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Show Merry Christmas and a Scottish New Year December 21st the students and faculty at Ben Lomond will be released for the Christmas and New Year holidays. With cries of “See you next year!”, they will step into the out-of-doors and head for home. This December mas_ Christmas, as every Christmas 20th at 8 p. m. the Music Concert, under the at Ben Lomond, Department direction of Mr. will Ronald will be an eventful present one. its annual Christ- Archibald and Mr. Ed Free- stone. The old familiar Christmas carols, which have become as much a part of the holidays as the traditional Christmas tree, will be played and sung. The 20th of December an assembly will be presented by the faculty and students. Santa Claus will be there to cheer up the day and help the faculty decide what they want for Christmas. The-Hiehtander staff would like to 6vory—One> oie oun joo pood-luck—and) prosperity! SSeS One of the many Christmassteesstecoras= ing the halls and roomssofBen: bomonds The hall decorating contest-as- won theS asians All three classes spent considerable thne—anasoney to festoon the halls for #he=Chrishpasseason; The student body extendssits-appreeiation—to those businesses who loaned=detorationstesthe—sch ool. B.L. ROTC Rifle Wis Match The ROTC Departtént=6n December 6 won a rifl @=team match against Ogden High’s=r& fle team. The match was=Hekt on Ogden’s rifle range. Ehé@=toe tal scores were Ben Loniovid 1099, Ogden 1027. The scores of the top five shooters for Ben Lomond wer Terry Carpenter ........: 232 Alan Gibson ......0.0000.00..... 22% Marvin: FONDS ...........-. 217 Brent. COOe 2s... 215 BAG TAY IOL ooosccceceeraiaces--- 211 The other members of the team who participated in the match were Danny Barnes, Ronald Simmons, Alvin Merkley, Lloyd Odekirk and Paul Stapleton. The targets consist of ten consecutively smaller rings with a pin dot for a bulls-eye. The targets are scored by the number of rings from the bulls-eye the bullet hits. Then this total is subtracted from 100. The team shoots targets in prone, kneeling, and standing positions. Gusiness—pe partment thepusiness—eepartment is Very toriunate—tesnave Miss KarOiyearsgns1roni—s Y U as a businéss=shident—teacher. Miss ParpONS—lassaeeen new interest to Lye tt—eisssess—epe has inSiktied sAescmas—trer decoratiIng—cenipetiion—steen student réceives—an—ornmmnent-td=place Hpon—the—tret—aAs he—rescheas—a Skul—of 30—words—par—minute= teSNoves— iti pward—saone—the Granches—As—hissneedsiner eases; hose settyis—50-words-or snore LEVeWe—A-Stats— with tenis hese Persona warded —A prize; —A—prize Wilaiso—be—f1 ven tothe oinss with the—best—alparound—avers age. Highlaneesetts No nation, n@=statton% My envy e’er cazitd raise; A Scot still, A Scot=stité I knew nae higher praise —Robert Burns take Ussand—nappy-holiday this opportunity season and to a New wish each and Year filled with SS Students Help Decorate fabernacle Area Between November 19 and 20 students from Ben Lomond Seminary helped decorate a small section of the Ogden Tabernacle grounds. The theme for this year is “Thanksgiving and Christmas.” Ben Lomond Seminary students donated approximately 110 lights and $35, Utah Power and Light donated $3,000 for. lighting, and the Ogden Chamber of Commerce donated $1,000 for wiring, lights, and light cords. Arvin Shreeve, who was the artist of the Municipal Park Gardens and Christmas decorator, chose the pioneer scene which was voted upon by a comtmttee with Mr. Peters acting as—ehairman. The—decer atin S=was=sons sy Sen—honond—And —py-ener- sient Sengoi—Seninartes, Siantehinisitor the —pigneers Wwere—hore ht foot va eone; ATE Set Ont Ore azo Pattieipated snicHinine represen= fatives—from | the———Cnathone Chirchess-b bs) (surch—oreani= zations Gitis—socint. eitibs —at Websrsstate —Cobece—Oaden Ministertal Assoertion yyA Patermountant—einnSenoos, Girl WeoutsEighters— ofthe Utah “Pioneers;“aaig mariy oth: ers. Ben Lomond Seminary has assigned students to patrol the Tabernacle Grounds to prevent vandalism. 10 MORE DAYS ‘TILL CHRISTMAS! DANCE-TONIGHT Ponieht—the-—toth: annual Christhnas—panee—wilt be-nerd the — Gye his’ “years (heme—he ~ *Wistletee: “Madness.” The Albénettes srerwork= ing very hard=to—present <a memorable=danee—The-dance will start 2636505 and conclude aBERee If you haxen’t =alrveady bought your ticketstracwit be available atf=ie=door—at $1.00 per cotpteorsd-eents a person. “FRre=aréss—as-semiformal and everyome@=is: cor dially invited, Brankins Present Assembly Dec. 5 +hesday, December 5 the JuntorCinss—presented their assembif—tt—wassa potpourri of dancing=ana-singing numbers. Especlaliy—surstanding was a dramatig@=Fendingepy Judy Jolliffe entiiied—“Scratrh The Newsboy’s Doz . Ralph. Ritchie was funny as Mxe—Archibald. Thelissa Young was gs0d—as Mr. Bullock, and Chris—Witward had some outstancine—nements as Mrs. Cory. the—assembly was well reveived Hy the audience. COMING—EVENTS Dec—t5—Friday—C hristmasDaree PSc—TH— Tuesdays Asseimpiy—itisre—-Concert Hec—Lo=—W ednesday enisstimias sitwic Concert Bec~— 2 Phursday Basketball Game, BLHS at Roy Rete 22 harsony—curistas Holiday Dee ~2o— sp ursday—weresiuny, BLHS at Bear River HEC 9— ays bask et bali Jie ueBay~ Christmas Holiday Jans —pe—weanesaay, Back to School after Holiday Jan, —4——nursday, Wrestling, BLHS at Bonneville Jat, 5S-—Friday, Pep Assembly, between Lunches Jan. 5—Friday, Basketball Game, Intermountain at BLHS Jan. 11—Thursday, Wrestling, Ogden at BLHS Jan; 12—Friday, Basketball Game, BLHS at Bear River Ja; 17—Wednesday, P.E. Open House, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. wan> 18—Thursday, Wrestling, Box Elder at BLHS Jae 19—Friday, Pep Assembly, Between Lunches Jan. 19—Friday, Basketball Game, Skyview at BLHS |