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Show Foley Variety Stores BARGAIN BASEMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR ECONOMIC HOUSEWIVES 2410 Washington Ave. Tel. 303 88 R. L. POLK & CO'S Chappie Orson S (U S A), b 2259 Monroe av. Chappie Pearl, laund U P, b 3149 Wall av. Chappie Wm C, cond, r 3138 Adams av. Chappie Wm G, painter, r 2259 Monroe av. Chard A T, lab Amal Sugar Co. Charlesworth Ambrose S (Charlesworth & Daniels), r 221 35th Charlesworth Benj, mailmn Union Depot, r 3550 Lincoln av. Charlesworth Benj, painter Charlesworth & Daniels, r 136 36th Charlesworth Clara E, clk Taylor-Wright Co,, b 3550 Lincoln av Charlesworth Martin, hlpr A W Meek, b 3550 Lincoln av. Charlesworth Mary M, steno, b 3550 Lincoln av. CHARLESWORTH & DANIELS (A S Charlesworth, Fred Dan¬iels), Painters, Oils and Varnish, Painting and Decorating, 2434 Hudson av, Tel 792-J. Charlton Alfred E, farmer, b W Weber. Charlton Edwd C, farmer, r W Weber. Charlton Ray, farmer, r W Weber. Charlton Thos E, farmer, r W Weber. Chase Adelbert L, collr Ogden Examiner, r 933 Binford av. Chase Byron, driver, r 500 12th. Chase Chas W, wchmn O U R & D Co, r 1563 Wash av. Chase Mrs Clara E, cashr People's Whol Groc Co, r 2356 Wash av. Chase Clive W, driver People's Whol Groc Co, b 2356 Wash av Chase Doris E, steno U S Eorest Serv, b 500 12th. CHASE DUDLEY, Pres-Gen Mgr People's Wholesale Grocery Co, r 2356 Washington av. Chase Dudley W, farmer, r 668 7th. Chase Elisha W, died Mar 7, '17, age 86. Chase Ezra, carp, r 309 15th. Chase Frank A, clk Hemenway & Moser Co, b 309 15th. Chase Frank B, firmn S P Co, b 500 12th. Chase Henry A, tmstr Crane Co, r 3655 Adams av. Chase H Marjorie, b 500 12th. Chase Jas U, ydmn City Coal Yd, r 1 5th nr Child av. Chase Jesse E, emp Holley Milling Co, b 309 15th. Chase John W, grocer 3645 Adams av, r same. Chase Margt, clk Wright's, b 309 15th. Chase Niel M, hlpr S P Co. Chase Verless M, rms 2162 Reeve av. Chase Wilbur R, lino Ogden Examiner, r 468 22d. Chase Willard C, clk Scowcroft's, r 3225 Wyoming av. Chatelain Adelbert A, clk W F & Co Exp, r 1533 Hudson av. Chatelain Mrs Alice J, tchr, r 1159 21st. Chatelain Bartholomew E, farmer, r N Ogden. Chatelain Chas C, mach, r 512 12th. Chatelain Emil A, farmer, r N Ogden. Chatelain Frank, repr, r 1159 21st. Chatelain Jos L, chf clk Lion Coal Co, r 1170 26th. Chatelain Mrs Kate, r 512 12th. Chatelain Martha, opr Scowcroft's, b N Ogden. Chatelain P Edwd, swehmn, r 1159 21st. Chatelain Walter A, clk W F & Co Exp, r 1545 Hudson av. KING COAL UNITED STATES FUEL CO. SOLD BY ALL OGDEN i DEALERS SALT LAKE CITY THE R&O QUALITY SHOP Modern Dressers of Men and Young Men Clothing Overcoats Suits Furnishings Shoes and Hats 352 25th St. Phone 631 B. H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS 429 Twenty-Fourth Street Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 89 Chatland Austin, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 2243 Adams av. Chatterton Heber, clnr U I G R R, r Preston, Ida. Chaun'cey Jas M, porter, rms 2683 Wall av. Chausse Emma E, steno Burton Imp Co, b 3050 Porter av. Chausse Ernest L, lab U P & L Co, r 3050 Porter av. Chausse Fernand V, student, b 3050 Porter av. Chausse Louis V, eng U I G R R, r 2343 Adams av. Chausse Martha F, clk Paine & Hurst, b 3050 Porter av. Cheatham John, moved to Las Vegas, Nev. Checketts Frank H, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 3294 Wash av. Checketts Geo A, timekpr S P Co, r 61 Argyle Apts. Checketts Heber E, jan Quincy Schl, r 2670 Jackson av. Checketts John H, b 2670 Jackson av. Checketts M Lorene, clk Golden Rule Merc Co, rms 2246 Jack¬son av. CHEESMAN WALKER S, Mgr Cheesman Automobile Co, r 2450 Harrison av, Tel 1884. CHEESMAN AUTOMOBILE CO, Walker S Cheesman Mgr, Dis¬tributors of Dodge Bros, Hupmobiles, Peerless and Loco¬mobile Autos, 2566 Washington av, Tel 325. Cheney Billa J, r 912 22d. Cheney Henry, emp Amer Can Co, r 912 22d. Cheney Walter, electn, rms 263 21st. Cherrstrum Ernest G, clk Ogden P & P Co, rms 923 25th. Chester Arthur J, moved to Pocatello, Ida. Chester Mrs Mary A, r 317 Healy av. CHEVERS WM H, Gen Agt Traffic Dept Union Pacific System, rms Reed Hotel, Tel 65. CHEZ JOSEPH (Chez & Stine), Lawyer, 402-404 First National Bank Bldg, Tel 294, r 818 24th. Tel 786. CHEZ & STINE (Joseph Chez, David L Stine), Lawyers, 402- 403-404 First National Bank Bldg, Tel 294. Chiba N, lab, r 373 2d. Chiba Y, lab, rms 3125 Grant av. CHICAGO MARKET, Russell-James Co Proprs, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season, 24th s w cor Lin¬coln av, Tels 412-413-136. CHICAGO WHOLESALE GROCERY CO (A A Spaun, C E Farr), Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Direct from Manu¬facturers and Growers to Consumers, We Save You the Profit of the Retail Grocery, 2376 Washington av, Tel 486. Chilch Louis, farmer, r N Ogden. Child Ada B, b 1549 24th. Child Adelbert E, farmer, r Roy. Child Alberta, b Riverdale. Child Alfred, student, r Roy. Child Annie E, b Riverdale. Child Asa L, tchr Lewis Schl, r 1980 Jackson av. Child A A, b Riverdale. Child Belle H, asst N R Mecham, rms 111 28th. Child Bernard W, farmer, r Riverdale. Child Bert E, farmer, b Riverdale. Merchants Credit Bureau EFFICIENT PROGRESSIVE RELIABLE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $5000.00 The Merchants Credit Bureau collects more money and employs more people than all other Ogden Agencies combined 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. PHONE 691 AGENCY CO. GENERAL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 602 ECCLES ftLDG. c. E. Armst rong & Co. Sporting Goods KODAKS Photographic Supplies Developing and Printing BICYCLES Talking Machines Edison Mazda Lamps Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries RUBBER STAMPS |