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Show SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1933. Tigers Wallop Weber In Title Grid Contest Maurice Kennedy Is Outstanding Star of Armistice Day Event Weberites Have Single Scoring Chance In Opening Quarter Ogden High gridders handed the' Weber High machine an artistic. lacing in their annual city champ-ionship contest at the stadium Sat¬urday, 25 to 0. The victory gives the Tigers possession of the tra-ditional "little brown jug" for an¬other year. The Ogdenites were superior to the Warriors in every department of play and pushed over touch-downs in the first, second and third periods. Reserves had the leather on the Warriors' 19 l.ark when the contest ended. Weber kicked off to Ogden and the Tigers returned the ball to their own 25 yard line. On the very first play Kennedy fumbled and Weber recovered. The Warriors pulled a pass from Thomas to Dieu that was good for a first down, and three line plays gave them another first down to place the ball on the Ogden eight yard stripe. Three attempts at the line failed and an attempted end run resulted in a nine yard loss, Ogden taking possession of the ball on the Weber 17 yard mark. This was the only scoring threat of the afternoon by the Mark Ballif men. After an exchange of punts, Thomas of Weber punted only three yards beyond the line of scrimmage and Ogden took the ball on the Weber 33 yard line. Maurice Kennedy of the Tigers, one of the premier scholastic backs of the state, scored the opening touchdown on a sweeping end run. He circled the Weber left end for 30 yards. Greenwell's placement Iwas wide. In the second period Greenwell tossed a 15 yard pass to Kennedy and the brilliant back sprinted 15 additional yards before being downed on the Weber five yard WOODLAND SCORES On third down Woodland plunged over center for the second touchdown. Greenwell place-kicked for the extra point and the half ended with Ogden leading 13 to 0. The Tigers pushed over two touch¬downs in the third period. After the Tigers had marched to the Weber five yard line on a sustained drive from midfield, Kennedy circled the Weber left end for the third touchdown. A bad pass from Hig- gins forced Burbidge to attempt a drop kick for the extra point, but this attempt failed. Ogden's final touchdown came af¬ter Thomas of the Warriors booted the leather out of bounds on the Weber 13 yard line. His kick was good for only four yards. With the ball on the Weber five yard mark Greenwell circled the Weber left end for the final touchdown of the game. His attempted placement was wide. Ogden listed 16 first downs as against six for Weber and recorded 235 yards from scrimmage. Weber made only 53 yards from scrimmage. The Warriors attempted 11 passes and completed six while Ogden tried eight passes and completed only three. Maurice Kennedy was the out¬standing star of the matinee. The colorful Tiger back registered 135 yards from scrimmage. One of his gallops was good for 35 yards and another long run was good for 30 yards. NICE AIR ATTACK Weber's best method of attack was via the air. Thomas passed to Dieu twice for lengthy gains. The War¬riors were helpless when they at¬tempted t smash the Ogden for¬ward line. Weber suffered 90 yards from penalties during the afternoon while Ogden was penalized 45 yards. Burbidge, Greenwell, Woodland! and Kennedy played splendidly in the backfield for the Tigers. On the forward wall DeCorso, Higgins, Call, Randall and Kinnard sparkled. Kinnard played a great game at end. Shaw was outstanding in the backfield for the Warriors, with Dieu, Stoker and Wangsgaard the best on the Weber line. Summary: Ogden Weber High (25) High (0) Kinnard (C) le Torghele Herscovitz It Stoker DeCorso Ig Peterson Higgins c Taylor Call rg Nicholas Randall rt Wangsgaard Cole re Dieu Burbidge qb Shaw Woodland rhb Jonec Greenwell lhb Thomas (C Kennedy fb Charlton Score by periods: Ogden 6 7 12 0—21 Weber 0 0 0 0— C Ogden scoring: Touchdowns: Ken¬nedy 2, Greenwell, Woodland. Point after touchdown: Greenwell (place¬ment) Officials: Referee, Merlon Steven¬son; Umpire, Lionel Thatcher; Headlinesman, Maurice Conroy. TIGERS MEET WEST ELEVEN Rival Teams To Clash Sat¬urday On Grid At Salt Lake City Ogden High gridders have accept¬ed