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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 8, 1935. New Members Desired By Club Formed Among Pupils Of High School Chief Objective Stands As Study and Writing of Poetry OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor Jack Bennett, Associate Editor The Poetry club, newest organiza¬tion at Ogden High school, has un¬locked its gates for all those inter-ested in becoming members. To study and to write poetry is the two-fold aim of the society. The members intend to create an avid interest in this phase of litera¬ture. For the development of its object the Poetry club cordially invites boys and girls with poetic aspira¬tions to attend its weekly meeting, Thursday, November 9 at three- thirty-five o'clock. A vigorous, spirit¬ed discussion is anticipated which might prove appealing to visitors. "A word to the wise is sufficient" saith the man of wisdom; so we'll expect to see you all.—The Poetry Club. A SCHOOL MOTTO "What is worth doing is worth do¬ing well" is a famous quotation be¬cause those few words ring with truth. If every job assigned to us were done to the best of our ability the more mental and physical strength would be added to our capacities. The more often we com¬plete our work well; the more often we are asked to do difficult tasks, and thus our lives are broadened by this newly acquired power. Why should we perform any re¬quirement half-heartedly when just a little more effort on our part would finish the work in a fashion which would make us proud of our accomplishment? For if we take ihe time and the energy to begin, |we should take the time and effort to finish. Now during our school life, let us practice this quotation as a school motto, for the sooner we start completing every assignment in a praise-worthy fashion, the easier will be other duties to perform.— Emily Merrill. BOOKKEEPING In spite of the many things that are taught in our school, there is no subject in the school curriculum that has as its definite aim the im¬provement of handwriting and neat¬ness. A number of years ago a course was offered in our school system which has as its aim im¬provement of penmanship. During the time that this subject was in effect many of our fine penmen of the school today were first given the inspiration. Since that time the subject has been dropped from the system. As a result, there has been a great change in the former neat- iness of handwriting. I However, one department of our school that has done and is doing a great deal for the development of neatness of handwriting is the book¬keeping department, under the su-r pervision of Mr. Abplanalp. An op¬portunity is given the students of| this department to improve their neatness by comparison with many of the greatest penmen ever known. The required work of the class makes it necessary for the students to be careful of their penmanship and neatness. Any of the students of the bookkeeping department will agree that this course takes the place of the Palmer method that we were taught in the grades. Inasmuch as a study of this sub¬ject tends to improve our penman¬ship we should be interested in bookkeeping and all it has to offer. —Blaine Larson. BITS OF WISDOM "What this country needs are more dirtier finger nails and cleaner minds."—Will Rogers. "Please tell the world I hope to live a little longer."—Charles A. Lindbergh. "A parasite is somebody who goes through a revolving door on somebody else's push."—Eddie Cantor. "We cannot attain lasting prosperity with a nation half boom and half broke."—Franklin D. Roosevelt. If you want: To be recognized or have your' name in the paper, choose a pal of the opposite sex to trail around the halls with you. To understand English, join one of Mrs. Newcomb's classes. To study while in the library, plug your ears with cotton so you can¬not hear the prancing feet above you. To be able to answer a question in history, study your history text once in a while. To have friends, be a friend and smile to everyone.—One Who Knows. GREGG ARTIST At our pledge party last Thursday. October 26, our five lovely pledges became full fledged members. They are: Aline Piper, Ann Wahlen, Nadine Burnett, Ingrie Anderson and Barbara Welsh. Gregg Artists is progressing rapid¬ly this year, under the supervision of Mr. Robins and Mrs. Farnsworth. We hope our new members do. Congratulations, girls!—Kathryn Peterson. TEST QUESTIONS Define a bolt and a nut and ex¬plain the difference, if any. John Kinard's answer: "A bolt is a thing like a stick of hard metal such as iron with a square bunch on one end and a lot of scratching wound around the other end. A nut is similar to a bolt only just the opposite, being a hole in a little chunk of iron sawed off short with wrinkles around the inside of the hole." What is the potency of cyanide of potassium as a poison? Dean Jones' answer: "One drop on a dog's tongue will kill a man." Give the principal parts of any Latin verb. George Larkin's answer: "Slippo. Slippere, falli. bumptus." Teacher's reply: "Failo, failere, fluncto, suspendum."—R. J. |