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Show MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1934 Gallant Lifts Pen To Protest Girls Left Standing As Assembly Program Begun OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor Chivalry was once regarded as a a noble asset—even in high schools. Seemingly, however, it is out of date in the auditorium of our noble Ogden High school. At the weekly assembly last Friday there were girls standing all along the east aisle while the center section "usually re¬served for girls" was nearly filled with cadets. Couldn't something be done about this condition? The members of the R.O.T.C. department could do p something to give the girls a break, Girls cannot very well crowd the boys out of desirable seats. They should not be expected to hunt up the seats left vacant by the boys. The boys could be chivalrous and protect the young women from dis comfort and embarrassment with just a little consideration. So far the boys have shown only an increasing aggressiveness in helping themselves to the best of everything. The prevailing spirit they have shown in the assembly hall so- far is "every man for himself and God help the hindermost." Boys, let's do our share in mak¬ing for better conditions during the remainder of the '34 class year. Let us repair these things without outside interference. The faculty couldt , keep the boys in classes until the girls had settled themselves in the auditorium or they could even makes all the boys in the center section move themselves while the rest oi the school looks on. To make it necessary for enforcement of laws shows our dependency upon others. Help to make Ogden High school a more compact unit, capable of taking care of its problems without strict laws and a vigilante committee. — ECS — Ladies' Man. TO LINCOLN I wish that I could write Some fitting lines to you, Oh, most immortal one Who served your country true. You knew the common folk And justly took their part, By many humble deeds You showed your kindly heart. And I can simply say You loved your country well; That fatal day you died . A mighty hero fell. —Elizabeth Parkinson. EVERYBODY'S EXPERIENCE I daintily throw the apparatus on the table with a careless bang (my woman's curiosity often wonders if the glass tubing can endure much abuse) and shut the door of my locker with my foot. Then with a yawn I open my chemistry labora¬tory book and stare at the printed type. My eyes see, "mix manganese di¬oxide with the mixture," but my mind refers back to the previous night. I think of a low, husky voice which is a good quality to have in causing palpitations of girls' friv-olous hearts. And oh, the eyes! In exuberance I swing in the air a test tube partly filled with sulfuric acid. "Help," I squeal in horror when I look at my dress. Oh my reputa¬tion! Already, little holes have be¬gun to appear in the material from the collar to the hem of the wearing apparel. With a shameful blush I hurriedly drop the tube, which flies in a hundred splinters on the floor. The teacher enters. "Young girls," he says "what have you been up to now?" I look from the face of the in¬structor, trying his best to look stern, to the grinning countenances of friends. "Well—uh, it was this way," I be¬gin, "but, if you don't mind," I fin¬ish with a sheepish expression, "I tank I go home now!"—Emily Mer¬rill. SPECULATION Oh, gee! I wonder if Johnny is going to the Cadet hop? I did my best to make the girls' dance a suc¬cess. I even fought to get him a dance with one of the presidency of the Girls' association. So in return he could at least get me a dance with one of those he-men in D. company. Well, boys, if a girl didn't take you to the girls' dance, and you want a date for the Cadet hop, just ask for Gwendolyn and Gwendolyn will put in a requisition for a blonde, brunet, or a redhead, for the best looking guy in school. Well, I'll be sea-n you and you won't get wet i either.—Gwendolyn. FINAL DATE NEAR Come on, Johnny! Come on Ruth! Here's a request for you to put your hands into your pocket, or purse, (or your father's pocket, or your 1 mother's purse), and pull forth a , Large round piece of silver, with the picture of an eagle thereon. Although the real value of the dollar has dropped considerably, that -same dollar is still sufficient to pay | as a deposit on your yearbooks. Now . Johnny and Ruth, I'm tellin' you. iThis year the annual is going to be the biggest and best! Don't risk -not getting one, but pay one dollar r to Mr. Robins immediately. The deadline is absolutely, positively, on ; February 20. So work up a nice "line," students, and get a "buck." —M.P. FLITTING AROUND It seems that Mr. Peterson is one of those very persistent men. He just won't take "no" for an answer, that is, when the "no" is preceded by "I don't." Evidently, someone is not a very close observer in study hall. Miss Wadsworth asmiles quite frequently. Have you ever noticed the girls' basketball games? In my opinion thev are more like football judging from the length of time the girls are flat on the floor. Mr. Merrill is afraid that after taking this "home problems" class, the girls will want to get married. We'll assure him—no chance of such a thing! After learning all about home problems, maybe they won't want to take the risk.