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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1934. Two Aides Named For Yearbook Business Staff Places Are Filled At Council Meeting OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor Regular council meeting was called to order by President Jensen; the roll was called, the minutes were read and approved. The president announced the game with Logan in our gym Friday, January 26, and the game in Pres¬ton Tuesday, January 30. It was moved and seconded that Stratford Smith and George Lowe be made assistant business man-agers of the yearbook. "The chair stated that new council members must be elected by Friday, and then gave a complete financial report of the student body fees. The Girls association will sponsor tlie Friday assembly. Council then adjourned.—Secre¬tary, Clifford Thorne. SUCCESSFUL SEMESTER At the end of the first semester, in Mr. Hancock's seventh period economics class, Edward Greenband gave a splendid report on "The Eco¬nomical Value of Furs." His report not only improved the education of the students but was exceptionally interesting. This was just one of the many interesting reports given by the students during the semester. Mr. Hancock, a new teacher in the High school, has been very success¬ful as an economics teacher; no doubt he will be equally as success¬ful in his sociology class. — H. D. Reporter. BALANCE SOUGHT Students, you don't seem to real¬ize how your carelessness is affect¬ing the notes. If you would stop to think about what you would like to road in a school publication, you would give us your support now. One week we get nothing but edi¬torials and essays, thus causing us to send out a call for some humor. Sad to relate, the circumstances are then directly reversed, and we get nothing but gossip and chatter! Why is it that we can't have an equal contribution of articles? We know that if we have no humor, none of the students will even bother to read the notes, but if we have all humor, no parents or teach¬ers will read the notes. Come on, students, O. H. S. Notes needs your help!—M. P. THE IDEAL GIRL There has been quite a bit of dis¬cussion lately about the ideal boy. Why hasn't anyone picked out an ideal girl? Surely, with the large number and variety of girls around the halls, we ought to be able to make a pretty good combination. How's this for a start? A girl with Adele Larson's height, Dorothy Bowman's posture, Ruth Leonard's curly hair, Kate Johnson's big brown eyes, Mary Paquette's long black lashes, and Faye Staker's voice. Of course this girl would have Marion Wilson's personality, and Charlene Wood's intelligence. Wouldn't that be fine?—Twist. There are some girls it seems Who haven't got the means, To take a boy to the dance I think it would be nice, To lower the price And give all the girls a chance. —Guess Who? MY! OH! MY! There goes the tardy bell. Oh! if the hall would only clear. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. In one of her hands, that shook and shivered, she held a neatly folded paper. Would any one see her? Could she make it before anyone came around the corner? Quickly she tripped up to a little red box. A few minutes later the folded paper lay inside. She breathed a sigh of relief as she started to her late class. Yes, she would watch the school notes closely for it now. —Dolores Rowland. SCHOOL PEP High school has been justly praised for its pep. Enthusiasm, pep and support are very necessary in sports. After all, the rooters are playing the game as much as the team. Sports represent a necessary part cf our school affairs; therefore, everybody should take an interest in them, whether he is playing the game from the sidelines or in the field—Le Ida. QUESTION CORNER Dear Nose-all: I would like to know what has happened to R. Berrett. It seems to me he hasn't broken any hearts lately. Has he quit trying or has he lost his power? —Guess Who. Dear Guess Who: By any chance do you realize that it is now the end of the semester Reid has been studying. I think maybe if you spent more time studying and try what Reid has been doing, it will be better for all concerned.—Nose-all. THE ACCOLADE "Funny that I'm not going to the Accolade," you say? Well it's not so funny when you think about it. You see I can't dance. EVer since I was about ten, I though dancing was a lot of "hooey," that it cost too much money, that it kept one up too late at night. These silly ideas bred in me a feeling of contempt for all those who participated in such movings of the feet and body. Such being the case I never visited a dance hall, never danced, never wanted to dance. But all that is changed now. Since coming to High school I have met a lot of nice girls, girls that I like, and I want to take out and be associated with, but where could I take them; to the show? I might take them to one show, but that would be all. After finding that I could not dance, they would very politely "give me the air," and I would be out in the cold again. How I wish I could dance! What a time I would have! Funny that I'm not going to the Accolade, you say? Well it's not so funny when you think about it.—Frantzen Todd. