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Show Vou Wahe r the Views Print Ben Lomond High School VOLUME 15 OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 Left to right: Larry Peterson, Karen Bailey, Kay speakers for the |5th Annual Commencement. bem Editorial _ This year is drawing to the midyear mark, and school is top schools in the region and in the state. Ben Lomond has excelled athletically as well as academically. Here are a few reasons to back up our statement: cheers and boos as the students meet the occasion with mixed emotions. The general feeling, however, is one of jubilation as they shed their bonds of school work and leave the tests and teachers behind. Ben Lomond has had the largest honor roll in the area for nearly every term; students have represented the school in many community, state, and national contests; of all the students from the northern Utah high schools that competed for a Sterling Scholar award, a Ben Lomond student won this honor. Athletically: we have been the dominant school in the region. We placed second in crosscountry (third in state); first in football (lost in state quarter finals); third in basketball (lost state berth by two points); first in wrestling (won state title); placed fairly well in golf and tennis; third in baseball (lost to Weber in nine innings); and first in track. No other school in the region has been able to do as well in so many things. This year’s graduating class should be proud of the accomplishments that they have made, and the remembrances they have left behind for future students hold. of Ben Lomond er St to up- —Editor drawing- to a close. There are The building will lie, dark and lonely, except for a few who haltingly approach the school with a sense of horror and foreboding to begin their summer courses. The sun will bake and age the bricks, birds will use the awnings to build their nests in, and busses will come and go as students go on one field trip after another. When fall once again rolls around and trees shed their leaves like so many tears falling for the reluctant students and teachers who will return once again to sweat over the text books. Janitors will once more curse the day students were created, and students will curse the day schools were invented. But Ben Lomond Scots will raise standards even higher, win more games, and set more records than ever before. The students may gripe and groan about homework, and laugh and joke about some of their teachers, but deep incide they are still proud to belong to the tradition of the "Friendly Fight- ing Scots!” 7 The NUMBER 6 Nelson, and Morrell Teeples are the Graduation | ae = me Commencement ~ As we look back over 19671968, we find that Ben Lomond High School rates among the Academically: ene it fifteenth annual Looks at B. L. com- mencement will be held at the Ogden Latter-day Saints Tabernacle at 8:00 p. m., Thursday, June 6, 1968. Commencement speaker tryouts were held Friday, May 17. Of the many students who tried out with excellent speeches, four have been chosen. They will give their speeches at the graduation ceremony. They are: ‘Larry Peterson, “We Have a Responsibility”; Karen Bailey, “Free Time Is a Challenge to Free Men”; Morrell Teeples, “Building of Character,” and Kay Nelson, ‘“‘Time of Decision.” Library Closes The school library will close Friday, May 24. All books which have not been returned by this date will remain on the student’s permanent record. All sophomore and junior students who have books on their records when they are seniors will not graduate. If you have any books in your locker, at home, or elsewhere, please return them, or pay for them as soon as possible. The school officials don’t want to injure anyone’s permanent school record, or hold students back from graduating, but unless the students accept the responsibility of returning borrowed books they will be forced to do so. By PANCHO DIAZ Now when it is almost time to say goodbye to the school, I’d like to tell you about my impressions of the school, its teachers and students. I have to admit that I was practically lost when I first came. I had more trouble trying to find my classrooms, for some reason I never found my classroom, but always the cafeteria. The first interesting difference was girls. At home, usually, schools are either only for boys or for girls. We have a very strict military system. Could you imagine the captain trying to put order where all around are many giggling girls? I think you’ll agree with me that the coeducational system is better. About the student-teacher relationship, I think it’s great. The students have a friend in every one of them. This was the first time I ever had a woman teacher. I mean two, in typing and cooking. I enjoy both of them. I understand cooking is a subject that very few schools teach here, and it’s quite popular among boys. I am going to take some recipes with me and try to prepare them at home if my mother lets me. A nice surprise was the election, a democratic way to express our. wish. Student officers are very good help in this school. Their work is appreciated, and I feel I should suggest gs 1 The graduating class of 1963 presented the large “B. L.” on the building to the school. Other classes have presented other presents to the school, but this year they said the senior class can no longer give presents. Maybe they objected to the students selling text books to raise the money to donate. Probably the city threatened to withhold part of the improvement money. This year’s great bunch (clump?) of graduating seniors are not to be discouraged, however. They got together and tried to think of a present they could leave behind. Bill Allred and Steve Peterson suggested a new sixth period for Mrs. Hislop. This was vetoed, and Kathi Alford suggested a placque in remembrance of firstyear drama. Not too many appreciated this, and things were beginning to get dark and gloomy for the seniors. Then someone came up with an idea. Everyone was full of rebellion, and felt like breaking tradition, so the idea was immediately put to vote, and won. This year’s graduating senlors would like to present Dr. Drechsell with a new string tie! . —As Ben Lomond Scots, we are proud of having Pauncho at our school throughout this past year. ADIOS! this in Peru. Once again I am proud of being a Scot. |