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Show MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11, 1933. Boys of R. O. T. C Know One Unfailing Way of Earning Fame Quickly Every Head Turns When Gun Clatter Breaks Stiff Silence OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette. Editor Jack Bennett. Associate Editor Have you ever been in ranks dur¬ing drill when the whole company was so quiet you could hear a pin drop? Don't you think it is great sport to drop your gum during this profound quietness? If ever a per-son feels that the eyes of the world are fixed upon him, it is following such a sad qccurrence. Just to think of it makes me shudder! Just place yourself in the place of the unfor¬tunate cadet. The four companies are standing stiffly and starkly at attention. From a few yards off the fellows look more like marble sta¬tues than humans. The major and all his officers are paying strict at¬tention to the uniformity of the group. Suddenly there breaks upon the still morning air a sound that is not unlike the crashing of a 10- story building to the ground! Almost at once the whole group flashes into action! From the ranks of privates comes a volley of loud laughing, "razzing," and calls of "Get him a basket" that makes the victim feel like a penny waiting for change. From the officers and the major comes the greatest amount of feel¬ing of foolishness that comes after a person has failed to answer a simple question in history. In fact the embarrassment is so great that the guilty person almost feels like sinking into the earth. It is not hard to pick out the dropper of the gun. All that is needed to find the man without the gun is a good pair of eyes. Just look for a very red face and downcast head and you will have found the person "in the eyes of the world."—Blaine Larsen. FOUNDATION NEEDED The aim of Ogden High school is to assist its students to become efficient American citizens. This means that every student must pre¬pare himself to earn his living by some form of useful labor. The em¬ployment should be suited to the needs, inclinations and abilities of the individual. This school offers training in the fundamentals of various occupations so that the stu¬dent may find himself, find his field and acquire skill in his chosen work. The mere preparation for a occu¬pation is not the only aim. To be happy one must know how to em¬ploy his leisure moments. Our school aims to give us a stimulus for con¬templation, reflection and intellectu-al growth. Besidse being able to make one's living and enjoy one's leisure there is another requirement for true American citizenship. It is a firm conviction that right will prevail, and that absolute integrity and honesty' are preferable to temporary seeming success. — Bob Buswell. PERFECT (?) CONTRIBUTION Having received proper stimulus from my good friend editor of the notes, I find myself sitting here trying to write what I consider an article which will be of interest to everyone. The only way to perform this impossible task is to treat every subject that might be of interest to anyone with equal consideration. Here I go. Annoyance: This very instant I I find myself annoyed by an unearthly yelling which is submitted to my ears by that awful neighborhood boy. If I had a loaded pistol handy, I might accidentally point it in his direction and allow my finger to press the trigger. How I wish he would refrain from whistling! Love: Here it is winter again, and there is nothing to do but fall in love (except two or thur hours of homework every night). I have chos¬en a promising sweet young thing to receive my attentions, but she seems to have a lowly opinion of me. Well, having no curly locks like Jerry Seale, I presume I shall have to resign my attentions. School work: After many long years of suffering, I find that the only way to get A's from any teach¬er is to do a little work occasionally. Think of the opportunity I am giv¬ing you at the cost of reading this article! You can now profit by my years of experience merely by read¬ing the next five words! Word hard; and get A's. — G. N. DEBATING The purposes of debating are to develop the reasoning faculties, give practice in rapid thinking to culti-vate the power to speak out, fluently before an audience. One' is trained in working out, prethinking one's opponents, a very puny reward compared with that of the athletic hero, yet it gives a much greater satisfaction, as only those who have participated can testify. Debating, as a school activity, strengthens school spirit. If students are interested in their school, and work to make it first in all activities they learn the les¬son of loyalty, patriotism, and in¬dustry which makes capable, honest citizens. — Bob Buswell. MANNERISMS Can you imagine: Gwen S. not saying "all r-i-g-h-t;" Virginia T. not saying, "You'd better come up and see me;" Warren S. not saying, "Hot tschta tschta;" Marian W. not saying, "My steady." Blaine L. not saying, "You're pickled." Valine C. not saying, "I guess you're right, I guess." Winnifred F. not affectionately saying, "You may." Lloyd Fredrickson not saying, "Atta girl, sport." La Vin C. not saying, "Oh! girls, girls." Virginia M. not saying, "Putrid."