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Show FOLEY VARIETY STORES 5, 10,15, 25, 50c Up to $1.00 MERCHANDISE OF MERIT 2410 Washington Ave. Tel. 303 296 R. L. POLK & CO'S Neuterman Francis, hlpr S P Go, b 324 W 17th. Neuterman Herbt, cigarmkr M Davidson, r 324 W 17th. Neuterman Minnie, b 324 W 17th. Neuterman Wilhelmina, died Oct 10, '17, age 16. Neville Chas W, hlpr S P Go. Neville David, hlpr S P Co, r W Ogden. Neville Earl, lab, r 253 W 21st. Neville Jabez, lab, rms 2846 Wall av. Neville John E, hlpr S P Go. Nevins Frank, steno, r 319 26th. Nevins Robt, photog, b 319 26th. NEW BRIGHAM HOTEL, Theo Gorie Propr, Steam Heat, Elec¬tric Lights, Baths, Hot and Gold Water in All Rooms, Re¬duced Rates by Week or Month, The Only New and Fire Proof Hotel in the City, Wall av and 24th, Tel 2430. NEW BRUNSWICK FIRE INS CO (New Brunswick, N J), J A McCulloch Agency Agts, under First Nat Bank. NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INS CO (Manchester, N H), J H Knauss & Co Agts, 201 Col Hudson Bldg. NEW HEALY HOTEL, Patrick Healy Propr, John C Lynch Mgr, 100 25th, Tel Exch 2420. NEW JERSEY FIRE INS CO (Newark, N J), J A McCulloch Agency Agts, under First Nat Bank. New World The (Japanese daily), T Kameyama local mgr, 2458 Wall av. New York Life Ins Co, Wm G Stewart agt, 44 Lewis Blk. New York Rooming House (Mrs Anna Lockhart), 362 24th. NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, J M Forristall Agt, 501 Eccles Bldg. New York & Great Western M S & D Co, J H Knauss sec, 201 Col Hudson Bldg. NEW ZEALAND INS CO (New Zealand), J M Forristall Agt, 501 Eccles Bldg. NEWARK FIRE INS CO (Newark, N J), J M Forristall Agt, 501 Eccles Bldg. Newcomb Alex, cranemn S P Co, r 146 W 29th. Newcomb John, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Newcomb Wm, firmn, r 2855 Lincoln av. Newdale Rooms (Mrs Eliz Brown), 132 ½ 25th. Newell David A, shoemkr H W Jones Co, rms 2474 ½ Wash av. Newey Ann (wid John), r 438 Herrick av. Newey Arthur, clk Ogden Furn & G Co, b 2658 Quincy av. Newey Bavid, messr Amer Exp Co, r 3261 Grant av. Newey Effie, b 438 Herrick av. Newey Geo E, hlpr Utah Const Co, r 210 W 31st. Newey Henry, r 438 Herrick av. Newey John, swchmn O U R & D Co, r 2658 Quincv av. Newey Jos L (U S A), b 3143 Pacific av. Newey Leland, driver Home Furn Co, r 543 Canyon rd. Newey Luella, opr Ogden Utah Knitting Co, b 3143 Pacific av. Newey Oren A, swchmn O U R & D Co, r 3024 Grant av. Newey Orson S, swchmn O U R & D Go, r 2808 Adams av. Newey Thos, tmstr, r 3143 Pacific av. HIAWATHA COAL UNITED STATES FUEL CO. SOLD BY ALL OGDEN DEALERS SALT LAKE CITY THE R&O QUALITY SHOP Modern Dressers of Men and Young Men Clothing Overcoats Suits Furnishings Shoes and Hats 25th St. Phone 631 B- H. GODDARD 429 24th Street INSURANCE Telephone 500-W FIRE, LIFE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH PLATE GLASS TORNADO, BUR¬GLARY, POSTAL AUTOMOBILE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 297 Newey Wm, tmstr, r 3123 Pacific av. Newey Wm R, carp, rms 233 W Patterson av. Newgent, see Nugent. Newman Claude R, b 365 Adams av. Newman Emma (wid Wm), b 2473 B av. Newman Florence, dom 2533 Eccles av. Newman Frank E, student, b 472 27th. Newman Fred J, auto service, r 1100 Canyon rd. Newman Geo R (U S A), b 365 Adams av. Newman Geo W, mach S P Co, r 365 Adams av. Newman Harry W, student, b 472 27th. Newman Heber J (Newman & Co), r 2854 Madison av. Newman Lillo S, tinr Newman & Co. Newman Mrs Pearl A, bkpr, b 2473 B av. Newman Robt W, student, b 472 27th. Newman Turner A, grocer 558 W 24th, r 2473 B av. Newman Wm E, sec Utah Corrugated Culvert & Flume Co and counselor Second Ward L D S, r 472 27th. Newman & Co (H J Newman), sheet metal wks 2327 Hudson av. Newport Cafe, M J Wong mgr, 218 25th. Newtie Isidore, clk, rms Arlington Hotel. Newton Benj H, died Aug 4, '17, age 28. Newton Dwight M, trav pass agt O S L, r 2236 Quincy av. Newton Eva, emp Shupe-WT Candy Co, b 2955 Pingree av. Newton Fred B, painter O U R & D Co, r 2955 Pingree av. Newton John T (J T Newton & Son) r 889 27th. Newton John T & Son (John T Newton), contra 889 27th. Newton Laura B, steno O U R & D Co, b 2955 Pingree av. Newton Lillian E, auditor Ogden Furn & C Co, b 889 27th. Newton Marie, opr Scowcroft's. rms 2325 Lincoln av. Newton Realia C, steno, b 2955 Pingree av. NIAGARA-DETROIT UNDERWRITERS (New York), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 814 Eccles Bldg. NIAGARA FIRE INS CO (New York), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Nicely L Ella, dept mgr Paine & Hurst, b 2678 Wash av. Nicely Sarah (wid Jos H), r 2678 Wash av. Nichles Jas, died Oct 9, '17, age 45. Nicholas Francis G jr, student, b 324 28th. Nicholas Gomer A, mgr G A Nicholas Go, r 324 28th. Nicholas Gomer A Co, G A Nicholas mgr, grocers 202 25th. Nicholas Harold C, repr Utah Tire Repr Co, r rear 2928 Grant av. NICHOLAS JOHN, Pres Ogden Fruit Co, 139 21st, Tel 268, r 2928 Grant av, Tel 2011-W. Nicholas John E, clk Ogden Fruit Co, r 771 Darling av. Nicholas J Allen, student, b 324 28th. Nicholas Luella, student, b 2928 Grant av. Nicholas Lieut W S, in chg DSN Recruiting Sta. Nichols Alden N, chf clk Depot Hotel. Nichols Ernest, instr Utah Industl Schl and leader Weber Academy Band, r 2566 Harrison av. NICHOLS FRANK E, Joint Agt U P, S P and O S L Freight Depot Wall av foot of 24th, Tel 2500, r 2338 Wall av, Tel 2306. Merchants Credit Bureau EFFICIENT PROGRESSIVE RELIABLE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $5000.00 The Merchants Credit Bureau collects more money and employs more people than all other Ogden Agencies combined 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. PHONE 691 J. C. NYE AGENCY CO. GENERAL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 602 ECCLES BLDG. C. E. Armstrong & Co. Sporting Goods KODAKS Photographic Supplies Developing and Printing BICYCLES Talking Machines Edison Mazda Lamps Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries RUBBER STAMPS 306 25th St. |