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Show HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES 136; hopkins CITES 1924 NEEDS Commencement Exercises Attended by Huge Crowd at Orpheum Theatre; Problem Facing Educators Explained by Superintendent MAY 24, 1923 jail Commencement exercises of the : Ogden High school were held last 1 hSKH 1 M night in the Orpheum theatre be- ( Hfore an audience which jammed , the house and overflowed into the , «Mlobby. i gjjlffi Not only was the attendance , record for the exercises during j Mi previous years surpassed, but a , Mil new mark was also made in the ,Mnoinher of students who were , liligraduated. The exercises last night , Mfflwere the thirty-first held by the high school, 13 6 being graduated. ggjfggj An elaborate program of music :Mand other entertainment featured the exercises, including selections Bhv the high school orchestra. aB Superintendent of City Schools lapi W. Karl Hopkins conferf-ed the 'fflcertificates. while Principal A. M. Merrill of the high school presented iiiithe graduates. «HJ School authorities, city and ipcounty officials occupied box seats. Ipy Charlotte Ferry, a high honor student, occupied a prominent ra88place on the program, offering the valedcetory oration, "Night Brings Out the Stars." The salutatory, "Our Commencement," was given by Miss Norma Hodgson. Orville Winkler lffljdelivered the oration, "Leisure Time." HOPKINS SPEAKS, 'gfe Prior to presenting the certifi- mcates, Superintendent Hopkins ggsaid: 1 "Although a new high school gili building has been completed Msomewhere in the United States mSm, every -clay of the year for the last 30 years, it has been impossible to jbuild 'high schools fast enough toScare for the army of young people ho are demanding a high school iucation. j8B "In the last seven years the enrollment in the high schools thisHcountry has doubled. From 1919- to 1922-23 the high school en- Mrollment in Ogden city increased from 866 to 1735-100 per cent in lllll three years. If the same rate of increase continues for the next three years-and there is every fgfl prospect that it will-there will be Main 1925-26 in the high school of Ogden 3470 pupils. "We have enrolled in the Ogden Senior high this year 1080 pupils. BBBOf this number 900 probably will S return next year. There will beundoubtedly 200 pupils from weber. In addition to this, there HfflSwill. be graduated from the ninth gS grade about 6 00 more, making a gjljtotal in senior high next year of H!approximately 17 00 pupils in the SHMjtenth, eleventh and twelfth grades. ma There will be promoted from the g eighth grades to the ninth grade j §g;about 700, so that our high school' enrollment next year will reach ap- j mraproximately 2400 pupils. Ijsg'H "The schools of Ogden, there- i fore, in the near future, offer a 1 challenge to the best constructive 1 thought of her citizens; to the wis- 1 dom, courage and resourcefulness of those who administer them. This unusual and wdnderful city must realize that fundamentally its po- tential power for devolopment lies in the intelligence of the boys and I girls now in the schools. They are I entitled to educational privileges I equal to the best in America. To 1 do more than this would be ex- i travagance; but to do less would pauperize the civilization of the 1 next generation. "One word to the graduates: The 1 one great accomplishment of life is human conduct. Conduct is per- sonality in action. Hence to secure good conduct we seek to establish I good personal character. To young people just beginning their life 1 work efficiency is the quality that counts. Efficiency is conditioned upon knowledge and character. But 1 knowledge must be supplemented § by skill and physical fitness. To , these must be added the social yir- j tues such as politeness, punctual- I ity, self-control, and industry, as well as obedience and loyalty. But I 1 the crowning quality of the great personality is the passion for righteousness that surges through 1 all the channels of his being, that quickens his sympathies, summons , his powers and quickens his spirit. I It i the surest guarantee of ef- 1 fieieht ervice." PROGRAM, i The program follows: : War March of Priests, from j Athalia Mendelssohn O. H. S. Orchestra. : Song of the Vikings.Farren-Rider I Male Chorus. Invocation- President Joseph C. McFarlane. i Salutatory . . . Our Commencement Norma Hodgson. . Piano Solo, Caprice Espagnol, Opus 37 . Mozwaski j Myrtle philpott. ! Reading The Citizen I : Edna Sandstrom. ' Cornet Duet Friendly Rivals ' Max Woodbury, Dan Sullivan. : Oration Leisure Time Orville Winkler. i Pilgrim Chorus Wagner O. H. S. .Orchestra. I Reading- i The Courage of the Commonplace 1 l Philip Ring, i Valedictory- l Night Brings Out the Stars. Charlotte Ferry. - Clarinet Solo La Somnambula ; E. W. Nichols. . Presentation of Graduates- 1 s Principal A. M. Merrill. ;: Conferring of Certificates- i j Supt. W. Karl Hopkins. jSchool Song-Class. i Benediction- > President Joseph C. McFarlane. f§ 126 PETITION TO GRADUATE Feb 18, 1923 1 List of Ogden High