an invitation to meet West High for the championship of the two year high schools in football at Salt Lake City Saturday. The contest will be played on the West High football field, Baldy Sim- Ikin, coach of the Tingers announced today. A new football loop embracing East, South and West High schools of Salt Lake and Ogden is being considered for 1934. These teams are all two year institutions. Ogden finished in a deadlock for second place in the regional race with Preston with four wins and one defeat. The Tigers were im¬pressive last Saturday in their 25 to 0 victory over Weber High. Light practice drills are on the schedule this week at the Tiger lair. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 1933. O. H, S. TICKET SALE PRESSED Club Members Urged To Cooperate In School Campaign OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette, Editor. Jack Bennett, Associate Editor. And now to start in on the time worn expression "buy a student body ticket." However, this appeal is di¬rected especially to the members oi school clubs. If they will buy tick¬ets and make their club work 100 per cent in co-operation, we feei sure that this special action will be a shining example to the rest of the student body. The clubs ol Ogden High school have always loy¬ally supported every activity and im¬portant event in the school. Real¬izing with what unusual enthusiasm and perserverance we must attack this new problem of our student body, surely the clubs will back up a campaign to put over this sale and make this a big year in athletics literary efforts, ana dances. The clubs play a very large part in all these events and will, we feel sure, be the first to buy tickets and make a grand effort to start 1933-34 off in one stupenduous sale of member¬ships to our student body. Be one of the students who can proudly dis¬play his ticket and shout that he loves his school enough to get be¬hind it with every ounce of energy and make it better than it has ever been before.—Carpe Diem Reporter. WORK ESSENTIAL "The elevator to success is not running. Take the stairs." How true this is. We cannot be successful by just hoping that we will have pull enough to get us what we want, but he must work, bit by bit, mounting the steps One by one, until with a grateful, joyful heart, we arrive at the floor we are striv¬ing to reach. Remember this, students if you want something, get to work. You can't get anything by loafing, wish-ing or hoping—you must work, work, work—but the reward is well worth it.—M. P. For the benefit of those students who like to indulge in the pastime of composing poetry but whose works are hurriedly written ana not con¬sidered by our honorable editor of the high and mighty quarterly classicum as worthy of that publica¬tion, we the editors of the News Notes, will print each night one or two of these short verses.—The Ed¬itors. Sweet half forgotten thoughts. A tang of pain- Scratch—tick The clock again. —Pen. He: Do you love me, Or do you not? You told me once, But I forgot. She: Why yes And yet The more I tell you The more you forget. —D.D. How true this is, in the experience of many of our boys! FLITTING AROUND I wonder why Dave Wangsgard is afraid of his first period class. Does he think any of those sweet little girls would eat him up? Bob Brown is certainly a queer boy. All during fifth period French, he sits with a frown on his face. When there are so many girls around, I should think he would be all smiles. Oh well, nature is queer! Oh dear, why can't Kate learn to stand on her feet? She will bs making the record for tumbles, if she isn't careful. Why, oh why, is Ruth Ketchie locking for scandal? Doesn't she know that keyhole peeking is dangerous? I found that out. We surely have a swell student body president. He is never too preoccupied to smile at you.—"Shadower." CUSTOMS SAME Tennyson says, "The c changeth yielding place Not so in the customs of thi Every nook and corner in contain a couple so engn each other that flickering pass into the hour. Hal noticed how warm the radia No wonder Helen Richards orite dessert is ice cream ar peanuts. We see that Sii found a new girl along iH new school. Say, little Junm do you get so close to them senior girls? Just a word Robison. Is it Dorothy or or both? |