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Show Overland BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO. Willys KNIGHT GARAGE, ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 2450 Grant Ave. Ogden, Utah 338 R. L. POLK & CO'S Poulter Mrs Alice, r 918 22d. Poulter Alice L, b 918 22d. Poulter Ephraim, dist mgr West Coast L Ins Co, b 918 22d. Poulter Fred, farmer, b Kanesville. Poulter Geo, r 854 26th. Poulter Geo, farmer, r Kanesville. Poulter Geo A, slsmn Goodale-Seoville Co and apiarist 2556 Gramercy av, r same. Poulter Ina, opr MST&T Co, rms 2480 Monroe av. Poulter Lamont M, tchr Wilson Schl, r 2367 Kingsford av. Poulter Lawrence M, clk Wright's, r 2367 Kingsford av. Poulter Leon C, tmstr, r 619 21st. Poulter Moroni S, real est, rms 2480 Monroe av. Poulter Wm R, dept supt Metro Life Ins Co, r 858 26th. Poulter Wilson, r 3272 Stephens av. Poulter W Irvin, moved to Logan, U. Powell Albt J, suprvr music Co Schls, r Marriott. Powell Anna C, tchr Madison Schl, b 2460 Madison av. Powell Carl, lab Ogden P & P Co, r 153 26th. Powell Edith M, asst H W Nelson, b 521 24th. Powell Elsie, steno U S Forest Serv, b Marriott. Powell Ethel, tchr Plain City Schl, b Marriott. Powell Florence, b Marriott. Powell John D, farmer, r Marriott. Powell John J, hlpr S P Co. Powell Maggie, b Marriott. Powell Robt W C, r 521 24th. POWELL SAMUEL C, Lawyer 605 Eccles Bldg, Tel 87, to 2460 Madison av, Tel 2031-J. Powell Saml J, r 2460 Madison av. Powell Thos E, farmer, r Marriott. Powell Walter W, formn S P Co, r 21 Corey Apts. Power Albt, trucker O U R & D Co, r 537 Canyon rd. Power Kenneth T, messr O U R & D Co, b 537 Canyon rd. Power Thos F, clk O U R & D Co, b 537 Canyon rd. Power Verne, clk S P Co, b 537 Canyon rd. Power Vivian C, clk O U R & D Co, b 537 Canyon rd. Powers Patk, live stock, r 210 W Patterson av. Powers Stanley, clk Wright's, rms 526 27th. Pozzie Antonio, lab, r 175 W 21st. Prade Mrs Bertha, rms 2324 Madison av. Prantil Louis (European Hotel), r 368 24th. PRATT ARTHUR E, Judge 2d Judicial Oist Court, Court House Tel 1290, r 2569 Van Buren av, Tel 259. Pratt Eugene E (U S A), b 2569 Van Buren av. Pratt Thos, rms 2623 Brinker av. Preece Carrie M, emp Goddard Pkg Co, b 1794 Pacific av. Preece Ellsworth W, r 1794 Pacific av. Preece Hiram, brkmn, r 874 Canyon rd. Preferred Accident Ins Co, T F Timby agt, 204 Eccles Bldg. PREFERRED INSURANCE AGENCY THE, E L Ford Mgr, 814 Eccles Bldg, Tel 737. (See opposite). Pregler Chas A, clk, rms Van Ness Hotel. J. A. McCulloch Agency REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LOANS Office Under First National Bank Tels. Office 301, Res. 1497 Ask the Man who Wears Them The Scowcroft MADE-RITE and NEVER-RIP Work Clothes MFQ BY The John Scowcroft & Sons Co. Office & Factory OGDEN, UTAH Branches Price, Utah Idaho Falls Idaho Before the Fire Successors to LEE-HUNTER AGENCY EDWARD AUTH M. T. JAMISON INTER-MOUNTAIN AGENCY, Inc. New York Standard Policy Expires December 31st, 1917 Property Stock-Warehouse Amt. $10,000.00 Rate $1.45 Premium $145.00 Assured YOU No. 00000 Stock Company “A Prompt Paying” Fire Insurance Company One of several represented by The Preferred Insurance Agency Representing Compaies Whose Assests Agrregate over $200,000,000.00 See That Your Policies Have This Label FIRE LIABILITY REPFERRED INSURANCE AGENCY “THE PROMPT PAYING PREFERRED” ROOM 814 ECCLES BLDG. OGDEN, UTAH AUTOMOBILE BONDS OVER AND |