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Show MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1933. O. H. S. Pupils Advised To Derive Lessons From Report Card Markings Comparison of Talents With Figures Held Beneficial OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. We have learned from the proph¬ets of old that there will come some time in the uncertain future a day of reckoning for all of us. The time will come when we, as human be¬ings, will be called upon to make known the records we have acquir¬ed throughout life. However, before this final reckon¬ing will come a great many smaller and less important ones. To a high school student, no time is of greater importance than report card time At this time we have before us in black and white a record of our accomplishments or demerits for the first six weeks of this school year. Students, how did your accomplish¬ments compare with your abilities in each of your subjects? Perhaps you will find that you are capable of doing better work than you did the first term. On the other hand perhaps you found that you did your best. No matter what you found on your report card, remember that the past is dead and the future is always before us. So students if you received good marks on your cards, yours is the responsibility of seeing to it that you get the same or better marks neyt six weeks. If, on the other hand, your record was not quite so good as it could have been, your duty is to make sure that the low marks will not be repeated and that you will get better ones in the next term. Therefore, may we turn to the future and strive to make it more profitable than the past.— Blaine Larson. A FAIRY TALE Once upon a time there lived two brothers. Their father was king of the land of Good Scholarships, he was growing old and did not expect to reign much longer- One day he called his two sons to him and told them of a beautiful castle called Ogden High school. In this castle, he told them, are several caskets which only I can open. You are to go there and bring back to me the casket you think contains the most precious jewels, and, remem¬ber, my sons, that, the harder a thing is to get, the more valuable it is. You may go now, and he who brings back the best casket shall be king of this land." Ambition and Laziness (for those !were the names of the two princes) set out for the castle, Ogden High school. Having been allowed six weeks to find his casket. Ambition, although he came across many cas¬kets before the time ended, searched industriously all six weeks for the one hidden fartherest from sight. When Laziness first entered the castle he saw a casket which he picked up at once; and the rest of the six weeks Laziness spent leisure¬ly Finally the princes returned to the king who opened their caskets. "Well, my sens, these little caskets are report cards to me; Laziness' casket contains jewels of Card D value; while the more precious jewels of A and B value are in Am¬bition's casket, and therefore, Am¬bition shall be king!"—Little Lame Prince. P.S- This tale is written with apologies to any author you can think of. TO FORM GOOD MANNERS Good manners are the tickets to success, for the art of pleasing is the art of rising in the world. The sooner we, students, learn how vital winning ways are in influencing our chance to obtain the desired goal, the quicker will we realize our hopes and ambitions. The patronage of every office and store depends upon the pleasantness and refinement of the clients, and the most successful men and women of all time are those who practiced the golden rule. Such great per¬sonalities in history as Lincoln, George Washington, Queen Victoria, Mirabeau, and others would never think of being impolite. For bad; manners often neutralize honesty,, industry and the greatest energy, School time is the best time to begin practicing courtesy, for now, students, is the habit forming pe¬riod of our lives. Even the most petulant welcome those who spread light, sunshine, and joy everywhere. Why? Because such individuals dis¬arm jealousy and envy, and bear good will to all. "Bees will not sting a man smeared with honey." So if we wish to attain the heights of success, form good manners now to break every barrier which we have to overcome.—Emil Merrill. SEEKS INFORMATION Dear Nose All: Please tell me why ail the pupils jump from their seats like they are charged with electricity when the bell rings. Is there a handsome Romeo like Jerry Seale at the end pf the hall waiting for the girls and a beautiful girl waiting for the boys? Or is it their dislike for their classes? Answer soon.—Lotta, Nickles. Dear Lotta Nickles: Some students have their Ro¬meo's and Juliets, others want to get out of class, because they dis¬like that class or because they wish to escape the last minute assign¬ments. Still others wish to get to the next class. If you wish to know any more particulars, just ask cer¬tain people—they can tell you.— Nose All. JUST IMAGINE Now I guess its my turn to thank somebody for asking about me. Well I'm not going to although I do feel like writing. Can you" imagine these people possibly saying these things? Lloyd F.—Hi 'ya flash. Kay H.—Why don'tcha come up sometime. Phyllis B.—Say, but that's fine. ASSEMBLY President Jensen called the as¬sembly to order by announcing that the program was to be sponsored by the Girls association of the Og¬den High school. President Ruth Dyer took charge of the assembly- Amy Rose Keep, a junior, enter¬tained the audience by playing "Waltz Chromatic" on the piano. A delightful Halloween play was pre¬sented by a group of girls. "The Big Brown Bear" was sung by the Girls Glee club. Ruth Van Dyke gave the ghost story, "An Interval." Jeanette Clark and Beverly Hall gave their interpretation of a waltz, then Mary Alice Loos and Eleanore Eccles gave a burlesque of the same waltz. Af¬ter Beverly Brown gave the explana¬tion of the "Dance Macabre," the orchestra played the beautiful num¬ber. President Jensen adjourned the assembly after announcing the par¬ents'-teachers reception. — Arlene Hoggood. