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Show Ogden-Utah Knitting Co. FACTORY 2349 Grant Av. Manufacturers and Jobbers of "UTA-MADE" Underwear. "L.D.S." Brand of Garments, Etc. 62 R. L. POLK & CO'S Brewer Leland, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brian, see also Bryan and O'Brien. Brian Danl G, slsmn Glen Bros-Roberts P Co, r 3542 Adams av Brian Douglas G, prin Warren Schl, r Warren. Brian D Irving-, student, b 3542 Adams av. Brian Ruby M, student, b 3542 Adams av. Brick Saml L, optcn 42 Lewis Blk, r 460 24th. Bridges Edith, clk Scoweroft's, b 2936 Porter av. Bridges Frank, pkr Scowcroft's, r 2936 Porter av. Briem Leland, clk Shupe-W Candy Co, b 1904 Odell. av. Briem Max, brewer Becker Mfg Co, r 1904 Odell av. Briem Max jr, cashr W U Tel Co, b 1904 Odell av. Briggs A A, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Briggs Frank S, steward O S L, r 260 28th. Briggs Hannah, opr Scowcroft's, b 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs Jas, farmer, r 51 Harrisville rd. Briggs John H, farmer, r Harrisville. Briggs Lawrence A, swehmn OUR&D Co, rms 115 26th. Briggs Lyman, farmer, r Hooper. Briggs Robt E, motrmn U I C R R, r Logan. Briggs Vera, opr Scowcroft's, b 51 Harrisville rd. Brigham G C, rms 2462% Lincoln av. Brigham Hotel, see New Brigham Hotel. Brigham Hotel Bldg, Wall as s e cor 24th. Bright Benj, farmer, r S Weber, Bright Herbt N, clk, r 656 7th. Brill John G, lab, r 2961 Grant av. Brim Wm F, eng U P, r 2748 Lincoln av. Brimhall Mrs Annie, r 614 Maryland av. Brindsi Rocco, sec formn, r 129 23d. Brine Sidney J, painter Stevens Imp Co, r 3162 Hudson av. Brine Wm H N, student, b 3162 Hudson av. Brinegar Evalyn, clk S J Burt & Bros, rms 449 26th. Briner Wm, hlpr Portola Cafe, rms 370 24th. Brinkerhoff Jacob K, brksetter Ashton Fire B & T Co, r 3075 Porter av. Brinton Earl E, firmn S P Co, r 419 30th. Bristol, see also Bruestle. Bristol Mrs Florence D, r 2480 Van Bureu av. BRISTOL RALPH E, Pres-Treas Utah Sales Co, 413-416 Eccles Bldg, Tels 271-272, r 2480 Van Buren av, Tel 47. BRITISH AMERICAN ASSURANCE CO, J M Forristall Agt, 501 Eccles Bldg. Brittain Noah W, trucker U P, r 2700 Grant av. Britting Forrest E, clk Utah Cereal F Co, b 3439 Wash av. Britting Geo C, supt Utah Cereal F Co, r 3439 Wash av. Briuestle Louise, rms 2252% Wash av. Brizee Raymond H, firmn S P Co, r 448 13th. Broadbent Enoch J, farmer, r 1755 22d. Braodbent E Arden, firmn S P Co, b 1755 22d. Broadbent Leland F, brklyr, b 1755 22d. Broadbent Lillian L, cashr Wright's, b 1755 22d. Broadbent Portia, picker Coulter-A Seed Co, b 1755 22d. STOP! Do You Know there is a Macaroni Factory in Your City THE BEST OF GOODS MADE AT HOME BY 1950 Wash. Ave. Ogden Macaroni Mfg. Co. TROY L A U N D R Y S. H. HENDERSHOT Manager The Troy Way is the Right Way 2538-40 Wall Av. Phones 2074 2075 Wright’s A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE OGDEN'S ONLY DEPARTMENT STORE OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 63 Broadbent Wm H, waiter, b 1755 22d. Broadway Cafe, J H Dopoulos mgr, 366 25th. Brock H L, clk S P Co. Brockbanck Jos P, farmer, r Riverdale. Brockman Geo, slsmn, r 3168 Lincoln av. Brook Peter, repr S P Co. Brooke Anna (wid Thos), r rear 1929 Wash av. Brooke Thos, died Jan 27, '17, age 80. Brooke Wm, woodwkr Anderson-Larson Co, b rear 1929 Wash av. Brooker Edwd W, farmer, r 478 W 20th. Brooker Isabel (wid Leonard), r 468 Warren la. Brooker Sadie, b 468 Warren la. Brooks Albt C, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Brooks Birkett B (R S Brooks & Sons), r 2309 Adams av. Brooks Clarence W, r rear 2539 Grant av. Brooks David, tmstr, r 586 28th. Brooks Geo, waiter, rms 2658 Wall av. Brooks Geo E, electa S P Co, b 2204 Grant av. Brooks John L, handymn S P Co, b 2204 Grant av. Brooks Mrs Mary, furn rms 420 25th. Brooks Richd S (R S Brooks & Son), r 2568 Lincoln av. BROOKS RS & SON (Richard S and Birkett B), Dealers in and Shippers of All Kinds of Live Stock, A Car Load or a Train Load, 117 25th, Tel 258. Brooks Saml P, collr, r 2204 Grant av. Brooks Wilhelmina (wid Wm C), r 2119 Grant av. Brooks Wm J, lab Ogden P & P Co, r 2125 Wall av. Brooks Williard C, car inspr S P Co, r rear 2337 Adams av. Brookshier Leander F, clk O U R & D Co, r 1063 26th. Brookshier Melba C, mus tchr, b 1063 26th. BROOM HOTEL, Geo C Foley Propr, 376 25th, Tel Exch 556- 557. Brophy Agnes, clk Ogden Whol Drug Co, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy Edwd W, flrmn U P, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy Fred A, cigarmkr Max Davidson, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy John, hlpr S P Co, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy Leo F, acct S P Co, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy Marie C, steno Ogden Com Co, b 3175 Grant av. Brophy Philip H, brkmn, r 3175 Grant av. Brophy Philip H jr, mach Ogden Iron Wks Co, r 2711 Wall av. Brossard, see Brassard. Brostrom Bertha, student, b 524 7th. Brostrom Blenda N G, steno Federal Land Co, b 524 7th. Brostrom N Bernard, hlpr W O Jackson Co, r 524 7th. Brostrom Walter E, b 524 7th. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, J A Junk sec, 2320 Wash av Brotherton Geo (USA), rms rear 348 28th. Brotherton Louise S, opr M' S T & T Co, rms rear 348 28th. Brough Clara L, opr M S T & T Co, rms 2532 Eccles av. Broughton Claude C, mgr Ogden Com Co, rms 539 22d. Brown, see also Braun. J. M. Pantone & Son Everything in PIANOS Out of High Rent District We Save You $100 to $200 on Each Instrument 2874 Hudson Ave. cor 29th Tel. 1209 NOBLITT Motor Car Co. 2322 Washington Avenue KISSEL KAR AND HUPMOBILE |