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Show PAGE THE HIGHLANDER 2— Highlander Reporters Investigate New Methods at County Schools Interest has been expressed from many students at Ben Lomond concerning the county schools around them. The requests are about such things as team teaching, the seven-period day, the twenty-four module day, and slufjing. The Highlander staff has gone to various county schools and collected information relative to the subjects outlined above. In this issue we have tried to answer these questions as well as possible. We hope the students enjoy the articles and can obtain the information asked for from them, Roy High Schoo! About the Draft By JERRY and MAC KIHLSTROM MARRIOTT VOICE FRIDAY, OF THE Dear Editor, I have been hearing many people complaining about the bad attention in the assembly, also bad reports about this and that. But not much is being said about the good students. Sure we have a good share of poor students, but every school does. I think that something should be said about some of the better students. We have some very loyal Scots. At every football and basketball game you can always plan on a certain group of students to be there to support our team. They cheer down to the final buzzer. I think these students are really helping the spirit of the team. I know as a fact that the more students that come to a game, the harder the team tries. I have heard reports last year during basketball season of students from other schools saying that they wished that their schools had as much spirit. The ones that we win always say, “No wonder, with all that spirit you couldn’t have lost.” When we have lost, I have heard teachers and _ coaches from other schools say that the spirit from the students and the team of B.L. was better than theirs, and that we gave them some of the best competition they have had. They feel that it’s partly because of the spirit. You students that are out to help the school, keep it up by going to every game. If you hear kids cracking jokes in Q. What are the limitations on how long a person can be deferred as an undergraduRoy has 24 periods a day with ate college student? 18-minute periods, different . A registrant can be deferred lunch periods each day, and an in Class II-S until he satisassembly every Tuesday. The fies the requirement for his classes are different each day baccalaureate degree if comas in college, but the main acpleted within the normal and complishment, as said by one specified time, fails to purof the teachers, is to teach the sue a full-time course of inlower students HOW to learn. struction, or becomes 24 years of age, whichever ocComments of three Roy High curs first. students, Taunya Storey, LynSELECTIVE SERVICE ette Newell, and Sherry HoovCLASSIFICATIONS er included, “less homework,” I-A: Available for military ser“easy to sluff,” “hard to sluff,” vice. and “rules not carried out.” I-AO: Conscientious objector, Most of the students expressavailable for noncombatant ed appreciation for free study military service only. periods with help available in I-C: Member of the Armed research centers. The Foreign Forces of the U. S., the EnExchange Student of Roy, Liz vironmental Science Services Hooley, said she liked Roy High Administration, or the Puband its student body very much. | lic Health Service. I-D: Member of reserve comThe school has a referral sysponent or student taking miltem to stop sluffing, skipping the audience during something itary training. class, and acting up in class. that someone has done a lot of Conscientious objector This system involves referrals ‘1-0: practice on, help the monators available for civilian._work by -asking them to be quiet. ~-to the-effice on a yellow piece contributing to the maintenof paper with the name and Let’s make some of the bad ance of the national health, - reason for the student receivparts of our school come up to safety, or interest. ing one. When the office repar with the good. ceives the first referral for a I-S: Student deferred by statThe majority of the Scots are ute. student, they talk to him, but trying to help. You other Scots when the office receives three I-W: Conscientious objector performing civilian work. conreferrals for the same student tributing to the maintenance they suspend him. The parents of the national health, safethen have to come to school bety or interest (or who has fore the student will be allowcompleted such work). By RANDY DRAKE ed to come back. A student reI-Y: Registrant qualified for and ANN MANFUL ceiving a referral must have military service in time of the teacher who gave it to him Bonneville High School is war or national emergency. sign it. experimenting with new techII-A: Occupational deferment. niques in teaching. Differing II-C: Agricultural deferment. from city schools, Bonneville II-S: Student deferment. has seven periods a day. They III-A: Registrant with a child or children; and registrant also are trying out the new deferred by reason of ex- system of team teaching. treme hardship to depenThere are controversies condents. cerning the seven period day. By VICKY BOSLER IV-A: Registrant who has com- Dorthy Robinson, the Student and KATHY COLLINS pleted service; sole surviv- Body Historian, prefers the six ing son. T. H. Bell is trying out a period day because she feels new program in the science de- IV-B: Official deferred by law. that this would give the student partment called I.M.E. (Inter- IV-C: Alien not currently liable more time to work on one subfor military service. action of Matter and Energy). ject. Dale Stewart, another senIn the class the students are IV-D: Minister of religion or ior, likes the seven period setdivinity student. allowed to move at their own up because it gives the student rate. Only if they are finished IV-F:: Registrant not qualified more choices of subjects. for any military service. with one project are they allowTeam teaching