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Show 16 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS—HOSPITALS—LIBRARIES. Eagles' Club—2421-2427 Grant av. Elks' Club—2527 Grant av. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dix-Logan Post No 3—Union Labor Hall. Dix-Logan Corps No 2, W R C—I OOF Hall. Lincoln Circle No 2, Ladies of the G A R— I O O F Hall. Graycliffe Lodge—Ogden Canyon. Hooper Commercial Club—Hooper. Xnter-Mtn Demurrage Bureau—Joint Freight Depot. Inter-Mtn Japanese Assn—-2480 Grant av. K C K Club—2437 Hudson av. Maids and Matrons Club—top floor Utah Nat Bank Bldg. Masonic Club—2550 Wash av. Master Plumbers' Assn—Union Labor Hall. Mountain View Creamery Assn—002 Eccles Bldg. Ogden Assn of Life Underwriters—206 Col Hudson Bldg. Ogden Goir and Country Club—40th and Wash av. Ogden Gun Club—2500 Washington av. Ogden Publicity Bureau (auxiliary of Weber Club)—5th floor Col Hudson Bldg. Ogden Traffic Bureau—317 Col Hudson Bldg. Owls' Club—2410 Washington av. Railroad Porters' and Waiters' Club—151 25 th. Retail Merchants' Assn—202 Eccles Bldg. Rotary Club—top floor Col Hudson Bldg. Union Cemetery Assn—North Ogden. United Spanish War Veterans, Harry A Young Camp No 2—2408 Wash av. Utah Canners' Assn—317 Col Hudson Bldg. Weber Club—5th floor Col Hudson Bldg. Western Railway Weighing & Inspection Bureau—Joint Freight Depot. Women's Christian Temperance Union— Meets at homes of members. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Board, of Education of Ogden City—303 Col Hudson Bldg. W H Williams, Pres; J R Hinchcliff, Treas; Bessie A Mc- Cready, Sec; Henry C Johnson, Supt of Schools. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Burch Creek—Adams av s w cor 40th. Central Junior High—Adams av n e cor 25th Dee—20th s w cor Farr av. Farr West—Farr West. Five Points—506 3d. Gramt—2259 Grant av. Harrisville—Harrisvllle. Hooper High—Hooper. JHuntsvllle—-Huntsville. Kanesville—Kanesville. Lewis—s s 28th bet Wash and Adams avs. Lorin Farr—22d s w cor Harrison av. Madison—2418-2433 Madison av. Marriott—Marriott. Mound Fort—1200 Washington av. North Ogden—N Ogden. Ogden High—Monroe av s w cor 25th. Pingree—30th cor Pingree av. Plain City—Plain City. Quincy—Quincy av s e cor 26th. Riverdale—Riverdale. Roy—Roy. Slaterville—Slaterville. Taylor—Taylor. View—View. Warren—Warren. Washington—3279 Washington av. West Ogden—25th s w cor E av. West Warren—Warren. West Weber—West Weber. Wilson—Wilson la. MISCELLANEOUS COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Bethana School of Dancing—Bethana Bldg. International Correspondence Schools—340 24th. Ogden Conservatory of Music—2416 Wash¬ington av. Sacred Heart Academy (Cath)—940 25th. St Joseph's Day School—34 3 26th. Smithsonian Business College—College ct rear 262 24th. Third Ward Educational Institute—2164 Grant av. Utah Industrial School— ¼ mile n e of Five Points. Utah School for the Deaf and the Blind—20th cor Monroe av. Weber Academy—2445 Jefferson av. HOSPITALS AND HOMES. County Infirmary—Roy. Dee Memorial Hospital—2420 Harrison av. Florence Crittenton Home—2544 Butler av. Martha Society Nursery—2106 Wash av. Ogden Hot Springs Sanitarium—Utah Hot Springs, 9 mi n Ogden on O S L and U I C R R. LIBRARIES. Carnegie Free Library—Washington av bet 25th and 26th. Grace W Harris, Librar¬ian; 11,000 volumes. Open from 12 noon to 9 p m, except holidays. Sun¬days from 2:30 to 6:30 p m. Christian Science Reading Room—512 First Nat Bank Bldg. Mrs Allie Riter, Li¬brarian. Directory Library—With Carnegie Free Library, R L Polk & Co, Proprietors, Grace W Harris, Librarian. Directories of all the principal cities of the United States and Canada, State Gazetteers, etc, on file for free reference. North Ogden Library—N Ogden. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS—PUBLIC BUILDINGS—SECRET SOCIETIES. 