—Shadower. TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1934. Rugs Tell History of Mankind Interesting Study Being Made By Sewing Classes OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor One of the most deeply interesting and fascinating subjects being stud¬ied by the girls in sewing—rugs. Few realize the glory, the splendor, the grandeur woven in 'these fab¬rics. Since primitive times, history was often recorded on textiles and floor coverings as a chronicle for posterity. The Queen of Sheba spread priceless carpets at the feet of Solomon; Cleopatra, wrapped in an exquisite rug, was borne through lines of watchful guards straight into the presence of elusive Ceasar; conquests of the Medes and Per¬sians, of the Saracens and the Moors and all the rest are reflected in the story of rugs. We have in the ones in America today the high spots of design, col¬oring, race conquests, inventive gen¬ius since the human race began, at our feet. We walk on the glory that was Rome, Babylon, Ninevah, and Spain! In sewing we study how to recog¬nize such priceless articles and what types of rugs are most useful. The Chenille has the deepest, soft¬est hues, longest durability, and depth of pile like orientals; the worsted Wilton is the best wearing type of rug fabric made; Axminsters are finely woven, unlimited in color, and are popular in price. Therer are, of course, only a few of those in existence. Such a study for girls is indeed beneficial, since it teaches taste and knowledge in selecting good quality of rugs for our future homes. —Emily Merrill. WANTED A DATE Boys, like many other girls in this school, I want a date to the Cadet hop. Am I and other girls going to be disappointed because you are either too shy or backward to ask your girl friends to enjoy with you an evening of pleasure and en¬joyable dancing? At least we call it dancing though it really is noth¬ing more than brick exercise. That is why this dance is called the Cadet hop. The cadets hop and the girls skip. Fellows, you do not have to be expert dancers. Surely you can hop, and I'm sure that the girls can skip. Get your dates now. Re¬member that old saying: "The early bird catches the prettiest lassie." Hopefully waiting,—Francisca. FORUM One of the most active clubs at Ogden High is the Forum club. There are not many clubs in this school that have such a great deal of real work cut out for their mem¬bers. The purpose for the existence of Forum is the development of public speaking and debating. No vocation i n the school is more need¬ed, more helpful. Forum feels that the reason why there are not more debaters and speakers in high school is because there is or was not experience to be had in junior high school. To remedy this condition, the club has been the sponsor of junior high debating for a number of years. Two years ago the competition between the junior high schools for the cup offered became so hot and bitter that Forum was forced to discontin¬ue the contests. This year Forum, in conjunction with Congress, again decided to be the sponsor of debating in junior high schools that would be non-de¬cision. They have also decided not to offer the cup because of the feel¬ings aroused by the offering of the cup. Because of this junior high debating Forum thinks a better group of debaters will come to Og¬den High in a few years. Members of Forum are to enter a debating contest held at Weber college. The teams chosen will rep-resent Ogden High. May the Forum club continue its search for perfec¬tion in debating and public speak¬ing.—Blaine Larsen. LINCOLN ASSEMBLY A special assembly was held on February 12, in honor of Lincoln. Mr. Widdison, head of the history department took charge of the pro¬gram. The first number was a vocal quartet arrangement, "Flag Without a Stain" given by the Imperial quar¬tet. This was followed by "Ole Man River." Two encore numbers were then enthusiastically called for. The speaker of the day was Dr. Adam S. Bennion. He gave a very inspiring talk on the subject of Lincoln. Superintendent Hopkins, an ever welcome visitor, also spoke a few words to the students.—M. P. RELIABLE METHOD If you have very little money in your pockets and happen to have a date with an expensive girl friend use the method employed by Mr. Oberhansley in his younger days. Mr. Oberhansley says that one night he took a girl friend for a walk. They passed a restaurant where a man was in the window frying chicken. By way of a hint that she was hungry, the girl remarked to her escort: "Doesn't that chicken smell delicious?" "It certainly does," agreed Ober¬hansley. "What say we stay here and smell it for a while?" —Fran¬cisca. MILITARY DEPARTMENT The following appointment and promotions are hereby announced in the reserve officers' training corps, Ogden Senior High school: Second Lieutenant Gerald Ben¬nett to be first lieutenant vice Gaisford resigned. First Sergeant Stanley Mansfield to be second lieutenant, vice Ben¬nett promoted. Sergeant Philip Thompson to be First Sergeant, vice Mansfield pro¬moted. Corporal Elvin Wayment to be Sergeant, vice Thompson promoted. Private Jack Wilson to be Cor¬poral, vice Wayment promoted. — C. W. Dyer, major, infantry, P. M. S. & T. |