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Show J. M. FORRISTALL Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collections 501 Eccles Bldg. Telephone 425 230 R. L. POLK & CO'S Kelly & Herrick Fire and Accident Insurance REAL ESTATE and LOANS 2500 WASHINGTON AVE. PHONE 76 KENNEDY ANGUS, Propr Kennedy's Cafe & Bakery and Ken¬nedy's Cafeteria, 2454 Washington av, Tel 185, r 2603 Madison av, Tel 2138. Kennedy Annie, picker Coulter-Adams Seed Co, rms 475 21st. Kennedy Danl, grocer 258 25th, r 2151 Grant av. Kennedy Edwd D, insp in chg U S Dept Agriculture, vet surg 468 30th, r same. KENNEDY FRED, Mgr Plaza Apts, r 216 same. Kennedy Harvey, farmer, b Plain City. Kennedy LeOta S, tchr, r 2910 Wash av. Kennedy Mrs Lillian, emp Shupe-W Candy Co, r 2246 Grant av. Kennedy Louis J, bkpr Blackman & G Co. b 853 27th. Kennedy Lunch Room (Angus Kennedy), 360 25th. Kennedy Mrs Lydia C (Hotel Kennedy), r 2210% Wash av. Kennedy Matthew, farmer, r Plain City. Kennedy Melvin, emp P F Ledwidge, rms Lincoln Hotel. Kennedy Mrs M DeLacy, r 853 27th. Kennedy Olin A, real est under Utah Nat Bank, r 2910 Wash av. Kennedy Patk J, swchmn O U R & D Co, rms Weber Hotel. Kennedy Wm R C, lather, r 463 21st. KENNEDY'S CAFE & BAKERY, Angus Kennedy Propr, 2454 Washington av, Tel 185. (See adv). 1904 KENNEDY'S CAFE 1918 2454 Washington A v. A GOOD PLACE TO EAT THE NEW CAFETERIA 2462 Washington Av. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE HARPER BROTHERS 41-43 Richards Street LEGAL PRINTERS Phone Wasatch 1840 Salt Lake City BATESTAS BROS. Proprs. Where Everyone Goes Confection Experts Mfrs. of FAMOUS SEGO LILY CHOCOLATES and Delicious CANDIES of Every Make Ice Cream Sherbets and Light Lunches 2437 Washington Ave. Phone 728 UTAH SALES CO. SALES AGENTS FOR Ogden Portland Cement Co. Union Portland Cement Co. BUILDING SPECIALTIES ECCLES BUILDING OGDEN, UTAH OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 231 KENNEDY'S CAFETERIA, Angus Kennedy Propr, 2462 Wash¬ington av, Tel 488. (See adv). Kenney Emma (wid Wm), rms 2469 Van Buren av. Kenney Jas, eng, r 2610 Monroe av. Kenney Patk, brkmn S P Co, r 2264 Lincoln av. Kenney Peter J, mach S P Co, r 473 31st. Kenney T'errance, brkmn S P Co, r 220 W 22d. Kenney Wm R, carp, r 310 Bernard. Kenney Wm R jr, lab, r 330 Bernard. Kent Effie, bkpr Ogden Paint, O & G Co, rms 339 Patterson av. Kent Lloyd R, laund U P, rms 339 Patterson av. Kenyon Fred L, emp Shupe-W Candy Co, r 115 26th. Kenyon Iris Y, b 115 26th. Kenyon Mrs Molly, r 1437 Polk av. Keogh Hannah L (wid Thos), r 551 25th. Kern Geo, pres Kern's Co, r 2112 Adams av. Kern Horace, student, b 2112 Adams av. KERN'S CO, George Kern Pres, Sherman Quaintance V-Pres, R C Jones Sec-Treas, Caterers, Confectioners and Cafe, 2459 Washington av, Tel 689. Kerr, see also Carr and Karr. Kerr Andw A, student, rms 2247 Monroe av. Kerr Eliz (wid Jas), rms 425 16th. Kerr John, eng Amal Sugar Co, rms 2474 ½ Wash av. Kerr Wm A, farmer, r (Plain City. Kersch Albt A, mach, r 124 W 30th. Kershaw Abraham, jan, r 3217 Jefferson av. Kershaw Andw, tmstr J C Slade, rms 1060 Capitol av. Kershaw Byard. bell boy Marion Hotel. Kershaw Cash Grocery (S M Kershaw), 2943 Adams av. Kershaw Fred, clk Last & Thomas, r Layton, U. Kershaw Geo, emp Hansen L S & F Co, rms 449 26th. Kershaw Saml M (Kershaw Cash Grocery), r 2943 Adams av. Kertz Herman, pawn broker 232 25th, r 2741 Grant av. Kertz Saml (Security Loan Office), rms 551 25th. Kerwin, see Kirwan. Keseling Wm, carp, r 2015 Jefferson av. Kesler Delia Y, b 423 29th. Kesler Jacob, eng S P Co, r 423 29th. Kesler J Vier, window trmr Last & Thomas, r 2761 Monroe av. Ketchum Fred H, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 7 Mole Apts. Keune Albt, moved to Tacoma, Wash. Key Wong Ack, died Oct 21, '17, age 49. Keyes, see also Kyes. Keyes Clyde C, slsmn J S Campbell Co, r Logan, U. Keyes Earl, eng S P Co, r 2220 Moffit av. Keyes Flora (wid Lorin), mangier Amer Linen Co, r 163 Pop¬lar av. Keyes Francis M, farmer, r 2522 Quincy av. Keyes Frank W, driver Amer Linen Co, r 2750 Williams av. Keyes Holmer O, rms Oxford Hotel. Keyes Junius W, clk R M S, r 607 7th. Keyes Lorin, messr U P Tel Office, b 163 Poplar av. Closely Connected With TANNERS AND PULLERS both East and West Telephone 781-W O. M. RUNYON DEALER IN Hides, Pelts, Tallow, Beeswax. Wool & Furs Always in the Market at Top Market Prices Reference: Ogden State Bank Ogden, Utah 2263-2269 Wall Avenue UTAH SALES CO. Sales Agents Ogden Portland Cement Co. Union Portland Cement Co. Building Specialties ECCLES BUILDING |