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Show 12 STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE. TAYLOR AV—s from 1501 19th, 14th e of Wall av. TAYLOR WARD—a farming- district in West Weber. TENNESSEE AV—s from W 34th, 4 blks w of Weber River. TENTH—e and w from 1000 Wash av. THIRD—e and w from 300 Wash av. THIRD AV—e from 3140 Harrison av. THIRTEENTH—e and w from 1300 Wash av THIRTIETH—e and w from 3000 Wash av. THIRTY-FIRST—e and w from 3100 Wash av. THIRTY-SECOND—e and w from 3200 Wash av. THIRTY-THIRD—e and w from 3300 Wash av. THIRTY-FOURTH—e and w from 3400 Wash av. THIRTY-FIFTH—e and w from 3500 Wash av. THIRTY-SIXTH—e and w from 3600 Wash av. THIRTY-SEVENTH—e and w from 3700 Wash av. THIRTY-EIGHTH—e and w Trom 3800 Wash av. THIRTY-NINTH—e and w from 3 900 Wash av. THOMAS LANE—w from 2410 Grant av. THOMPSON AV—s from 939 28th. TOOELE—bet W 31st and 32d, 2 blks w of Weber River. TRACY AV— ½ blk n from 140 W 22d. TREMONT—bet W 27th and 28th, 2 blks w of Weber River. TREVOC TERRACE—201 Wash av. TRIBE COURT—s from 551 23d. TWELFTH—e and w from 1200 Wash av. TWENTIETH—e and w from 2000 Wash av. TWENTY-FIRST—e and w from 2100 Wash av. TWENTY-SECOND—e and w from 2200 Wash av. TWENTY-THIRD—e and w from 2300 Wash av. TWENTY-FOURTH—e and w from 2400 Wash av. TWENTY-FIFTH—e and w from 2500 Wash av. TWENTY-SlXTH—e and w from 2600 Wash av. TWENTY-SEVENTH—e and w from 2700 Wash av. TWENTY-EIGHTH—e and w from 2800 Wash av. TWENTY-NINTH—e and w from 2900 Wash av. TYLER AV—s from 20th, 12th e of Wall av. UNION AV—s ffom 227 W 31st. UTAH AV—from Country Rd to 40th, bet Wash and Grant avs. UTAH PLACE—e from 3040 Jackson av. VAN BUREN AV—s from 1101 19th, 10 e of Wall av. VIEW—6 miles w of city, bet N Og-den and Utah Hot Springs. VOLKER AV—n from 740 28th. WALL AV—s from 101 18th, 3d w of Wash av, dividing- line bet streets running- east and west. WALNUT—w from 249 Wash av. WALNUT—on a line with W 42d, 7 blks w of Weber River. WARREN—13 miles northwest. WARREN LANE-—w from 2159 Adams av. WARREN ROW—w from 2155 Adams av to Stuart Lane. WASATCH—bet W 31st and 32d, 2 blks w of Weber River. WASHINGTON AV—-from n to s city limits, 3d east of Wall av. WASHINGTON AV—s from W 34th, 2 blks w of Weber River. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS—Wash av rrom 40th to 71st. WEBER AV—n from 2740 Harrison av. WEST BOULEVARD—S of W 40th, 12 blks w of Weber River. WEST COURT—s from 521 23d. WEST WEBER—a station on the S P R R, 6 miles w of Og-den. WHEELER AV—w from 3739 Jackson av. WHEELWRIGHT AV—w from 24 39 Quincy av. WHITE TERRACE,—rear 143 23d. WILLIAMS AV—s from 839 27th. WILSON AV—now Og-den av. WILSON LANE—from w end 24th, n w to Marriott. WOODLAND AV-—S from 239 33d. WYOMING AV—s from 639 32d. YRUBDUS CT—867 23d. DON'T LEND YOUR DIRECTORY R. L. POLK & CO'S OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY VOL. 1918 XXI MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION (Copyright Secured 1918). CITY GOVERNMENT. CITY OFFICERS. City Hall—Washing-ton av s w cor 25th. Mayor—T Saml Browning. Recorder—W J Critchlow. Treasurer—Wallace Foulger. Attorney—W H Reeder jr. Auditor—A F Larson. Engineer—J M Tracy. Chief of Police—T E Browning. Municipal Court Judge—G S Barker. Juvenile Court Judge—Joshua Homer. Chief of Fire Dept—G A Graves. Physician—W R Brown. Street Supervisor—C H Martin. Sanitary Inspector—Geo Shorten. Coal Oil Inspector—R C Taylor. Sexton—A E Wilson. Pound Master—Frank A Naisbett. Board of City Commissioners—T S Brown¬ing- (Ex-offlcio) Supt Public Affairs, Health and Finance; Chris Flyg-are, Supt Streets and Public Improvements, Water Supply and Water Works; M L Jones, Supt Parks, Public Property and Public Safety. Election Precincts—One precinct in each ward. City election, first Tuesday after first Monday in February, every two years. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. COUNTY OFFICERS Court House—n s 24th bet Washington and Adams avs. Commissioners—Moroni Skeen, M P Brown, D H Ensign. Clerk—C M Ramey. Recorder—Katherine L Higginbotham. Assessor—O M Sanderson. Treasurer—A V Huish. Attorney—C L Farr. Supt of Schools—W N Petterson. SheriTf—H G Peterson. Surveyor—J M Lentz. Supt County Poor Farm—Harry McCune. Road Commissioner—J M Lentz. Board of Education—L H Froerer, Clk, 306 First Nat Bank Bldg. Physician—W R Emmett. Board of Exemption—Win H Lowder Chair¬man. ELECTION PRECINCTS. Ogden—1, 2, 3, 4, 5—wards same as city election precincts, Huntsville, Eden, North Ogden, Pleasant View, Plain City, Harris- ville, Slaterville, Marriott, Kanesville, West Weber, Wilson, Hooper 1 and 2, Randall, Riverdale, Uintah, Burch Creek, Farr West, Liberty, Roy, Warren, West Warren and Taylor. Election for County Officers—Every two years. Election Day—Second Tuesday after first Minday in November. STATE GOVERNMENT. STATE OFFICERS. U S Senators—Wm H King and Reed Smoot. U S Congressmen—M H Welling and Jas H Mays. Executive. Capitol Building, Salt Lake City. Governor—Simon Bamberger. Secretary of State—Harden Bennion. Auditor—Jos Ririe. Treasurer—D O Larson. Attorney General—Dan B Shields. Supt Public Instruction—E G Gowans. Librarian—H W Griffith. Bank Commissioner—Wm E Evans. Bank Examiner—T W Ball. Coal Mine Inspector—Robt Howard. Engineer—Geo F McGonagle. Fish and Giame Comnr—R H Siddoway. Dairy and Food Comnr—W M Boyden, Chemist—Herman Harms. Adjutant General—W G Williams. Architect—Jos Monson. |