which is relaV-A: Registrant over the age ed to move to another. When tively new across the nation was of liability for military serwe asked the students how they introduced to Bonneville last vice. felt about the program, they} __ replied, “I like it because if you know the things already you don’t have to do it.” BONNEVILLE Bell Jr. Hi Tries New Program Most of the students, however, felt differently about it: “They aren’t strict enough. The kids just talk and goof around.” “As far as I’m concerned, it’s for the birds.” “You never get it done unless you copy.” “It’s too confusing the way they make us do the work here.” is on an Jr. “High School in Ogden The LM.E. Program is trying it too. These junior high schools are the. only schools selected to try the new program. SCOTS pitch in and do your part to help build the spirit of our school higher, the teams really appreciate it. —Jerry Kihlstrom Mac Marriott Ann Manful Vickie Bosler Scott Ogden Randy Drake Jerry Kihlstrom and Kathy Collins George Redfield Steve Peterson Mary Hislop ........... Seeslbaacey Bill Allred college funds. Every meeting, bulletin, and announcement has something in it concerning budget and savings. Many students saved five dollars a week, some saved more. ‘FOURTH. The program is composed of sophomores, juniors, seniors, and _ graduates. Most of the seniors who participated in the program when South HIGH Junior SCHOOL Who Wants Snow? So we hereby move Till CHRISTMAS!! Home of Necessary and Unnecessary Auto Parts Ogden Auto Parts & Glass Co. that snow be allowed to fall only on the high slopes. Of what mountain use is the snow to non-skiers? It can’t be used to keep the body cool while tarring the roof. Now — can. it? We plead ee ecetoccncoecccsces Advisor | Columnist 15, 1967 Dear Editor, In an earlier issue of our school paper an article appeared commenting on the faults it was started 3 years ago are of the Upward Bound Program. going to college. I know of at I am a former student of least seven who would not be Upward Bound, so when I first going to college and some who read the article I was furious. would have dropped high schAfter a while, however, I cool- ‘ool if Upward Bound had not ed off, for I realize that the stepped in. author had overlooked a numI am not saying that U.B. ber of important points con- is perfect. It has a steep hill cerning the Upward Bound to climb to achieve that goal. (U.B.) program. But, I am stating that the artFIRST. Yes, U.B. does pro- icle written about it gave great misrepresentation. U.B. has hibit working during the summer months of the series. This done a lot towards helping stubeing that classes are held for dents on their way to college— the students, with a require- myself included! Scot Hallowell ment of at least 17 college hours of credit. True, these classes are not as stiff as regular college classes, but they would hold up in any high school, and most of the stuBy BILLY ALLRED dents take more hours than reand STEVE PETERSON quired. Because the program wants the students (150 are inAt South Junior High School volved) to give full attention they have a team teaching proto their studies, they prohibit gram. This program attempts to having summer jobs. They hold provide flexibiliity in the classno objections, however, to jobs room. It is hoped that the lines during the high school or col- of communication between stulege years. dent and teacher as well as beSECOND. Because many stu- tween student and student will dents need to have money dur- be improved. ing the summer, U.B. compenIt seemed, however, to these. sates them by alotting $10.00 reporters, that there was some a week. This amounts to $40.00 confusion. Related classes were a month or half (or less) of sometimes put together; but in what they could have earned one instance there was a geowith a part time summer job. graphy class combined with a With this money the students typing aby lass a eeenere have to buy all their school 5 supplies and pérsonal néeds. THIRD. The author of that a portion ‘of. the ao "Gan article was not the only one teacher said, “The classes are to save up his earnings. The combined in order that no teachprogram encourages saving the er will be out of work for half weekly checks in order to have a year.” Some of the students were confused about the program: “The teachers don’t sound organized. I feel that I could get year. more with one teacher per classTeam teaching permits each room.” “It’s too confusing. I haven’t learned anything.” Othteacher to teach that in which he is most qualified. For example, ers liked it “You, get more disat Bonneville there are five cussion.” “It has a fresh apteachers that teach sophomore proach.” The program has merit, but English as a team. When the wonders Students are studying novels, ‘one why, after. ten each teacher teaches a different years, so many of the people novel. The student gets to involved are still confused? choose which one he prefers. When the students are studying grammar, each teacher teaches a different phase. Most of the teachers like the team teaching program because Once again there is snow it gives the teacher a chance on the ground. How long to specialize. The students also are the residents of this like the new program because backward state going to put it gives them a change of “face” up with this? | of teachers. We of the warm blooded Bonneville’s new techniques in teaching seem to be working set have long detested the quite well thus far and are fact that snow has been alenjoyed by students and teach- lowed to settle in the valers alike. ley. 10 Days Editor-in-Chief Co-Editor and Feature Editor Exchange Editor Front Page Editor and Columnist Editorial Page Editor Sports Editor Advertising 2.00.00... Scott Ogden ‘Photographer Columnist DECEMBER to the better sense of the Utah people: Pass Amendment No. 1225 which prohibits the falling of snow in theeee of ve DO IT TODAY! ; . |