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Show TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1934. Fair Play Idea Rules Contests Greatly Improved Spirit Seen At School Gatherings OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor Students of Ogden High are to be congratulated because of their con¬ception of true sportsmanship. The time has come when we are able to see that competition between bodies of students and schools is not hela for the sole reason of victory to one school or another, but for the de¬velopment of sportsmanship and fair play between schools. There is a very noticeable differ¬ence between the attitude of an audience attending an athletic con-test now and a few years ago. This is shown in our basketball games. No more do you hear shouting and booing at the decisions made by officials. Nor do you hear distract¬ing yells when a member of the opposing team is attempting a foul pitch. This is a splendid improve¬ment over the old attitude taken by high school audiences. Here's to better sportsmanship and increased friendliness between rival high school bodies!—Blaine Larsen. ACCOLADE Accolade, our annual dance. Pretty girls the scene enhance, Color of every possible hue, Pink, purple, white, and blue. Come with the one that you like best, Enjoy yourself at this gay fest. Orchestra music, soft and sweet, Songs, I'm sure, that can't be beat. Lights are dimmed, pale and low, During the waltz that you love so. Accolade, what more can I say? But this time, it's the girls who pay! Dance each dance the evening through, You'll have a good time, I promise you. Ended at last, this poem of mine. Be at the Berthana, Friday at nine.—Mary P. A GRAFT SYSTEM The graft system is flourishing successfully in numerous cities throughout our country, a type of it is thriving not only within our school but in many institutions of learning. By this I mean that tjie kind present in educational build¬ings is the use of cheating, copying, and other such unfair advantages over one's associates. Hardly a person within our own building isn't susceptible to this deteriorating habit, yet, queer as it may seem, students, and only stu¬dents, are to blame for its acquisi¬tion. The teachers and the school aren't responsible and can't prevent demonstrations of this type. Thus, the opportunity of obliterating this undesirable characteristic lies with¬in the grasp of each boy and girl. In tests, daily exercises, and oral work, cheating, copying and the like are seen because this usage is the easier method of completing as¬signments. Though this seems to be the more convenient way of ac¬complishing the required work at the time, the habit tends to cling to the individual through life. Because of this, let us now make an effort to cease such dishonest practices.—Emily Merrill. The students and faculty of Og¬den High school extend their heart¬felt sympathy to one of our stu-dents, Roy Peck, and to his family in the passing of his father. ESSAY An essay on "Nationalism Versus Brotherhood" Our modern world seems to be bristling with distrust, jealousy and selfishness. According to the news of the day almost every nation in the world is suspicious of its neigh¬bors and jealous of its trade rivals. Nationalism is the breeder of such an evil condition as we seem to be in. The spirit back of nationalism is one of selfishness. The creed is "Our nation, our people, our ships, our fighting machines—ours are su¬perior to any in the world." Is there then nothing of good re¬port? Yes, indeed there is! The news of the day also informs us, somewhat quietly and unpreten¬tiously—not on the front page, of course, but in the news neverthe-less—of great groups of youth pledg¬ing themselves to the principles of brotherhood, to peace, to helpful¬ness, and to faith in God and in one's fellowmen, of level headed, clear thinking statesmen and lead¬ers openly condemning war as a means of settling national differ¬ences and advocating the cutting down of armaments, the cost of which has so heavily burdened the | peoples of the world. If the youth of today and of the generations to come will courage¬ously accept the challenge of these fine examples we need not fear the outcome in the future.—Adolph Muller. If you haven't got a date And you think it's kinda late To be asking some fine fellow to the dance, Come and stop your dumb delayin' And your silly hi-de-haying; There's a million boys just achin' for the chance.—Guess Who. CHATTER Biggest blunder of the day: Bob Stewart going up to Mr. Bartonek and asking to borrow his geometry, as he didn't have his. (He does look young, though.) Famous titles: Billy Boyle, P. P. (prank player); Carlyle Savage, D. D. (day dreamer); Don Wheel¬wright, G. S, (girl-shy); Dick Bax¬ter, M. S. (male siren,); Taylor Carr, P. B. (play boy). Whit Cawer says spirits are rising in the country—plus the tax; he ought to know. I would like to know what busi¬ness Orchid and Burp and Snoop have razzing those radiator ro¬mances. Personally I think they are wonderful. And, I am not in love either (you mugs). I hear that Clyde Greenwell's face went red the other morning in drill. I wonder why? I hope Snoop and Burp and Or¬chid all get poisoned or sumpin.