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Show FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12, 1934. Ogden And Weber Ready CONTEST WILL BE STAGED AT HIGH SCHOOL Second Teams To Play At 7 O'Clock, First At 8 O'Clock The Warriors of the Weber Coun¬ty High school will invade big game country tonight as they stalk the Tiger of 'the Ogden Senior High school in its native haunts, the jun¬gles of Twenty-fifth street and Mon-roe avenue. The Tigers will be exceedingly hard to rout. Smarting from the wounds of a 25 to 18 defeat at the hands of the Morgan county high school two weeks ago and still diz¬zy and tender from the barbs of the stinging Bees of Box Elder who took a 25 to 23 victory last week, the Tiger is a wary, cautious ani-mal. On the other hand the Warriors are approaching the game trials in a confident manner, well aware of their past record as hunters and instilled with the belief that they are just the group to put the mighty bengal to flight and pail his tawny skin to the gym room of the War¬riors lair at Twelfth street and Washington avenue. And the Warriors have a pre-sea- son record that bears out their con¬fidence. They were unusually im-pressive in their early season prac¬tice games and last Friday won the opening league game in their own fort from the Bear River five by the lop-sided score of 46 to 24, just two points from doubling their oppon¬ents. DOPE SHEETS OUT But one should never forget that when the Warrior stalks the Tiger dope sheets go by the board and all indications which may point to a victory for one or the other is use¬less. Both teams play superb ball when pitted against each other. Natural city enemies they are keyed to the highest pitch when on opposing sides and either one is liable to up¬set the dope sheet and take a vic¬tory when least expected. This was amply proven two years ago when the Warriors defeated the Tiger for the division title and the Tiger turned around and defeated the Warrior for the state title in one of the finest games ever played by high school students in the Deseret gymnasium in Salt Lake City. The Warriors will be hampered somewhat in their first line attack due to the injury of Carter, first string forward, who had a bad an¬kle. However Stoker will fill' in his place and this soldier has turned in such a creditable performance in the past when called upon that his teammates expect to put up every bit as much fight as they would if Carter were playing. Kapp will be pitted at the other forward position while acting Cap¬tain Dieu will hold down the center spot. Thomas and Bingham will take care of the base operations and watch the supplies for the gladia-tors. Rival Captains LOVELAND Clyde Greenwell (left), captain of the Ogden Tigers, and Jules Dieu, acting captain of the Weber Warriors, who will lead their teams to battle tonight at eight o'clock in the Ogden High school gymnasium. This will mark the first meeting of the two teams this year. Weber is leading Ogden by one victory in the northern division standing, having defeated Bear River, while Ogden lost to Box Elder on the Brigham City floor. SECOND TEAMS PLAY Ogden will have Whitaker and Jensen at forwards with Woodland jumping center. Woodland is a new man at the position and will have to play considerable ball to take care of Dieu, one of the best floor men in the northern division league. Captain Greenwell and Kennedy will hold down the guard positions for the Tigers. These men are both veterans of last year's team and the Weber forwards will have their hands full routing the ball around these two stalwarts. A skirmteh preceding the opening gun Will be held at seven o'clock when the second teams play. The main game will begin at eight o'clock. The game was originally scheduled for the Weber gymnasium but was transferred to the Ogden Senior High school court as Weber college has a game with the Uni-versity of Utah freshmen and a game with the tenth ward sched¬uled for this evening. |