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1933. Much Value Apparent In Ability To Use Pen With Clearness And Neatness Suggestion Presented That Students Try To Improve Style OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. An issue that seems to have dwindled in importance as our edu¬cation advances, is penmanship. It seems that it is no longer stressed or taught in junior high or high school. While this matter may ap¬pear to be of little or no consequence to us, it is very important that we learn to and do write well. A person is often judged by his handwriting. A clear, neat and fairly good-sized type of writing de¬notes neatness of person and the ability to start a thing and success¬fully complete it, while a jerky and untidy method represents an indetermined mind and a slipshod meth¬od of doing things. Many people may argue that it is unnecessary to be a skillful writ¬er as the majority of the students manipulate typewriters. This last part of the statement may be true, but no one is always possessed of such a machine as they are not as convenient and easily carried as pocket combs, etc. This fact neces-sitates good penmanship. Out of pure respect for the teach¬ers' time, which is no doubt valua¬ble, a student should endeavor to write legibly. Even if this is not a required sub¬ject for graduation, much atten¬tion should be given it as we will, no doubt, write all of our lives. Let us practice up a bit on it and see if every student of Ogden High will improve his handwriting in every I possible way.—Barbara Taylor. T. R.'s QUOTATION "When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all." How many times we have heard this splendid quotation of Theodore Roosevelt's repeated again and again: Very few people in this great wide world apply this benefiting code every hour of the day or night in their work routine. If everyone had the will power and perseverance to carry out this helpful suggestion, the world would appear much brighter and people would feel as if they had more time because they would not have to mix work with their play. Why not try to use the method suggested in this quotation some evening during the coming week when you are preparing your les¬sons? Let's all become men and women who play hard when we play and when we work, let's not play at all. —Arlene Haygood. MUSIC Those in the school who are in¬terested in music, both vocal and instrumental, were agreeably sur-prised in our assembly last week at the appreciation shown by the aud¬ience of a piece of classical music presented by the school orchestra Music lovers of the school are some¬times discouraged at the attitude of the student body in regard to music and appreciation of it. They some¬times feel that our students are more interested in athletics, clubs, and social activities than they are in music and what it offers. " Last week proof was shown that the stu¬dent body is interested in what the school can accomplish in the as¬sembly when at the conclusion of a number by the orchestra, the stu¬dents of our school were delighted at the presentation and showed it in their applause. Such a demonstra¬tion as this should assure the mus¬ical groups that the students appre¬ciate what is accomplished in the way of music. Students of Ogden High have seen and have been told by others of the splendid talent of our students in musical lines. We have the talent, why then should we not make more use of it? What we should advocate then, is more assemblies and a greater number of our musically tal¬ented students appearing in them. We have students gifted in both vo¬cal and instrumental music, why then should we not try to encour¬age these people by presenting theii talent in our assemblies? Music in our school should not be confined alone to a class room and for this reason may we have more assem¬blies and more music in them.— Blaine Larsen. WHAT PRIVATES SAY The important conversation in the battalion right now is com¬ments and criticism about the choosing of the future non-com¬missioned Offices of the battalion based on: Why are most of the temparary officers outstanding in football? Why does the firing squad of last year receive preference over other cadets? Why not let all senior cadets try out for positions in the R.O.T.C, not just fadets who have been out-standing before in sports? If you would explain or correct some of these questions, I am quite sure you will have a larger group of the cadets interested in the suc¬cess of the battalion. So before you choose permanent officers please think this over. I am quite sure that over seventy per cent of the battalion will sup¬port me on at least one of these articles.—J.P.W. FROM SCOTLAND YARD Chet Owens—It looks as if you are going to have a little competi¬tion with Monsieur Jones. Dean seems to find quite a bit to talk about. (H.H. is the direct object.) Junior Van D.-We wish you would dismiss that far away look in your eyes, because it usually means love, and love means mar¬riage and marriage means—a dog's life.—Detectives Black and Blue. UNFAIR TO CHILD LABOR Evidently all of the English teach¬ers are going in for oral talks, themes, essays, and what not for assignments over the week-ends. Please, have a little consideration for child labor. If one should drop in on one of the students on Sun¬day night, he would probably heat this: "Hey ma, what can I give for an oral talk," or "Hey ma, listen to this and see if it sounds all right." Please, teachers, if you don't have any consideration for the student, think of his poor parents!—Mustapha-Rest. QUESTION ANSWERED What did Mr. Farnsworth lose last Friday? This question, along with many others, was answered at the alumni party given by Gregg Artists on Wednesday night at the home of Ruth Van Dyke. Dinner was served at seven (or should I say eight) after which bunco and other games were enjoyed. Every¬one had a splendid time and except for the fact that Mr. Robins ate Gladys' Henrietta no misfortunes occurred, and all went well. |