell, Vera Morrison, Lorin Frost, Homer Gray, Robert Hunter, Ernest Inama, Jim Phelps, Royal Swaner, Joe Schwartz, Jack Sims, and Horace Tarran. These first year students will re¬ceive silver pins for the one year of bookkeeping they have success-fully completed: Olga Dellamar, Lois Geiger, Fern Hokanson, Helen Weise, Viola Syphers, Toma Aoyama, Dick Baxter, Richard Berghout, Alex Bertagnolli, Truman Manning, Anthony Van de Graff, Blenn Whitaker, Kimble Knowlden, Barbara Blackwell, Ortel Carr, Ruth Christensen, Alberta Masters, Violet Panares, Cullen Seegmiller, Eliza¬beth Siddoway, Dorothy Shurtliff, Fern Thomas, Ann Wahlen, Mar¬garet Warner, Bertha Edsinga, Helen Bemenderfer,, Ruth Birnie, Ellen Conway, Cleo Donoviel, Kathryn Hitt, Doris Hart, Arda Phillips, Virginia Peterson, Helen Olsen, Blaine Larson, Warren Stewart, and Jiro Tamaki. Nice work, students. Just another sample of what the commercial de¬partment can do.—A. P. GOD'S FEAST. A swawzy, soft-spun, silver gauze slides by— God's silver dinner plate against the white, Five-pointed tapers dripping silver light Upon the dark blue cover of the sky. The Huntsman, poised for action, knife held fast, Stands guard that none may in¬terrupt the feast; With glittering eyes and drooping jowl the beast, And even Pleiades, east as the plate is passed. Deep drained the seven-jeweled gob¬let rests As symbol that the feast is near an end; And then God's housekeeper comes forth to send Her brilliant glares to stare away the guests. Some future day when God with smiling face Sits at his feast, may I too hold a place. —Lola Woodbury. THE MYSTERY'S END. It was exactly twelve o'clock mid¬night, and Mona was alone in the huge, gray house on the hill. She cast quick glances out of the win¬dow where she could only see the huge trees against the blackness of the night which cast long shadows over the lawns. Her senses were alert to every noise that broke the silence of the night. What was that noise? There was a creaking at the window. Mona looked quickly over to see the silhouette of a man look¬ing in. She couldn't scream be¬cause her voice choked from fear. There was a sudden knock at the door, and Mona, shaking from head to foot and weak from fright, slow¬ly walked toward the door. She cautiously took hold of the door, then opened it slightly. A piercing scream rent the air, for there stood— With much nervousness and ex¬citement I turned the page, but with much disgust threw the book down, for the next page had been torn I out by some thoiightless scoundrel. —Mildred Hooper. Students really should sleep in beds, at home, and not in the study halls—don't you think so? If all the hit and run drivers in the world were laid end to end, it would be a darn good thing, if they stayed there. If the longest ship in the world was placed vertically beside the Empire State building, what a heck of a mess the furniture would be in. I HAVE LEARNED. At last the school year has drawn to a close, and I take it upon myself to make an inventory of all I have learned this year. First: As long as a girl has the name of Dorothy, she is sure of a place in the race for Classicalia queen. Second: Lots of people who think they're big shots are really only loud noises. Third: When Phyllis Meyer chose the name of Annabel Lee, she didn't keep it a secret very long. Fourth: I'll be in high school for six years if I don't quit trying to write notes for Mary. NEW SEED NEEDED. In regards to the conservation of water, most of the water is used for lawns. Enough water could be had for other purposes, if the lawn water could be saved. I think that the people of Ogden could have an illustrious inventior, who could in¬vent lawn seed that would sprout and grow without water. This would do away with the whole program.— M. E. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 11, 1934. PUPILS GIVEN CERTIFICATES AT ASSEMBLY Block 'O's', Special Award Also Presented For Activities Certificates for perfect attendance during the school year were pre¬sented to fifty-two boys and thirty- six girls at an annual award as¬sembly held today at Ogden High school. One girl, Ruby West, had not been absent or tardy for eight years. Block "O's" were awarded to the following for outstanding merit in scholarship and school activities: Grant Jensen, Maurice Kennedy, Clyde Greenwell, Mary Paquette, Norman Carroll, Ruth Dyer, John Kinard, Virgie Minnoch, Barbara Reev and Anthony Yarbrough. Harry Herscovitz received a spe¬cial award by several teachers for exceptional service in many activi¬ties. BOYS HONORED Boys who received attendance cer¬tificates were: Percy Andros, Engar Andersen, Wayne Butler, Richard Berghout, Kenneth Betteridge, Har¬old Baker, Douglas Barker, Bill Barrett. Raymond Collins, Max Garruth, Wayne Devereaux, Thomas Doxey, Harold Davis, George DeHaan, Gil-bert Egan, Earl Edson, Ralph Han¬cock, Leslie Harris, Howard Hoggan, Eugene Hawkes, Wendell Jackson, Sidney Johnson, George Jensen, David Jenne, Ernest Kohler, Joe Limburg, George Lowe, Earl Lundquist, Earl Lundstedt. Wayne Macfarlane, Oren Moffet, Max McEwan, Keith Manfull, How¬ard Merrill, Arthur Macfarlane, Grant Olson, Woodrow Peterson, Richard Payne, Paul Packer, Phil Paeker, Eugene Pack, Bill Poce. Robert Stewart, Joseph Schwartz, Joe Singleton, Lee Townsend, Jiro Tamaki, Horace Tarran, Asao Taukamoto, Ronald Urander, Ronald Urry, Wilson Wright. GIRLS' LIST Girls wre received attendance cer¬tificates were: Dorothy Anderson, Floris Anderson, Phyllis Maridn Backman, Bertha Barker, Ruth Birnie, Pauline LeNora Braun, Nadine Valeria Burnett, Barbara Delora Dout, Ruth Charlton Dyer, Florence Empey, Nancy Carmen Emmett, Helen Fletcher, Lois Geiger, Ruth M. Ketchie, Emily Catherine Marshall. Doris McGlone, Merle McFarlane, Elizabeth Parkinson, Arda May Phillips, Mary Lou Piers, Dolly Polidoro, Margaret Caroline Porter, Dorothy Grace Rasmussen, Thelma Ross, Lottie Seydell, Annadale Shorten, Jeanette Gladys Smith, Elizabeth Siddoway, Ella Stoddard. Johanna Everdina Van Drimmelen, Ivyl Kalker, Iola Watts, Virginia Emma Williams, Rose Yoshida, Ruby West and Cleone Hunt¬er. |