17 MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Orpheum Theatre Orchestra — Orpheum Theatre. Utah Industrial School Band—Utah Indus¬trial School. Weber Academy Band and Orchestra—2445 Jefferson av. NEWSPAPERS. See Classified Section. PARKS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS. Artesian Park—e end Ogden Canyon, 4 mi w Huntsville. City Hall Square—bet 25th and 26th, Wash and Grant avs. Glenwood Park—Canyon rd bet Madison and Monroe avs. Lester Park—bet Jefferson and Madison avs, 24th and 25th. Liberty Park—bet 21st and 22d, Jefferson and Monroe avs. Sylvan Park—Washing-ton av bet 18th and 19th Tabernacle Square—bet 21st and 22d, Wash and Grant avs. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, BLOCKS, HALLS, ETC. Allen Block—2506-2510 Lincoln av. Armory The—215 24th. Bennett Block-—2583 Grant av. Berthana Bldg—325 24th. Boyle Block—see Wedell-Kiesel Block. Brigham Hotel Bldg—Wall av s e cor 24th. Carr Bldg—2480 Grant av. Cassin Block—2343-2345 Washing-ton av. City Hall—Washington av s w cor 25th. City Jail—e s Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. Col Hudson Bldg—Hudson av s w cor 24th. Commercial Nat Bank Bldg—369-371 24th. Commissary Bldg—w s Wall av bet 2 5th and 26th. Corey Block—25 58-2566 Washing-ton av. County Court House—n s 24th bet Wash and Adams avs. County Jail—County Court House. Cross C W Bldg—2246-2252 ½ Wash av. Dooly Bldg—3414-2418 Wash av. Eagles' Home—2421-2427 Grant av. Eccles Bldgr—Washing-ton av s w cor 24th. Emmett Block—330 24th. Federal Bldg—24th n w cor Grant av. Fifth Ward Amusement Hall—2570 Madison av. First National Bank Bldg—24th n e cor Washington av. Freight Depot Joint—Wall av ft 24th. Forest Service Bldg—201-205 24th. Fraternal Block—2320 Washington av. Hooper Amusement Hall—Hooper. Howell Block—2479 Washington av. Hudson Col Bldg—Hudson av s w cor 24th. Hurst Bldg—2437-244 5 Hudson av. I O O F Hall—2320 Washington av. Inter-Urban Terminal Depot—258 24th. Kiesel Block—2436-2442 Grant av. K of P Bldg—2353 Grant av. K of P Hall—2353 Grant av. Lewis Block—2449 Washing-ton av. Masonic Temple—2550 Washington av. Montana Block—156 25th. Mound Fort Amusement Hall—590 E 12th. Murphy Block—101-109 25th. North Ogden Amusement Hall—N Ogden. North Ogden Public Library—N Ogden. Odd Fellows Hall—2320 Washington av. O'Neill Block—423-427 25th. Orpheum Block—2514-2 524 Washington av Parry Block—Washington av n w cor 23d. Patterson Block—2422-2436 Washington av Peery Annex—423 24th. Peery Block—427 24th. Peery Bldg—2437-2445 Washington av. Peery-Hudson Bldg—2475-2481 Hudson av. Pingree Nat Bank Bldg—2453 Wash av. Plain City Amusement Hall—Plain City. Post Office—24th n w cor Grant av. Read Block—Hudson av n w cor 24th. Reed Hotel Block—Wash av s e cor 25th. Riverdale Amusement Hall—RiverdaJe. Salvation Army Hall—251 25th. Seventh Ward Amusement Hall—590 12th. Sidney Stevens Bldg—2408 Washington av. Southwell Block—200 Washington av. Standard Bldg—360 24th. Stayner Block—see Lewis Block. Streeper Block—242-246 Washington av. Tabernacle The (L D S)—Washington av n w cor 22d. Tanner Block—Lincoln av s w cor 24th. Union Block—362 24th. Union Depot—Wall av foot of 25th. Union Labor Hail—363 24th. Utah Nat Bank Bldg—409 24th. Weber Stake Relief Society Hall—2150 Grant av. Wedell-Kiesel Block—2468 Washington av. West Weber Amusement Hall—West Weber Woodmansee Block—368 24th. W O W Hall—2320 Washington av. RAILROADS. See Classified Section. SECRET SOCIETIES. ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. Weber Lodge No 6, F & A M—Masonic Temple. Unity Lodge No 18, F & A M—Masonic Temple. Ogden Chapter No 2, R A M—Masonic Temple. El Monte Commandery No 2, K T—Masonic Temple. Queen Esther Chapter No 4 (Eastern Star) Masonic Temple. AMERICAN MASONIC FEDERATION. Ogden Lodge No 81, A A S R—Union Labor Hall. B P O E. Ogden Lodge No 719—2527 Grant av. |