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Show AUTOMOBILE CO. GARAGE, ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 2450 Grant Ave. Ogden, Utah 162 R. L. POLK & CO'S Gittins, see also Giddings. Gittins Fannie, b 2530 Van Buren av. Gittins Martha (wid Edwd), r 2530 Van Buren av. Gittins Sarah, b 2530 Van Buren av. Given Robt A, storekpr, r 2222 Lincoln av. Givens Thos, lab O U R & D Co. Gjording Rev Hans G, pastor Seventh Day Adventist Church, r 219 33d. Glade Wm R, bkpr Utah Industrial Schl. Gladhill Roy, r Wilson la. GLADWELL ALFRED, Local Mgr Deseret Evening News, base Reed Hotel, Tel 1965-W, r 279 30th, Tel 1536-R. GLASMANN ABRAHAM L, Editor and Publisher Ogden Stand¬ard, r 539 22d, Tel 1373. Glasmann Blaine V, student, b 724 24th. Glasmann Evelyn (wid Wm), r 724 24th. Glasmann Roseoe C (U S A), b 724 24th. Glasmann Wm W, sporting editor Ogden Standard, r 57 Argyle Apts. Glasscock Leonard, mach S P Co, r 3 Argyle Apts. Glazier Chas T, rms 937 Canyon rd. Gleave Roy, student, rms 607 7th, Gledhill Jas E, groundmn, rms 337 32d. Gledhill Sarah S (wid Adam), r 161 28th; Gledhill Wm R, electn, r 2826 Pingree av. Gleed Wm, died Mar 25, '17, age 51. Glen Alex, tuner Glen Bros-Roberts P Co, r 974 21st. GLEN BROS-ROBERTS PIANO CO, George S Glen Pres-Mgr, J S Glen V-Pres, Ralph D Roberts Sec-Treas, 2472 Hudson av, Tel 181. (Seeadv). GLEN BROS.-R0BERTS PIANO CO. 2472 HUDSON AVE. Ogden, Utah NEW 0RPHEUM BLDG. Salt Lake City, Utah THE HOME OF ALL V1CTR0LAV1 PHONOGRAPHS GLEN GEORGE S, Pres-Mgr Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co, r 1036 24th, Tel 2141. Glen Hotel (Mrs Frances Caijip), 2456 Grant av. GLEN JAY S, V-Pres Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co, r Salt Lake City. J. A. McCulloch Agency REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LOANS Office Under First National Bank Tels. Office 301, Res. 1497M Tea Spoon TEA Each Package Contains One 1881 Rogers Tea Spoon At All Grocers Imported and Packed by John Scowcroft & Sons Co. OGDEN and PRICE UTAH IDAHO FALLS IDAHO Buchmiller & Flowers Co. KIMOX AND STETSON HATS Clothiers and Furnishers 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 163 Glenn Garrett, moved to St Louis, Mo. Glenn Wm, r 520 21st. Glenny Robt A, moved to Salt Lake City. GLENS FALLS INS CO (New York), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Washington av. Glenwood Park, Canyon rd bet Madison and Monroe avs. Glick Fletcher, slsmn G A Lowe Co, b 2554 Jefferson av. Glick Geo A, slsmn G A Lowe Co, r 2554 Jefferson av. Glick Mrs Helen A, b 2554 Jefferson av. Glines Dorothy M, cashr Last & Thomas, rms 1028 Capitol av. Glines Melvie A (wid Chas H), rms 1028 Capitol av. Glines Roscoe B (Royal Barber Shop), r Logan, Utah. Globe The (Mrs Anna Langevin), furn rms 146 25th. GLOBE & RUTGERS FIRE INS CO (New York), E W Cannady Agt, 2427 Hudson av. GLOBE & RUTGERS FIRE INS CO (New York), Ogden Home Builders Co Agts, 213 Eccles Bldg. Glover Wm S, rms Arlington Hotel. Goates Chas H, farmer Utah Industrial Schl, r 503 4th. Goates Geo A, sec Utah Industrial Schl, r 330 Wash av. Gobel Mrs Johanna B, ftr Paine & Hurst, r 2901 Van Buren av. GODDARD BRIGHAM H, Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Plate Glass, Burglary and Tornado Insurance, Real Estate, Loans, Etc, 429 24th, Tel 500-W, r 354 33d, Tel 430-J. (See right top lines and adv under classified Insurance Agents). Goddard Chas, driver Reese Howell & Sons, rms 2479 Wash av Goddard Ernest, slsmn Scowcroft's, r Milford, U. Goddard Francis K, slsmn Scoville Paper Co, r 322 Goddard av Goddard Frank, local mgr Wm A Stickney Cigar Co, rms 852 24th. Goddard Geo, tmstr, b 354 33d. Goddard Geo W, pres-mgr Goddard Pkg Co, r 2512 Tyler av. Goddard Harold T, clk Bank Smokery, r 700 Canyon rd. Goddard Howard E (Bank Smokery), r 2215 Adams av. GODDARD HYRUM H, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Com¬mercial Stocks, Agt The Equitable Life Assurance So¬ciety (U S), 405 Eccles Bldg, Tel 154, r 1084 21st, Tel 1270-J. (See adv). HYRUM H. GODDARD Real Estate, Loans and Insurance COMMERCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS Agent for Equitable Life Assurance Society (of the U. S.) 405 ECCLES BLDG. OGDEN, UTAH G. M. S. TAXI CO. p7h7°Se QUICK SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Auto Repairs 2460 Grant Ave. UTAH Auto Top & Trimming Co. Mfrs. of Automobile Tops Seats Covers Side Curtains Cushions, Etc. 427 23rd KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS |