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Show THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, 1933. One Pupil Knows How To Make Speed In Crowded Ogden School Hallways Skill Needed If One Would Avoid Penalty of Tardiness OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor There are many arts which an individual must acquire in order to be successful. Every profession has its own private art, and of no less importance is the art of locomo¬tion in the Ogden High school halls. There have been several theories proposed in connection with the transportation of the anatomy from one room to another. Some say, "Never attempt to get anywhere in a»hurry. If you are in a hurry forget it and think about Maurie and the last football game. Remem¬ber it is better to be late than not at all." I have, however, found this very lacking in proficiency, especially when lam due at Miss Ballinger's class. Thus, my form of solution is the gentle art of elbowing. If a person should be standing in front of you, obstructing your passage, give him a sharp poke in the ribs and while he is giving you a geo-graphical survey (stoney stare) glide past and attack the next of¬fender. This not only takes you to your destination but toughens the elbows so they do not become sore from propping your head up. There is one note of precaution to be taken I in the use of elbowing. Professor Merrill and the rest of our noble faculty do not approve of this plan. —A. G. LECTURE IN ZOOLOGY Last Thursday the third period Zoology class of Mr. W. Smith was : favored with an excellent lecture by Dr. C. E. Barrett. Dr. Barrett's son, Verle, attends the third period class. Dr. Barrett gave a very interesting lecture on the parasitic worms that inhabit the human body. The most common of these is the tapeworm, known as the Taenia Sagimita. It reaches the length of thirty feet. The fertilized egg gets into the muscles of a pig or cow. The human then eats the infected cow. If the food is not cooked enough the worms will live and will go into the intestines of the human. Here it grows and becomes a tapeworm. The head attaches itself to the wall of the intestine and segment after seg¬ment of the tapeworm grows on. Each segment is an individual in itself. The worm can be killed by killing or paralyzing the head. The worm is then taken from the victim without any trouble. Dr. Barrett told us many interesting things about other parasitic worms such as the liver-fluke, and the round worms. The entire class enjoyed the lecture very much. We all hope that Dr. Barrett can come back to Ogden High and favor us with another interesting lec-ture. — Bill Gleason. HIGH VIEWS I stood upon the mountain; I looked down on a plain: I saw a lot of green stuff, That looked like waving grain. I took another look at it, I thought it might be grass; But goodness! To my horror It was a Junior class. HERE'S THE ANSWER On Monday in our school notes appeared an article in which a young lady criticized the male sex of Ogden High school. She said the boys could be found most anytime primping their hair or smoothing out plucked eyebrows. It seems that the girls dislike this idea of the boys infringing on their personal rights. But tell me, have not the boys a right to adopt feminine ways as long as the girls seem bent on adopting the masculine hair cuts and masculine clothing? Remember, girls, you derive a lot of pleasure out of waving your boy friend's hair when he comes calling. Also, please remember that you started infringing on the male's rights long before he started adopting your ways, and that the percentage of boys adopting feminine ways is far below the percentage of girls adopt¬ing masculine ways.—H. P. H. COUNCIL REPORT Regular council meeting was call¬ed to order by President Jensen, the roll was called, the minutes were read and approved. Beta Zeta Tau was given permis¬sion to hold their pledge dinner, Friday, November 17. Dramatic Art club was given per¬mission to hold one night meeting jeach six weeks. Alpha Omega, a typewriting club, was accepted and put under the jurisdiction of Council. The chair made the following announcements: There will be no Thanksgiving dance, the next dance will be the Holly Hop. Ogden will play West High in Salt Lake, Saturday at two-thirty. Assistant business managers will be elected at a future date, also the business manager. The first club assembly will be Forum. Council then adjourned by a mo¬tion. — Secretary —Clifford Thorne. ZETA PHI XI The girls of Zeta Phi Xi have begun their Christmas charity work. At each night meeting they will sew on articles of clothing and toys for i children. When all of these are completed, they will be given to the Red Cross who will distribute them. By putting every effort into this project, we hope to finish a large supply of clothing by Christmas.