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Show Februel ed West Takes Le * Ri Lovato, Cl inh ead Stryker, Ben er, on- a f sec” Bear* River, defeated ‘Ericksen, Orem; Hall, Provo, Sana Mace,| Murray; oma Bingham, | defeated,| ‘on, Bountiful. lags nk, i, defen eciin, Ey | son; In ‘AY Mat Meet ‘ROY — West High ‘School of Salt Lake City grappled into the first round lead of the state class A wrestling tournament Thursday night, however, two od area schools are Glose at its heels. Defending champion Ben Lomond and Roy each came through the night with eight points to trail west by two. The Scots advanced six wres- tlers while West had seven and Roy five. Jordan also scored eight points during Thursday’ s elimination round. Action continues with the sec‘ond elimination round this afternoon and the third round at 7 p.m. tonight. Semi-finals will| be held at 1 p.m. and finals at 7 p.m. Saturday at Roy. GOOD POSITION ' Other atea ae | Thursday’ s individual results: . a eh ee Lehi 2, Pleasant Grove i South 2, Tooele2, Bountiful 1 rae ham 1, Caron 1, Ifermeunt 1, Murray. i Payson 1 and We- POUNDS Black, Brigham Young, ipsa Mendez, n; Maestas, ¢ are. pine “Olsen, defeated Ttaportean! ranite; Haramoto, Bear River, he ighland. — i i Tigi = Westover, a schools in good position are Bear River and Clearfield with seven points and oe with six. Ben Lomond’s two defending state champions, heavyweight Jerry Staley and 145-pounder Art Suekawa, were among the six Scots to advance. Team scores are West 10, Ben Lomond 8, Jordan 8, Roy 8, Clearfield 7, Bear River ks Cyprus 6, Ogden 6, Olympus 5, Provo 5, Spanish Fork 5, Viewmont 5, Bingham 4, Springville A, American Fork 3, Bonneville. 3. East 3, Granite. 3, Highland 3, Kearns 3, Sky View 3, Davis 2, Bountiful, drew Olympus, defeated son, pans ‘Garcia, Bi sayy defe: tees ards, Roe Over.| Pleasant Grove, and Haycock, on, defeated Allen, Intermountain. “t 103 DeCol, pkearns, was Bankhead ast Silat tan ea j us; Rguet Rodriguez, efea Hard ~ Box "Eder, Rich vs efeaes pinn lavasie, Salamanaca, Pravo. Oaden, defeated Santarosa, Jordan; Hom, West, defeated Alder, Brigham Young; Lieberman, Granite defeated! Godfrey, Bear River, and Higley, Clearfield, Hansen, Orem neville; " ue, sh Wardle, | Granite, and Maa” Rene Drated Park- | er, Pleasant Grove 120 POUNDS gbehn, Bonneville, pi » Gopi Carbone Miller, Provo, Larsen, | | Bingham; Solorio, West, . inaed Jaramillo, ene eel Olympus, pinned Kano, wea dette candies, Bear Riv r, ea Trews, Acie orden, Ben bey oa omez, Ben o. iar SP“Tippets,” san peng Roy, , defeated Mall, Y Jordan; Melonas, Olympus, e /can Fork; Kawa, weer pr abeecp ‘Webster, Petes ‘Wise, ‘Bountiful, defeated poner, | § Burton, Sky View, defeated Sc en, Cyprus; Moore, West, defeated Vassilaros, oe Yellowhair, Intermountain, Simmons, Kearns, and Stubbs, Ple ant Grove, defeated | Egnew, Viewmont, _ | | | | 133 POUNDS” Wise, Bountiful, deefated Lew, Intfe mountain; Gregory, Sky View, defeated Messersmith, Lehi; -Daley, Provo, defeated Brady, Granger; Saree Granite, defeatPalmer, Histo Swift, Ben omond, defeated Dunn, Carbon; Baxter, Viewmont, defeated Craighead, Box Elder; Melonas, ol ie defeated Bowsutt, Kearns, and Nielson, Pleasant Grove, defeated _ Rasmussen, Jor-| dan. oe ie 138 POUNDS Ve Nagy Bailie, 0a Springville, Be isey Phillips, “ude yaar ae defeated Metarlens, ae Mangr Maughals defeated AshWe St, defeated sky, View, de- Viewmont. Ben Lomond, at pinned oe "Bountiful; Williams, ‘clear field, pinned | cons Granger; Oe te yprus, ie | wasey, Ca an ni ‘or defeated Petes Web bape, ‘ Sea } Pendley, 45 POUNDS crs defeated neville; arbon; Oyler. Suekawa, pone Nalder,. Davis. Sherwood, Roy, Keyes, Bon- ent Lae Sens an, pinned jackson, Springville, pinned Noffsinger, Granite; Riche East, defeated Green, eote ae son, Jordan’ pinned, Yates, Box Elder, and Whimey, Lehi, pinned Davis, Ol ympus. 154 POUNDS i a defeated. ‘Palmer “Box Colton, Elder; Thornhill, Ogden, pinned Horton, Payson; Wilson, Spanish Fork. defeated mas, Granite; Hampton, Cyprus, defeted Penwell, § Ferrin, Ben Lomond, defeatd Wilson, Lehi; Pia, East, defeated Harper, Bonne| ville; Manin) Jordan, pinned Matsushita, est, and renee Bingham, pinned Hershkowitz, Carbon “165 POUND Selman, Springville, NS ei Bradshaw, Weber; Overson, Bingham, defeated Beal, Lehi; Kjar, .Viewmont, Vatesten Holtman’ Kearns; / Stewert, Bonneville, defeated Thurman, West. : Weston, Roy, pitted eg a Thompson, Matie defeated Reed i uk Kimura, Granite, defeated a and: Horrocks, ater Fork, defeated Saunders Kelley, Roy, defeated Griffeth, Hillcrest; Hadlock, American. re defeated Sharp, hland; arnes, ‘Bear Cobjent Granite; Mapiankle; Burnett, Payson. — River, Davis, pinned pinned Michelson, Tooele, defeatd Cortez, Crem ng Ke etchum teh and. defeated Age Ben Cyprus,s, 7 Te p pinned Bo man, ate. | Spanish: Fork, | ar Ogi ,. pinned Yamasake, Box ee we. Ogden, pinned White, Oren White, tican Pare pinned Nielae Neen essions, Viewmont, de— cere ihe teh * ( ta Ben eTea jurran Picton vis; ‘Wink “Roy, pinned, Weaver, Da, Tooele, defeated McKenney, Skvline, et ‘Strasburo, feated. Bacon, Murray , Pleasant Grove, de- } |