— Ceezall. SKATING Oh the joy. of flying o'er the ice With a cold wind from the north, Which will nip your cheek and feel so nice, When you're gliding back and forth! Oh the joyVf skimming round and round, And sliding to and fro— And never knowing where you're bound, Or caring where you go! —Elizabeth Parkinson. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1934. Many Not Present At Events Widespread Response To Activities of OHS Desired OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor No social or business organization can survive without the willing and unanimous co-operation of its mem¬bers, likewise the functions of Ogden High school will not succeed in attaining desired goals unless each and every member will en¬thusiastically support school activi¬ties. Were you present at the school play? Did you see the art exhibit? Do you attend basketball games? Girls, are ypu going to the Accolade? Deplorable as it is, not over 50 per cent of the students could truthfully answer "yes" to these questions. The school needs the help of everyone in order that all dances, plays, basketball games, and other activities, will be so widely adver- tised, aided, and encouraged that these features will be a great credit to those who are members of school. Since the perfection of every produc¬tion reflects upon the character of the performers, all of us should be only too willing to do our part in making school functions successful. —Emily Merrill. MUSIC No vacation in our country is ad¬vancing in greater strides than is music, both vocal and instrumental. Of course, modern people have al¬ways been interested in common jazz, but at last they are becoming symphony minded. This is noticed most in the fact that we are hearing more good music over the radio. Two or three years ago when a large company wanted an entertaining program to sponsor over the air, they went to jazz bands, comedians, and crooners. Now we notice that these same companies are willing to pay large sums of money to be able to sponsor a symphony orchestra, proving that this kind of music is becoming popular. We are concerned with this fact because we have a splendid or¬chestra in our school. We hope to see this organization grow in num¬ber and skill.—Blaine Larsen. BASKETBALL A very interesting situation has developed in the Ogden district basketball race this year. In the first game of the cage sea¬son the Ogden Tigers dropped a fast played game to the Box Elder Bees by a two-point margin. In the next game Ogden defeated Weber on our floor 19-18 before a throng of people that filled the gym to capacity. The next upset came when Weber de¬feated Box Elder 50-20 while the Tigers were winning from Bear River 36-26. Therefore, Box Elder defeated the Tigers, the Tigers beat Weber, and then Weber, our victim, turned and white-washed Box Elder, our conquerors. The remain¬der of the schedule will be more than interesting to us because of the unusual scores and upsets. We hope however, that Tigers will come out on top!—Blaine Larsen. PHI LAMBDA TAU Last Wednesday evening, mem- bers of Phi Lambda Tau held their night meeting in the form of a "shindig." A swim was enjoyed at the Weber gymnasium, after which IE a delicious lunch was served at the home of Emma Lou McEntire. By the way, I don't think our two lovely pledges have been introduced as yet, so for the sake of those who I do not already know, I'll inform you that they are the two Virginias, Combe and McNamara—Reporter. THE AMBITIOUS FEMS This message is directed to all girls who desire to honor themselves by taking some worthy fellow to the Accolade. In the first place this is supposed to be a girls' dance, but to hear the girls one would think we had incurred the responsibility b.v I asking the girls instead of the situation being exactly the opposite. I really think you females think yoo are doing us a favor by taking os. Well get this straight, you are not I doing so any more than we art ft when we ask you for a date. Do we ever ask you to furnish the ride, IB ask you? All year, gals, we have lied, stolen and even lain awake ft nights trying to scrape up rides sol your delicate prides would not be I hurt by having to walk. Now it your turn to worry, so make those dormant cerebrums of yours function for a change, and don't make ft us suffer the indignity of having to walk to the dance.—Esq. PROBLEMS? YES! That modern problem Professor B Raisinloaf gave us on the holes in B pretzels is not nearly so difficult I as what to do if you don't get a [ date to the Accolade. I'll hang my hat on anybody's door (girls only) that will ask me K to the Accolade. If any one is interested, phone No. 6 and ask for L me.. Mary seems to be running against the street cars. If you don't stop ft taking everybody home at noon your car will fall apart—then what! ll think there should be a law against. dumb junior girls running up an-1 other fellow's charge account. I'll ft make you wash dishes next time. 3 Dorothy. I heard them plotting. Who? Well. you'll have to guess. One said, "I think it's this Friday, why"? Then another said, "Well, let's go up and I ask them for dates this Friday, and when they say 'Well it's the Accolade', we can say 'Oh, we're sorry', then they will have to ask f us—now do you see?" This was an actual scene in one of the main/i halls Tuesday—I'm going to blackmail the parties concerned. -| Orchid. |