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Show TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1933. Students Requested To Stand Whenever School Song Given "Spirit of Ogden High" Is Accepted As Official Composition OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette. Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor One of the instructors at our school, Mrs. Blanche McKey, wrote "The Spirit of Ogden High," which is now known as the official schoo't song. Without a doubt this sonfj- was written for the sole purpose of instilling into the hearts of those who sing it the spirit and enthusi¬asm with which it was written. Itv As a song that should be sung withc spirit and pep. It is the song which reflects the honor and loyalty of the students of Ogden High school. In the same sense that the "Stare Spangled Banner" is the national hymn of the United States, thet "Spirit of Ogden High" is the official song of the Ogden High. Therefore, students, let us rise? when we hear or sing the strains oft our song. Remember, "we are thee boys and girls of Ogden High,"— Blaine Laisen. A SOLILOQUY Last week if the Ogden High school students heard a long ring and a series of short rings (fire sig¬nal), they would have risen from their seats and sauntered over to the door, and from there to the crowded stairway, where they would probably have met an old friend, and stopped to chat about the "Get Acquainted" dance. Mr. Merrill and the teachers, who were fortunate enough to have escaped the ordeal of going out of the Monroe avenue exit, would be anxiously waiting the outcome of the fire. By this time the students would have been cor¬nered by fire at the east of them, and fire at the west of them. The crashing of stairs, the screaming of the students, and later the scent of a cannibal island would have been proof enough that there would be a petition for nickels, dimes and quar¬ters to buy a few floral pieces. Among the multitude of students who were left, there would have been many sad hearts for the deaths of our beloved friends, plus the re¬joicing that a new high school would be absolutely necessary. Of course with luck against us for having such an old school building this fire signal would have been t mere fire drill.—L. M. J. DANCE FRIDAY Students, our "Get Acquainted' dance is next Friday. This sentence should be the theme of every student this week. OuiJ dance has been planned after much doubtfulness in the minds of Mr. Merrill and all the students who have charge of it, and then it has been postponed many times so that it was very undecided whether we would have it or not, but here it is, so let's support it to our fullest ex¬tent. Let's support it in the proper way. At Weber's dance last Saturday many boys came slightly indisposed and spoiled the dance. Let's have all the clubs take it upon them¬selves to see that their members be-have and all the other students mind themselves. Buy your tickets early from the person in your advisor who has them for sale.—Frank Fister, HELP OFFERED The world-famous nose-all has] finally decided to help the students. Whenever you have some puzzling | problem that you can not solve (notj geometry), just send it to nose-all. Through the kind aid of the O. H. S. notes, he will try to help you.— Nose-all. BUGS! There arc bugs on the ceiling, And bugs on the floor, V Bugs on the window, W Still we have to have five more. Has everyone finished his bug collection? We just wish we had, be cause everything we see in the air, on the ground, no matter where, looks like bugs. One student foflnd a good way to make a collection was to pay five cents to the child in the neighbor-hood who would collect the most bugs. Soon he had more than he wanted. We don't know how Mr. Smith feels about it, but we certainly hope if there will be no more assignments that prey on our minds the way the bugs are doing.—R. D. M. FRIDAY'S ASSEMBLY The best assembly of the year fwas called to order by the presi¬dent, Grant Jensen. After being in-troduced to the student body, Mr. Fletcher, a bird authority, gave an exceedingly interesting and humor- fous talk about numerous birds which Uive in the United States. To illus¬trate the different ways which these songsters have of singing, he gave perfect imitations of their voices, and in the meantime, explained briefly some of their habits. At the 'close of his lecture, he delighted us by singing a bird song, accompanied by Mr. Hansen. The members of Congress and S. O. S. excellently executed clever stunts whose purpose was to help make every member of our school support the game Friday between Bear River High school and Ogden High school. An amusing three-act play, "Red Carnations," was also given by Win¬ifred Farley, Bob Buswell and Fred Nickson. The coach introduced all the foot¬ball boys and told what position each one held on the team. John Kenard, football captain for this year, gave a short -peech in which he made an appeal to the audience to support the team and student body whole-heartedly. Rousing school songs and yells led by the yell leaders were enthusiastically given. Meeting then adjourned.— Emily Merrill. THE BETTER WAY At the University of Southern . California, "instead of freshmen being hazed, they are officially designated as 'guests of honor' and es¬corted around the grounds for the first week." SCIENTIST HUE Mr. Hutchins, a nationally famed ornithologist, will address Ogden High students at eight-thirty o'clock Wednesday morning. Mr. Hutchins is thoroughly familiar with the bird life of America, and illustrates his lecture by imitating the songs and warblings of birds, and he also draws pictures of birds while he talks. He gave us a sample of his art on Friday morning, last, so that we are eager to hear him again. While in Ogden, Mr. Hutchins is a guest at the home of Frank Ober- hansley. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 1933. Acquaintance Dance Will Help Bring About United Ogden High Student Body All Are Urged To Attend and Help Make Affair Successful OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor It seems that this year at Ogden High the students are always seen in the same groups in the same: places in the halls. Is it because they think they are Detter than the rest of us or because they know no one but those from their own junior high school. If this last statement' is true, what is more suitable tti! their cause than the "get Acquainted Dance?" We must have a united student body, but how can we if the girls and boys are all strangers. So students, one and all, come to the "Get Acquainted Dance ' Friday and make it a huge success. Meet new friends and help everyone have a good time.—L. L. M. A. A NEW O. H. S. The application for $700,000 for a new high school building has been sent to Washington, D. C. Will I be walking through small and crowded halls next year? Will there be forty students in my class? Will I have to go down town to go to a school dance? Will I be able to see our games in our basketball hall, or will I go to some other building to see them? Will we have plays in a school auditorium, or hold the plays other places? Many students are wondering the same as I am. If the loan is passed, we will not have to put up with these conditions. With 60 rooms, we shall not be<«rowded. Wide halls will permit the students to walk freely. With a gymnasium, we can hold our games in our school. We can have plays in our auditorium, and not be ashamed to ask our friends from other high schools to see our plays. Let us all hope that we will have a new high school for Ogden. Believe it or not, the boys of this school are bashful. Why? Because they no longer patronize the cafe-teria. The customers consist of girls only. Boys, it is awfully lonesome eat¬ing down here without your shin¬ing presence. Won't you please re-consider the stand you have taken and join us tomorrow at twelve o'clock?—Forlorn Me. WHAT ARE THEY? I've heard of people's having things called "Brains" up in their head. The wheels in them should always click when anything is said. But I've decided all the wheels in mine are , rusted now, or else I lost the cogs last week, there's something gone, I vow.—R. L. V. C. MOUNTAINS I have lived among the mountains ali of my life, and I look up to them as I would to an older brother. I have been in practically every part of the United States, In forests, among lakes and in deserts, yet I always yearned for the mountains. People can talk all they want to about their rolling plains, their lakes and deserts, but I do not know of anything itiore majestic than the mountains. Rolling plains and brush can be destroyed by fires, lakes can be destroyed by drouth, but moun¬tains can be destroyed only by eternity. The mountains are beautiful at any time of the year. In the sum¬mer they are covered by deep green forests, crowned with ever sparkling snow. In the fall they are a picture of ever changing colors. Every artist has tried to do this majestic sight justice, but it just can't be done. Then comes winter with that most beautiful dazzling coat of white. It lis at this time that Mr. Frost reigns 'supreme. Now we turn to spring. This is the season that mother (nature plays her greatest role. We have seen the mountains in a dazzling coat of white, and they seemed to be hiding a menace in their midsts. Then we see mother nature paint them a most delicate green which increases in size and beauty, until we see that rich, dark green carpet which we love so much. The mountains are beautiful at any time of the day. If you arise bright and early in the morning, you will see the breaking of a new day, Which is indeed a great toivilege. To see the sun come slow!y up to take over possession of the sleeping world is a picture that will remain in minds forever. To see the sun spread its warmth and peer over a cold, bleak world something to marvel at. During the day the mountains loom like tne walls of a prison to those who seek to escape the laws of mankind. I am sure that once anyone has the privilege of observing a full moon coming over the mountains on a clear, crisp night will never forget it. It doesn't make any difference as to whether the night is in the summer or winter. All that matters is that the night be clear and the moon be full. Just as the mountains are beauti¬ful at any season and at any time of the day, the mountains are beau-tiful in all kinds of weather. In clear weather the mountains stand out clear and sharp. What is more beautiful to see than mother nature covering the mountains with snow in, the distance? Even in cloudy or misty weather a peak always pokes its head above the clouds, and stands as monarch over all it sur¬veys—Ogden High student. FABLE MADE OVER An elderly philosopher humiliated by the paucity of his hirsute ap¬pendages (In vulgar parlance he was bald) was informed by a false friend that there was a pharma¬ceutical compound which would miracously cause a rapid growth of hair on his vacant cranium. Accordingly he hastened to the apothecary. (In vulgar speech he went to the pill snop) and pur¬chased a $.39 bottle of the beautifier. That evening in private he applied with diligence a pint of the magic fluid. (In vulgar phrase he took a dose). Soon he was sleep¬ing peacefully (vulgarly, he snored) amid dreams of his youthful bygone locks. When aurora spread her earliest dreams, over tne awakening earth he arose like a cork from a bottle of hop ale. His whole physi¬cal being thrilled with the tenderest of life's emotions. He advanced to a mirror. Behold! His erstwhile bald head had bloomed into luxuriant gorgeousness. But alas! Such a denatured phenomenon; instead ol hair, a wealth of fleecy feathers crowned his dome-like brow (vulgarly he had become feathei brained). During the night the omnipotent drug had caused the feathers in his pillow to take root and sprout on his head. With a heartrending shriek this unfortu¬nate victim passed into oblivion (he skiddoed). In a few months he joined Hagenbeck's where he is even now in captivity. Alas his life was ruined! Moral I. Don't get bald-headed. Moral II. If bald, don't get excited. Moral III. If excited, don't get; rash but use Doodle Patridge's Beauti-Cura Soap.—D. D. |