Seniors Announced By Principal Merrill 1 One hundred twenty-six students on I the senior class of the Ogden high school have petitioned for graduation, i according to an announcement macleK last night by Principal A. M. Merill S The class is to be graduated in May. § B The names of the petitioners follow: 1 Eleanor Cathryn Agee, Orville Wayne Anderson, Madge Pauline Ashton, Ira Adolph Beckman, Edna Mae Becker. Francis J. Bott, James Brewer, Robert Leonard Brady, Jr., Roland E. Browning, Delmar Lester Brussard, § if Pearl Burch, Arlene Burk, Isabelle Sarah Carter, Bessie Ellen Chase, Takeo N. Chiba, Marcus Carterite Child, 1 Ruth Christensen, John Robert Cole, § Verna Blanche Corey, Dorothy Mabel Corey, Max Corey, William S. Cox, Gerald A. Corey, Francis lifford Curran, Mae Curtis. LaVern Daniels, Cornelia DeGroat, Kathryn Dixon, Adaline Eells, Lester Henry Emmett, Margaret Falck, James Stoddard Farnsworth. Charlotte Ferry, Kathryne Fisher, Thomas W. Foley, Margaret Garrison, Ellen Gleeve, Charlotte Mary Griffin. I fl Edna Mae Hardman, Lamont Bryson Hendershot, Vera Lena Herring. 1 m Grace Elizabeth Hill, Irvine Hodge, Norma Hodgson, Mildred Marion Holmgren, David Kay Holtner, Viola Lennese Israelson. Margaret Helen Jensen, Vera Jeppson, Helen Marie Jones, Margaret Eva Jones, Theron Andrew Jost, I •Charles Leon Keller, Ralph Kenney, § m Kathryn Kemp, Hazel Kemp, Raymond C. Kirkland, Roma Virginia Knight, Milton Harold Kreines, Wanita Edna Larsen. Ina Linnea Lindstrom, Charles Henry Lockwood, Jack Edward Lynch, Rudolph Edward Lyon, Kathryn Ruth Lyon, Cora Helen Malone, Leola Manzel, Josephine Manzel, Ruth Lucille Mattson, Marcus Mattson. Stella Mills, 1 Kenneth Muffet, Martha McBride, 1 M Reuben McBride, Clifford M. McCaine, I 5$ Carl McFarlane, John Carl McGinley, 1 Vera McKeig, Alvida Nielson, Ivy Mae Nielson, Hilda Ogden, Dorothea Marie O'Keefe, Dorothy Marie O'Loughlin, IS Hilda Marie Olsen, lone Paine. m Helen Parker, Doris Helen Pearce, Ora Peterson, Myrtle E. Philpott, Lavon Pickett, Zena Power, Glen Joseph Quillinan, Ada Kathleen Quinn, Lola Raethel, Myrene Karen Rich, Philip Lewis Ring, Elliot J. Roberts, Elsie Lillian Roenfeldt, Burrell Rubenstein, 1 SB Lawrence Russell. f Lee Marion Sailor, Edna Louise Sandstrom, Rachel Rosina Sheiner, 1 James Hassett Shufflebarger, William Bryson Smith, Elmore Floyd Smith, 1 gH< Norma Smith, Elizabeth Sneddon, 1 Donald Kenneth Stark, Paul Marten Stecher, Orren Kenneth Stigers, Edwin J. Swendson. P Philip Howard Thackwell, Sylvia May Tomlinson, Florence Vernetta Trapp. Rosalind Venema, Evelyn Bernice Vogel, Gladys Irene Wagstaff, I Nona Wallace, Clarence Whittier, Vivian Willett, Paul Eugene Wilson, Orval Ernest Winkler, Atwell Marten wolfer, Rodney Alva Wycoff, Louise Carmen Zeller. 1 GIVES ADDRESS TO GRADUATES May 21, 1923 High School Seniors Hear Sermon By Rev. J. E. Carver The baccalaureate exercises of the Ogden High school were held ;; last evening in First Presbyterian § church at 7:30 o'clock. The auditorium was decorated with lilacs I and lilies with fruit blossoms. Th"l I entire center section of the pews I was reserved for the members of I the class and their parents. The! west front was held for the mem-j I bers of the male chorus and glee club The high school orchestral occupied the front east section.! Friends and relatives of the graduates occupied the remaining seats! and the chairs that had been I placed in every available space.I Many also stood throughout thcl I entire service. The baccalaureate address bvl the Rev. John Edward Carver, was based on the oration of Moses I and the illustration he used re- a garding the eagle teaching herl 1 young to fly. The method of thai I eagle as depicted by the speakerl J was to thrust the eaglet out jfl p the nest and when it was falling! to sweep under it and bear it upl on her wings. So necessity thrusts I 1 the youth of today into The con-1 1 flict and contests of tomorrow. I I The lives of many of the men anil women who have, surmounted dif-B A ficulties and attended leadership! 1 wg,s depicted as examples of thel 1 message delivered. I The work of the musical depart-1 gment of the school presented a I I creditable showing in the musical numbers rendered These were di- greeted by Lester Hinchcliff anil though of a difficult nature were I most creditably rendered. hundred to be graduates April 26, 1923 High School Commencement May 23; Honored Students Named Commencement exercises for th W Ogden High school will be heltfj if Wednesday evening, May 23 Principal A. M. Merrill announced to-1 a da-y- Charlotte Ferry has been namril Mas the class valedictorian and Norma, Hodgson has been chosen ail pthe class salutatorian. Orval Winkler will be the claiil P orator. Phillip Ring and Edna Sandstrom will give readings at tfl 1 final program for the senior*. S Music will be furnished bv the! ffl boys and girls glee clubs of thai glschoo]. I 'Miss Myrtle Philpott will ren-l der a piano solo as one of the f«a«l Btures. More than 100 students will bJgraduated at these exercises, Principal A. M. Merrill states. |