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Show THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1934. Warm-up practice in the Ogden High school gymnasium finds the Tiger squad hard at work for their games this week-end with Weber High school on the Warriors' floor. Ogden is tied with Logan for the leadership of the division, and whether they lose or win their contest, are sure of a trip to the Utah state basketball tournament at Salt Lake City. However, the Tigers are anxious to win and are fighting hard for a victory. The picture shows Captain Clyde Greenwell, guard, passing to Maurice Kennedy, center, who is about to take a shot. In the background, reading from left to right, is Merlin Woodland, Grant Jensen, Toots Whittaker, Cliff Thorne, Hal Peterson, Lee Townsend, John Kinnard, Gus Becker, Doug Barker, Phil Revell and Tom Childs. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1934. Four Named As Finalists In Contest Ogden High School Girls Will Compete For DAR Honors OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor Four Ogden High school girls will compete Monday, March 5, in finals of the oratorical contest sponsored annually by the Daughters of the American Revolution. The four qualified in tryouts elim¬inating five other contestants. The qualifyers and their subjects are: Ruth Ketchie, "Women in Politics"; Jane Davis, "Roosevelt in the Unit¬ed States"; Marjorie Glines "Plan-ning an Effective Life"; and Lola Woodbury, "New Patriotism in Am¬erica." Judges at the elimination contest included Mrs. H. F. Irwin, Miss Nan Osmond, Miss Mary Woolley, and Paul Hansen. The finals Monday will be held in the drawing room of the Hotel Ben Lomond at three o'clock with the following as hostesses: Mrs. Edna P. Wade, Mrs. Irwin, Miss May Littlefield, Mrs. W. A. Turner, and Mrs. Florence Bennett, all members of the sponsoring organization. Judges of the final competition will be Mrs. Edward Bischel, Mrs. Valentine Gideon and Miss Tabitha Harness. IN APPRECIATION To the board of education and the Security Bank we express our sin¬cere appreciation for their gener-osity in enabling us to see the Boul¬der dam in miniature and hearing the details of the construction, etc. The project should be visited by every Ogden student and citizen. TALE-TELLING COVERS All books contain stories, amusing, serious, distinctly humorous, or theoretical. But often the covers to school printed narratives tell tales which are as entertaining and representative of the owners' thoughts as any record could relate. Friendly notes filled with ideas up¬permost in the student's mind are scribbled on the pages when a com¬rade is sitting with him. Often the initials ,of the girl or boy friend is printed in artistically designed let¬ters on the blank sheets too. Some will read, "Who was that blond girl you had to the dance last night, Jack? Gee, she's cute. Is she a good dancer? "Others will say, "I have a date with Jim tonight. I can hardly wait; I think he is the most handsome boy I've ever known." What jollity and pleasure we would have if the book covers of everyone could be read! — Emily Merrill. ARE YOU OFF OR ON? The terms "off" and "on" are often used in connection with a bas¬ketball team or a basketball player. When a basketball player is play¬ing the best basketball he knows, he is "on." If he is "off," his play¬ing is not as good as it could be. There are some teams and players, however, that are consistent; they are never subject to changes in play¬ing. These terms need not be confined to basketball, they may be well ap¬plied to all of us. We, like most basketball players, are subject to changes in attiude toward our daily work. Very often our daily work is decidely off color. We feel lazy; we have that "so what?" at¬titude. Other times we are full of pep; we are ready to take what; comes and like it. Have you ever felt this way? If so you have "off" and "on" days like the rest of us. We can't advocate medicine; so all we will do is to aim to become like the consistent ball player. We will try to average ourselves and our work to the end that no more we will be subject to "off" and "on" days. -—Blaine Larsen SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES You remember the old saying, "The early bird catches the worm." If that were changed to "The early guy gets the date" it would fit very well, what takes place at our school. Some of the smart fellows make arrangements for their date for all school dances the first day of school. Now this may all be very well, but, suppose some one else asks the girl for a date and she naturally tells him she is already engaged for that time, then a few days before the dance there is an argument and the date is broken, the girl can't get a date and therefore sits home when she might have gone with some boy she likes. Why don't all the fellows give each other a break and wait until, say a month before the dance then it will be fair to all concerned. —Guess Who! SLEEPINESS GERM Contrary to the general belief that the awakening of spring stirs new vitality, pep and enthusiasm in mortal beings, the invigorating condition of the atmosphere during the present season seems to, instead, instill a sleepiness germ into the students at school. This is axemplified by the lazy yawns, disinter¬ested glances, and weary attitudes of the ladies and gentlemen too. Lazily every one slumps in the seats and says, "Ah, gee, I wish I weren't here!" They puzzle why the change of temperature affects them in such a manner. For, surely, no youth or maiden is away from home more, sleeps less, or stays up later than the individual did before Mother Ceres came to reign. Perhaps lack of sleep at last is sapping one's strength. But it is strange that all the persons are overtaken at the; same time. Well, I suppose as the saying goes, they just can't "take it." —Emily Merrill. INTERESTING STUDY It is a well known fact that see¬ing, by explicit example, is a better way to learn than to read the best! books written upon the same sub¬ject. Geology is an interesting sub¬ject, but among the most engross-ing of its phases is that of dias- trophism. Diastrophism deals with any movement of the earth's crust There is no better place in all the world to study this work than right here. When we can talk about fault scarps and folds then look out of the window at a very recently form¬ed example, it forms an impression upon the student's mind that is not easily forgotten. Ogden canyon is widely known for its scenic beauties but to the geologist it is a canyon in which any kind of diastrophism may be found in abundance. Men of renown have spent weeks in this canyon taking photographs and studying formations. Students let's wake up to the beauties around us and have as a pass word "See Utah First."—Frantzen Todd. |