— . Zeta Phi Xi reporter. QUESTION CORNER Dear Nose-All: My ambition in t life is to be domestic. The first t thing I want to know is how one s can tell when water is boiling? What i is the first step in making a cake? I am very anxious to find out these 1 answers, so please help me. Dumb- Est-Ic. Dear Dumb-Est-Ic: I sincerely hope your ambition is realized, but I am afraid it will not be if you don't, know how to tell when water is boiling. Anyway if you are doubtful stick your finger in. When you wish to make a cake, it is necessary to be very hungry, because a huge appetite is needed to eat some of these first attempted cakes. — Nose-All. FRIDAY EVENING; NOVEMBER 17. 1933. Students Impersonate Early U. S. Leaders In Their History Studies Proves Effective Method of Gaining Knowledge of Nation OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor In the last few days John Adams, James Monroe, Clay, Calhoun and ; many other Nineteenth century figurges have been brought to life by students who have taken upon themselves the offices which these great men once filled. Each member of the class repre¬sented some great personage of his¬tory, and in doing so, tells about the things which he has been able to accomplish during the time that he lived. Although this seems a queer way to learn history, it is, nevertheless, an effective one. It is much easier to know about John Adams, for in¬stance, especially if you take it up¬on yourself to be John Adams. By dramatizing these figures history is made less complicated.—Elva Miller. DISHWASHING TIPS If only I were the youngest in the family, or the only boy with about six sisters, then the disagreeable thoughts that pass through my mind would never be recorded by my guardian angel. If you are an only girl, or happen to have one lone sister, I am sure you will be interest¬ed in a few tips on scientific dish-washing which I have found of great help to me and which, I am sure, will meet with your hearty approval. To begin with, when clearing the table, use the ice box to its ca¬pacity in storing away all the dish¬es possible, with left-overs. Exam¬ine the bread plate carefully. It may not need washing and if in doubt, store it in the bread box with the half slice of bread still remaining on it. Leave the butter knife on the plate—it will not tarnish. A very good place to put left over meat is back in the roaster, and if you arrange the contents of the refrig¬erator right, I am sure you will be able to place it n the bottom shelf. You, of course, realize that the roster should not be washed any oftener than necessary, and mother does a much better job of it anyway When there is no one looking, just slide the frying pans into the oven, so the kitchen will not look clut¬tered, and when it comes time to wash them, you will have entirely forgotten they needed washing. If you have had escalloped potatoes for dinner, fill the pan with water. It should be soaked over night. Scraping breaks the finger nails, and the chore boy scraper might spoil the appearance of the pan. Do not waste golden minutes scouring silverware—you may have eggs for breakfast in the morning, and one scouring will be sufficient. Hide the milk bottles under the sink or just rinse them out and put them on the porch. The milkman has to sterilize them any way before h can use them again. If you are alone in the kitchen, don't bother to scour the sink—no one sees it during the night. Wash your hands quickly, and be sure to turn out the kitchen light—someone might want to inspect. After you have followed out these few technicalities, you will, I am sure, find that you have saved yourself a great deal of mental and physical strain.—Ruth Goddard. Note: Remember, though, girls, — your mother might not appreciate this! SCIENTIFIC WAY Just how important is dish wash- ihg in your routine of life? Per¬sonally, I regard the washing of the dishes as one of the most distaste¬ful, discouraging and unenviable of arts. To me, the saddest words of tongue or pen, after a most satisfy¬ing dinner, are "Ruth, please hurry with the dishes." Last Friday three charming pledges became members of A.D.M. They are Darhle Jones, Ruth Charlesworth, and Barbara Taylor. The memory of their initiation will always remain with these girls. The seniors enjoyed the repetition of the ceremony and afterward served an attractive dinner which was suitable for the occasion.—D. S. IN SYMPATHY We, the students of Ogden High I school, mourn with Mr. Oberhansley the loss of his beloved mother, We extend our sympathy to his family and hope that the Almighty will give him strength to bear this misfortune. We hope that our teach¬er and friend will be back with us soon.—K. E. |