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Show You. the W, Mahe ust Print it Vis Ben Lomond High School NUMBER OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1968 ROTC The host PLANS ROTC their Department 16th annual MILITARY will Military body of Ben Lomond The student ments body will will card. be be served and an intermission demonstration will be presented by the drill and Four Top The Ben Lomond Debate Clan has participated in four minor debate meets involving Roy, Bonneville, Ogden, and Weber High Schools, and two major debate meets. Our clan won a debate with Roy at their school. However, they were defeated by Ogden in an after school meet. Only a portion of our team competed in this meet. They also placed second in a debate which included Weber, Roy, Bonneville, and Ben Lomond. The toughest competition the Clan met was at the Weber College Invitational Meet on February 9th and 10th. Here they competed with over 100 high schools from Utah and Idaho. Six of Ben Lomond’s squad qualified for final rounds but lost the fight for the tro- phy. Our Debate Clan is competitive and ambitious and is looking forward to N. F. L. Regional and State meets teams: Alford Doug ‘Sanders. and Threlkeld Kim Yorgasen Woodward. and and Larry Peterson Wahlquist. and Alma ford. Irene Karen Marvin Folkman. Charlie Graham. Fowler and Diane Greg Casperson Juniors Selected Four students, Kyle Mattson, Bekcy Taylor, Catherine Lyons and Marie Pagel have been picked to represent our school in N.C.T.E Contest. These students must turn in a piece of polished writing and a short autobiography, along with competing in a test with other Juniors throughout the USS. Recognition from this competition brings honor to the school as well as awards and scholarships to the individuals. 16 = Sat. Patti The Match Game and and Kevin John in the halls? Thistle Staff Chosen “The Thistle,” annual Ben literary now in preparation tion. ' Staff members Lomond’s magazine, is for publica- are: Editors: JoAnne Jensen, Margaret Buckmaster, and Diane Donoviel. Cover artist: Dyrk Farr. Fiction: Shauna Whittier, Linda Cassity, and Christi Gabrielsen. Nonfiction: Jerry Kihlstrom and Sandy Moss. Poetry: Scott Hallowell and Nancy Watts. must contain the information: dress will be semi- 3. The date. 4. Your The lars name. prizes for first, will be five dol- three dollars for two dollars for and third. Schedule Girls’ Gymnastic Infitation Meet, 8:00 a. m. to 12 noon at BLHS Mar. 16 Sat. Girls’ Association Dance Mar. 26 Tues. Track, Box Elder at BLHS Mar. 27 Weds. Interpretative Meet at WSC Mar. 28 = Thur. ROTC Open House Mar. 29s Fri. Track, Bonneville at BLHS Mar. 29 Fri. End of Third Term = Mar. 29-30 Fri.-Sat. State Forensic Meet, at U. of U. and BYU Apr. 4 Thur. Fashion Show Apr. 4 Thur. Track, Roy at BLHS Apr. 5 _ Fri. - Report Cards Apr. 5- 6 Fri.-Sat. State Drama Meet at BYU uted some time during April or the early part of May. \ On March 22, the seminary will sponsor a computor dance with Roy Seminary. The seminary students will fill out a questionnaire which is run through a computer. Ben Lomond girls will be matched with Roy boys and Roy girls with Ben Lomond boys. After showing his ticket, each person will be given’ the number of his partner, whom he is asked to dance with at least once. The theme of the dance will be “The Match Game.” Music will be presented by the El Sietes. Highlander Motto No Tel- educated no 22nd. “The Thistle” will be distrib- Harry Bailey and Pat Hassel. Johns Mar. a pos- Scots' C AN'T READ!! BUT... DEBATE NEWS Kathi Braegger will also sponsor . he gets Debate They their room formal. second, judo teams. wish- 1. The theme. by Refresh- who bring ROTC March poster following 2. The admission must to the The like to invite the BALL Anyone enter later than to attend. JOHNEY to of the dance is “American Her- student s es poster They would e contest. Ball on March 29th. The theme itage.” Ste ter 5 nation, no station My envy e’er could raise; A Scot still, A Scot still; I knew nae higher praise —Robert Burns Soft. Chad Checketts Cadet of Month Cadet Master Sergeant Chad Checketts, of ““B’’ Company, was selected to be the Cadet of the Month for February. He was selected by a Military Board of the Ben Lomond ROTC Battalion on February 28. For his achievement he will receive a bottle of Shackle from Tanners, tickets for movies at the Egyptian and Orpheum theatres, and a dinner for two at the Canton Cafe. Clean It Good, Lakers! The runner-up was Cadet Staff Sergeant Scott Ogden, of “C” Company. He will receive a free cleaning for his uniform from Hoffman Cleaners. On Tuesday, March 12, Bonneville High School was presented the good sportsmanship trophy by governor Rampton. They won this because of their sportsmanship during the week of the state basketball tournament. To be nominated for this honor a cadet must have an “A” average, no demerits, and outstanding abilities on the drill field. Incidentally, the damage that was done to Ben Lomond because Bonneville painted our sidewalks and building, will run a couple of hundred dollars. We exted our sympathies to the sports who must put up with those who make their school look otherwise. \ |