! Clara Young not wise cracking. Parrel Robins not chewing gum, John K. not saying, "Keep your arms straight!" BASKETBALL AT HAND One again the attention of the Ogden High turns to the basketball court and its followers. Basketball is one activity of the school that gains the whole-hearted support of the entire student body. No sport offers such a chance for the mem¬bers of the school to see an athletic team in action. Unless a person is acquainted personally with the members of the football team, is is impossible to distinguish anything but the number of the uniform. This gives the football game a far away expression that makes it uninterest¬ing. On the basketball court the situation is just reversed. The action takes place within easy sight of the onlookers and as a result basketball is of interest because nearly all stu¬dents understand basketball. Basketball prospect at Ogden High is indeed bright this year with a number of last year's squad in suits. If pre-season guesses are true, our team will go a long way into the finals of the division and state competition. — Blaine Larsen. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER13, 1933. Study of German Found Good Way of Gathering Culture And Knowledge Ogden High Pupils Advised To Look Into Benefits Offered OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette. Editor Jack Bennett. Associate Editor One of the most delightful and educational classes of the high school curriculum is the period spent in German. The senior German stu¬dents are greatly improving their method of speaking, maintaining the same high standard in knowing the mechanics of written and spok¬en German, and in the meantime assimilating interesting and helpful information constantly being taught. The Junior members are striving to gain knowledge in reading and pro¬nouncing German words and to un¬derstand the underlying principle of German grammar. Daily lessons, each of which has a definite aim to teach, are learned, which greatly aid the person in obtaining the desired results. During class period every pupil has a chance to practice speaking the correct method of pro¬nouncing words. Why do we study German? First, it broadens our life, because we can better understand the ideals and customs of a people in this world of ours when we can read their liter¬ature which teaches a wide scope within itself, and speak the lan¬guage. Second, this cultural attain¬ment gives us enjoyment in being able to converse in German from day to day; lastly, those of us who are fortunate enough to travel would find that a knowledge of the Ger¬man language would be a desirable asset. Thus, studying German would be worth the time and effort of every boy and girl in Ogden High school. —Emily Merrill. NEED CLEANING Have you ever opened your locker and had your books come to greet you? It's something like a jack-in- the-box and startles you immensely. All of this would be avoided if we would clean our lockers out once in a while. This isn't such a laborious task, in fact, it is quite an interesting one. One finds such a variety of inter¬esting things, things which were never suspected of being in the locker, perhaps an old sweater thought lost makes its appearance, or a book of favorite poeifis which you cherished dearly. A note which someone wrote you at the beginning of the year brings back old memories You might even be so lucky as to find a stray nickel or two, and if you are in any way affected by the de¬pression these will certainly come in handy. Let's clean up our lockers before Christmas. Who knows? We might uncover a grand piano or even a stray automobile. — Elva Miller. THE BAND PLAYS ON Every once in a while in our school there is some outstanding organization that forces itself up and above the others, and gains rec¬ognition through some worthwhile work its members are doing. This is the position which the R. O. T. C. band holds this year. Through the constant work of each individual band member under the capable direction of Mr. Hansen, a splendid standard of proficiency has been attained. The Ogden High school band has proven itself wor¬thy of its high rating on more than one occasion. Its most recent ap¬pearance, however, was at a boy scout executive meeting held in Weber college Thursday December 7. At that time four numbers were presented. First was the stirring composition, "March of the Illini" by Harry L. Alford. As the second number the band played, in response to a special request, "Death of Cus¬ter" by Lee Johnson. Two marches, "Old Panama" by K. J. Alford and "The Triumph of Old Glory" by Arthur Pryor, concluded the band's performance. The fine entertainment of the band at our football games, at the parents' reception, and in our own school assemblies, as well as, at out¬side engagements, deserves the thanks and compliments of every 'student. We are for the band, be¬cause the band is for Ogden High school! |