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Show J. M. FORRISTALL 501 Eccles Building Telephone 425 Surety Bonds, Fire, Accident, Liability and Burglary INSURANCE 342 R. L. POLK & CO'S Quillinan Wm E, eng S P Go, r 2264 Lincoln av. Quincy RobtE, miner, rms 313 28th. Quincy School, Quincy av s e cor 26th. Quinn Edwd N, r 335 28th. Quinn John, pipe ftr S P Go, r 2150 Reeve av; Quinn John E jr, porter Healy Hotel, r 2944 Lincoln av. Quinn Patk J, clk Hotel National, r 6 Doxey Apts. Quinn Wm B, blrwashr S P Co. Quinney Jos jr, gen agt Amal Sugar Co, r Logan, U. Quirk Catherine (wid Nicholas), rms 2523 Orchard av. Quirk Prudence, tchr Washington Schl, rms 1549 Grant av. Quist Frank, slsmn Scowcroft's, r Salt Lake City. Quong Duck Chong Go, Chinese mdse 2468 Lincoln av. Quong Lee, laundry 229 25th. R R&O QUALITY SHOP IIMC, Benjamin Oppman Pres, Henry Rosenbluth Sec-Treas, Clothiers, Haberdashers, Etc, 352 25th, Tel 631. (See left side lines and adv). BENJAMIN OPPMAN President HENRY ROSENBLUTH Sec. and Treas. R&O QUALITY SHOP,Inc. CLOTHIERS MODERN DRESSERS OF MEN AND YOUNG MEN Exclusive and Up-to-Date Ideas at Handy Prices Ranging From $15 to $35 Agency for Kupenheimer Guaranteed Clothes EVERYTHING IN MEN'S APPAREL at 352 25TH STREET PHONE 631 Raat Dirk, mason, r 2030 Ballantyne av. Raat Henry, appr Ogden Printing Go, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Raat Minnie, clk F W Woolworth Co, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Raat Richd, lab, rms 663 27th. Raat Rudolph B, plmbr, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Rabe Augusta A, oor Ogden Utah Knitting Co. rms 644 27th. Rabe Fred C, asst Freemonde Studio, rms 2102 Monroe ar. Rabe Hannah A, rms 644 27th. Racette Dora, tchr Quincy Schl, rms 3 Fairview Apts. Rackham Albt, tmstr, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Alfred, whsmn Boyle Furn Co, r 2737 Williams av. Rackham Arthur, buyer Wright's, r 847 20th. Rackham Chas G, tmstr, r 2751 Quincy av. Rackham Mrs ^Mith, rms 2169 Grant av. Rackham Fannie (wid Claude S), rms 2740 Jefferson av. HARPER BROTHERS LEGAL PRINTERS Phone Wasatch 1840 Street Salt Lake City BATESTAS BROS. Proprs. Where Everyone Goes Confection Experts Mfrs. of FAMOUS SEGO LILY CHOCOLATES and Delicious CANDIES of Every Make Ice Cream Sherbets and Light Lunches 2437 Washington Ave. Phone 728 UTAH SALES CO. SALES AGENTS FOR Ogden Portland Cement Co. Union Portland Cement Co. BUILDING SPECIALTIES ECCLES BUILDING OGDEN, UTAH OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 343 Rackham Fred, driver, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Geo E, emp R L Grosbie, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Guy L, student, rms 2751 Quincy av. Rackham G Wallace, clk Wright's, b 651 26th. Rackham Henry, lab, r 924 Rushton. Rackham John, tmstr, r e end Canyon rd. Rackham Leonard, clk, b 2737 Williams av. Rackham Mary (wid Joshua T), r 651 26th. Rackham Mary J (wid Thos J), b 763 27th. Rackham Rachel R, clk Wright's, b 2737 Williams av. Rackham Saml, tmstr, r Lafayette av nr 28th. Rackham Theresa (wid John), r 3187 Grant av. Rackham T Jas, r 763 27th. Rackham Wm G, wchmn Boyle Furn Co, r 743 27th. Rackham Wm J, bkpr Ogden Whol Groc Co, r 330 Patterson av. Raethel Aug H, barber A J Farber, r 2658 Adams av. Ragan Cecilia L, b 2323 Monroe av. Ragan Danl, clk J B Young Co, r 2323 Monroe av. Ragan Michl, brkmn S P Co, r 2335 Monroe av. Ragan Patk, lab O U R & D Co, rms 413 W 21st. Rahmoller Arthur W, lab, b 2935 Grant av. Rahmoller Frieda, picker Coulter-A Seed Co, b 2935 Grant av. Rahmoller Louis W, millmn Coulter-A Seed Co, r 2935 Grant av. Railroad Coffee House (Thos Ross), 265 25th. ' Railroad Porters' and Waiters' Club, F K Turner mgr, 151 25th. Railway Mail Service, W H Taylor chf clk, 302 Federal Bldg. Rainey Albt C, carp, r 3210 Jefferson av. Rainey Geo A, firmn O U R & D Co, b 3210 Jefferson av. Rains Isaac, lab, r 1753 Center av. Rains Jas E, lab, b 1753 Center av. Raistrick Leonard, lab, rms 1079 22d. Rail Jos W7 wchmn S P Co, r 2637 Van Buren av. Ralston Loice, stower O U R & D Co. RAMEY CHARLES M, County Clerk and Auditor Court House, Tel 297, r 540 21st, Tel 2597. Ramey E H, swehmn O U R & D Co. Ramey John W, farmer, r 3137 Porter av. Ramey John W S, b 3137 Porter av. Ramsden Arthur, motrmn U I C R R, r 473 Chester. Ramsden Edith, steno, b 473 Chester. Ramsden Eliz (wid Peter), r 1060 Capitol av. Ramsden John, r 339 Parry av. Ramsden John E, clk Browning Bros Co, r 532 30th. Ramsey Wm, lab, rms 179 25th. RANCH THE, Baumeister Bros Proprs, Soft Drinks of All Kinds, Cigars, Etc, Restaurant in Connection, 365 24th, Tel 1887-W. Rand Geraldine, clk F W Woolworth Co, b 928 Capitol av. Rand Harold, clk Ogden P & P Co, r 928 Capitol av. Randall David E, treas-mgr N Ogden Can Co, r N Ogden. Randall Edwin C, student, b 320 2d. Randall Enoch J, farmer, r N Ogden. Closely Connected With TANNERS AND PULLERS both East and West Telephone 781-W O. M. RUNYON DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax, Wool & Furs Always In the Market at Top Market Prices Reference: Ogden State Bank Ogden, Utah 2263-2269 Wall Avenue UTAH SALES CO. Sales Agents Ogden Portland Cement Co. Union Portland Cement Co. Building Specialties ECCLES BUILDING |