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Show April 3, 1921 Honor Students Named At Ogden High School MISS LAVON GREENWELL. HARRY LYON. MISS KATHERINE ADAMS. HIGH SENIORS TO GRADUATE may 17, 1921 H One hundred and six seniors of the Ogden high school will he graduated this evening. The exercises will be held at the Orpheum theatre with parents, friends, members of the board Hof education and members of the high school faculty in attendance. TO GIVE VALEDICTORY The valedictory address will be de- Hlivered by Miss Lavon Greenwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwell, 1641 Washington avenue. H Miss Katherine Adams, daughter of Principal and Mrs. D. H. Adams, 2360 Quincy avenue, has been named to Hgive the salutatory address. HT Harry Lyon, editor in chief of the high school Classicum is the orator for Khe class. B These students were selected due go their high qualifications in scholastic work. H Following is the complete program Bor the evening: Music O. H. S. Orchestra Male Chorus "Old Black Joe" Invocation . . . Rev. Godfrey Mathews Salutatory, "Creative Vision" .Katherine Adams Violin Quartet, Midnight Annette Cunningham, Vinette Parry, Paul Wheeler, Bernard Perrins Reading, "The Man With One Talent" . .Richard H. Davis Adelbert Craven Address, "The Torch of the R. O. T. C." Harry Lyon Piano Solo, Romance Op. 24 No. 9 Jean Salebies Marva McBride vocal Duet, "O, That We. Were Maying" S Harold Farnoff, Arvid Bolstad Valedictory, "A Standard Bearer of Democracy" Lavon Greenwell Violin Duet Vinette Parry! if Annette Cunningham Presentation of Graduates S Principal A. M. Merrill Conferring of Certificates 1 Supt. W. Karl Hopkins! gfechool Song,.... Class and Audience!Benediction . . Rev. Godfrey Mathews Lavon Greenwell, Katherine Adams and Harry Lyon Named Miss Lavon Greenwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwell, 1641 Washington avenue will deliver the! valedictory address fbr the 1921 graduating class of the Ogden High school at the commencement exercises in the! Orpheum theater. May 17. Miss Katherine M. Adams, daughter of Principal and Mrs. D. H. Adams,! 2360 Quincy avenue, has been select-! ed to give the salutatory at the samel exercises. To Harry Lyon, editor-in-chief of J the Ogden High School Classicum, has! fallen the honor of being orator foil the graduating,class. These students were selected lastl week for these honorary offices by reason of their high qualifications and scholastic standing during their! (years at the Ogden High school. The announcement of the faculty I members has met with the emphaticI approval of the graduating class, which is rapidly completing plans fori dhe commencement exercises. HIGH SCHOOL CLOSES IN MAY Commencement Exercises to Be Held At Orpheum May 17 1 Commencement exercises for the Ogden high school will be held in the! 1 Orpheum theatre, Tuesday evening, May 17, according to an announce-1 i ment made last night by Supt. W. Karl Hopkins. The Baccalaureate Sermon H will be delivered Sunday, May 15. i With but five more weeks until I H commencement the students of thel B Ogden high school are making plansl [Program for the High School Exercises f j In lb Orpheum I Seventy-six graduates of the Ogden I high school will be presented with 1 their diplomas this evening at the Or- ipheum theater by Superintendent H. SC. Johnson. The exercises will start lat 8 o'clock. The valedictory address will be de- Slivered by Catherine Hendershot. Her [subject will be "New America." The entire exercises will embody the idea I of reconstruction in this country foli I lowing the world war. I The program will be as follows: Selection Orpheum Orchestral Maria Mari (E. DiCapau) j I Girls' Choru I Comrades in Arms (Adams) j Boys' Glee Club! I invocation Rev. Matthewsj iSalutatory, "The Deserts" i I Ariene Allen! ICradle Song of 1915 (Kreisler)..... Venus Williams jfpration, "American Education and I i Democracy" Leen Janseijj feeading, "The Finger of God," 1 (Wilde) Laurene Shield] |