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 26, 1934. Din Fills Room As Tests Held Orderly Progress Is Made Despite Noime of Typewriters OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Mary Paquette—Editor Jack Bennett—Associate Editor The nosy sound of quickly click¬ing keys sharply fills the air as the nimble fingers of students deftly strike the keyboard on typewriters of motley assortment. Also, an inces¬sant hum wrought from pounding machines of boys and girls endeav¬oring to improve their skill and ef¬ficiency hovers, in all parts of the room wherein typing is taught. Especially is this true when speed and accuracy tests are given often. During some of the days each week an exercise or story is given to each member of the class to type in an allotted time. Immediately when the signal to begin is given, the steady rhythmic movements of their hands can be seen manipulat¬ing in unison, and the noise of changing paper, depressing shift keys, and hitting letters can plainly be heard. After ten or fifteen min¬utes, everyone ceases to work, checks errors, totals the mistakes, and aver¬ages the words typed a minute. In this way an accurate and constant' record can be kept of what the stu¬dent's ability and conscientiousness is in this line and how much his work is improving by the amount of work which he finishes daily. Because the speed and accuracy tests so help every one to know what his standing is, may we con-tinue to have many in the future.— Emily Merrill. OGDEN VS LOGAN The Ogden Tigers will attempt to halt the early season winning stretch of the Logan Grizzles when the Logan team comes to Ogden to¬night at seven-thirty in our gym. The Logan boys have plowed their way through three formidable foes in the northern end of the state like champions. Ogden, on the other hand, has had a fair season thus far, winning from Weber, Bear River, and dropping a close game to Box Elder. Thus fans are promised a splendid basketball treat when Ogden and Logan tangle. Remem-ber, the game is in our gym at seven-thirty tonight. Let's go!— Blaine Larsen. LIVE BY YOUR OWN LAWS It is much more pleasant to base our lives on the life of the ideal person we read about than on the rules of a philosophy which is one of the examples of the saying that to every rule there is an exception. This philosophy defeats its own pur¬pose in that it is saying for you to follow the course it prescribes and within itself tells you not to fol¬low philosophy. Life is not a thing which can be ruled by a set of philosophies, hand¬ed down to us, or even made by us. but is like a bit of clay to be mold¬ed and shaped as the sculptor de¬sires his creation to be like. To base one's life on a fictitious person's life would be all right if the ways of a book were like the ways of life. In life and living one must live for the good of life. One must not live as he thinks an ideal lives but live as he happens to live and get good from his living and live for good.—Jack Bennett. FLITTING AROUND Why does everyone remark on Phil Thompson's feet. They are the right; size for his height. Besides, if you heard him play the piano, you would forget abput other things! Let's all try to say something good about people. Miss Eccles seems to have started a new one around school. Have you noticed the ring she is wearing on her index finger? We must admit it looks nice. Does anyone know a remedy for a young girl who has a very sud¬den dislike for school? Elva Miller needs one, I think. Clocks, clocks, and more clocks! That would be all right except for one little thing—they all say a dif-ferent time!—The Shadower. NEW MEMBERS Novi Poetae had the honor of ad¬mitting four new members to the club at the meeting held January 17. After the applicants had given a very interesting discussion of the lives of poets, Langston Hughes, Carl Sandborg, Joyce Kilmer ana Robert Frost, they read some inter¬esting poetry of their own making. Juanita Siddoway, Ruth Woods, Mary Jo Hellewell and Fred Cortner are the new members and Novi Poetae is happy to welcome them. These people will all help to make this first year for Novi Poetae a happy and successful one. The club also elected new officers who will carry on the work for the rest of the year. They are: Faye Staker, president, Dean Nelson, vice president and Marian Holbrook, sec¬retary. The club has made very fine progress in the first few weeks of its existence and greater things will be done in the future.—Marian Holbrook. A SAD, SAD STORY Ted had been a very naughty boy. When he had gone down the halls, he had never ever spoken to the pretty little things (girls) flitting back and forth. And now, woe was he, for he had no date to the Accolade. There was nothing left to do, but to go into hibernation away from the rest of the world, for everyone else had a date. But where and how? Ah, he had it! He would go up in one of those balloons that he had seen flying around the school. So first thing, he made a basket for the bottom of the balloon, and up he went, higher and higher. Soon hundreds of little angels were chasing him about. They were try¬ing to pop his balloon. Oh look at that darling blonde. Ted would never have believed angels could be so pretty if he had not seen her with his own eyes. Why, she—bang! whizz-z-z! Ted was falling, falling, falling. Some one had broken his balloon. Oooh, the earth was coming whizzing to him. Oh! if— "Ted, please, please. Even though I asked you at the last minute and it's a waltz, there's no reason for your sleeping. You've popped your balloon already. Now pep up; this is the Accolade!" P.S. Girls, there's yet time to make sure of a popping good time. Get a date for the Accolade tonight at nine at the Berthana ballroom. —R.L.V.C. |