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Show TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1933. DRILL IS BEGUN BY O.H.S. CADETS Youths Hope To Win First Place This Year In Corps Area Ogden High School Notes—Mary Paquette, Editor; Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. The R. O. T. C. unit at Ogden High school began work Tuesday morning on the drill field immedi¬ately behind the high school build¬ing. The unit was organized under the leadership of Major Dyer and Sergeant Halloway into our com¬panies, A, B, C and D. The tenta¬tive officers for the year took com-mand and helped to whip the many cadets into their respective com¬panies according to their sizes. Cadets, this year you will be strongly inclined to shirk your drill period, not attend regularly, and to not obey your senior officers. But if you stop to realize that if you are a junior, this year will decide wheth-er or not you will get a commission next year. Also that if you are a senior, your fellow student who has been lucky to become an officer will suffer if you don't come through with your best. I think you will strive to help. Last year we won second place in; the corps area and so this year we! ought to come through first. Let's! try, fellows; we can.—Jack Bennett. ANONYMOUS TO SCHOOL Heigho! Cheerio! Back to school we go. Friends, mates, Books, slates, Students all on roller skates. Teachers, books, Dirty looks, Sweethearts in the darkest nooks. Here we go, Friend, and foe, It's the best of life, you know. —R. L. V. C. CHINATOWN VISITED Saturday at 7:30 a. m., Mr. Oberhansley took a group of geology stu¬dents up to Chinatown. Chinatown is a formation of rock similar to that of Bryce canyon. It is located up near Echo canyon, and is a wonder¬ful place for students to study the marvelous way in which water, with the aid of sand, cuts canyons through solid rock. The group was composed of thirty-eight students wanting to know how, and why, and three men, one of which was Mr. Oberhansley, who knew how but not why. They not only visited China¬town but also Devil's Slide and Honeycomb rock. It was a very in¬teresting trip and everybody ex¬pressed a desire to go on a lot of similar trips.—Callis Caldwell. WE WANT TO KNOW Why Henrietta doesn't give some of the other boys a break. Why Irene B. gets so excited lately. Why Art H. is so popular. Could it be his Ford? Why Elva M. acts so dignified. What day Ivy is looking forward to. Why George L. was blushing. Please answer as soon as possi¬ble; the suspense is unbearable.— Frankie and Johnny. Well, well, Stan. I hope you meet with great success in selling your habeas corpus' and legal advice. I think that when our new high school is built, I will have to go back and take a post-graduate course. Gee, they would build it after I graduate. Oh, James, I would like some dif¬ficult boiled eggs for breakfast! The clocks have all started al¬ready. Can you "emanage" that?— The Shadower. WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 13, 1933. O.H.S. TO HOLD PARTY FRIDAY Girls To Be In Costume; Stunts and Games Planned Ogden High School Notes—Mary Paquette, Editor; Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. On Friday, September 15, one of the biggest events of the year is scheduled for the girls—the Big Sis-ter party. It is an annual event, held for the purpose of all the girls becoming better acquainted, and to create a sisterly friendship between seniors and juniors. Each girl will appear in costume. Various stunts will be given by the clubs, and the best will receive a prize. Also, there will be games, a program, and light refreshments. The juniors wish to thank the seniors for their kindness in mak¬ing them feel more at home.—Ruth Lundquist. NOTES WANTED Talking about variety in the notes, how can you expect to have it if you don't contribute. You students have no idea how utterly discour¬aging it is to open the note box, and find only one note. The notes are for your benefit, and we are expect¬ing you to help us in writing them. You know where the note box is, and there is a slot in the top, so drop in your notes.—The Editors. FLITTING AROUND Did you know that Jerry is a very sweet-mannered little boy? At least In his own opinion. Say, Billy B., you'd better watch out or you'll be swamped with girls. Every time I see you, it is a differ-ent one. These bright young people who can't think of an error they make in English—ah, me! Say, what's athletes? Are they so good that they can break the rules and go down the wrong stairs? Hold on—Johnny.—The Shadower. THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1933. STUDENT BODY TICKETS READY Card Admits Pupils To Games, Dances, Play And Opera Ogden High School Notes—Mary Paquette, Editor; Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. Where is the good old Ogden High spirit? Is everyone satisfied to sit back and watch while other schools take the lead? Not only the seniors,, but the juniors need to wake up and promote school activ¬ities. We need life, pep, and good sportsmanship. Be tfye first to wake up and buy a student body ticket. It enables you to see the football and basket-ball games; to attend school dances, the ply, the opera, and the track meet, and to receive the Classicum quarterly. A five dollar ticket buys you a fine year book at less than half the price which is asked with¬out the student ticket. Come on, let's go! For your fun! For every¬one's fun! For the school's good! Purchase one today—Handy Mandy. THE WAD OF GUM I threw of wad of gum into the air; It landed right in a pretty girl's hair. Her hair was curly and very long— And the arm that threw the gum was strong. She tugged and pulled with might and main, To try to get it out again. But the gum held fast, my how it stuck! I jumped into a passing truck. How she got the gum out I will nev¬er know, For the girl looked mad and I had to go.—El Ojo Abierto. Gee! These are getting to be some notes. Did you see the half-page of Ogden High school write-ups last Monday night? That's what I call a real contribution. Well! Let's see if I can eke out a little news from this new pen of mine. Have you seen the cute little juniors mingling among our "au¬stere" celebrities, the seniors? Seems to me we'd better be improv¬ing our technique or we'll be left far in the background. Say! How many of you girls were up in the gym of dear old Ogden High Monday afternoon? I have two little sisters who are just beginning to understand what it's all about in this great big world upon 25th and Monroe. It's a good thing the juniors are not all like that. Well, sisters, I'm going to try to show my new relatives a good time next Friday night. Will you join me "Happy Days!"—"Boots" Have you ever rushed in late for class To gaze upon a sneering mass Who won't move o'er for you to sit, But pass remarks and sit and sit? —R. L. V. C. A FEW THOUGHTS I have lots of lessons so I haven't time to write very much. I would like to say .though, that I'd like to see the look on my uncle's face when he first heard a voice through a loud speaker in one of the schoolrooms!—(We don't have such things in Nomansland) —I'm beginning to see that being a junior has its ad¬vantages. We know nothing, and, furthermore we're not expected to! Only a junior is expected to be half prepared ui prepared ar ail, liot supposed to open our loc, the first try—and we don't we're not supposed to be very too,—but I know it isn't (glad you agree with me)! Well here's James with my Traveling Cloak, and I think I'll try some verse next time, so don't be shocked,—Goodbye!— Little Lame Prince. Is there a senior within these walls, Who ever answers a junior's calls? Who doesn't shove him aside and say, "Perhaps a senior you'll be some¬day."—R. L. V. C. FROM FAR AWAY Dear Mr. Merrill; I am taking this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to you and the faculty for your kindness to me when I was a student at Ogden High school. I find rrfyself in a very large world now and on my own hook, but it is a wonderful ex¬perience and I am trying to benefit as much as possible. The real object of these few lines is to wish to you and the Ogden Senior High school the best of success in all that you undertake during 1933-34. May these wishes and the guidance of the Lord be with you at all times. Sincerely, Grant C. Aadnesen, Liegnitz i Schles, Albrechtstrasse 30, Germany. |