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Show 14 STATE JUDICIARY—U. S. OFFICERS—CHURCHES Insurance Comnr—Rulon S Wells. Crop Pest Inspector—J B Walker. Immigration, Labor and Statistics Comnr—Frank D Brown. Live Stock Inspector—R W Hoggan. Pension Comnr—Mrs Eliz M Cohen. Sanitary Inspector—S L Schwartz. Sealer of Weights and Measures—W M Boyden. STATE JUDICIARY. SUPREME COURT. Capitol Bldg, Salt Lake City. Judges—J E Frick, Chief Justice; E E Corf- man, W M McCarthy, S R Thurman, Valentine Gideon, H W Griffith, Clk. Terms—The Supreme Court shall be held at the Capitol of the State and shall convene and hold three terms in each year, viz: On the second Mondays of February, May and October. The Court may adjourn from time to time, as it may deem proper. DISTRICT COURT. Second Judicial District—A E Pratt and A W Agee, Judges; S P Dobbs, Atty. JUVENILE COURT. Second Judicial District—Joshua Homer, Judge. STATE INSTITUTIONS Located in Ogden. Utah Industrial School—Washington av, ½ mile n e of Five Points. J W Abbott, Pres; T A Williams, V-Pres; N A Tanner, Treas; Geo A Goates, Sec. Utah School for the Deaf and the Blind— 20th cor Monroe av. C Clarence Neslen, Pres; Mrs E F Corey, Sec; R A Moyes, Treas; F M Driggs, Supt. UNITED STATES OFFICERS Located in Ogden. Federal Land Appraiser—Sherman S Smith, 205 Eccles Bldg. U S Army Recruiting Sta—330 25th. U S Referee in Bankruptcy—S T Corn, 309 First Nat Bank Bldg. U S Weather Office—City Hall. Geo Shorten in chg. U S Dept of Agriculture (Bureau Animal Industry)—Federal Bldg. E D Kennedy, Insp in chg. U S Dept of Agriculture (Forest Service) — 201 24th. L F Kneipp, dist forester. U S Post Office Inspector—Wm G Hass. 216 Federal Bldg. U S Navy Becruiting Sta—2482 Washington av. Lieut W S Nicholas, in chg. UNITED STATES POSTOFFICE. 24th n wT cor Grant av. Office open from 8 a m to 7 p m. Wm W Browning, Postmaster; R A Garner, Asst Postmaster. Station A—200 Washington av. Station 1—2479 Washington av. Station 2—2401 Washington av. Station 3—3001 Washington av. Station 4—1012 22d. Ry Mail Service—3 02 Federal Bldg. W H Taylor, Chief Clk. Ogden Terminal Railway Post Office—Brig- ham Hotel Bldg. A K Richards, Clerk in chg. APARTMENT HOUSES AND FLATS. Argyle Apartments—2040 Wash av. Astill Apartments—2266 Wash av. Avon Apartments-—961 25th. Browning Apartments—2703-2711 Wash av. Carver Apartments—539 22d. Corey Apartments—2560 Washington av. Doxey Apartments—231 27th. Fairview Apartments—579-587 27th. Fox Apartments—447-44 9 21st. Hamner Apartments—2509 Adams av. Ivy Apartments—418-430 26th. Mole Apartments—2331 Adams av. Pearl Apartments—2705-271 1 Grant av. Peery Apartments—Adams av n w cor 25th. Plaza Apartments—2518 Washington av. Spencer Apartments—2501-2513 Adams av. Wright Apartments—3343 Washington av. BUILDING, SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. See Classified Section. CEMETERIES. Mountain View Cemetery—bet 33d 3 5th, Jefferson and Madison avs. Ogden City Cemetery—bet 19th and 20th, Madison and Adams avs. Plain City Cemetery—Plain City. Union Cemetery—North Ogden. CHURCHES. ADVENTIST. Seventh Day—469 29th. Rev H G Gjord- ing, Pastor. BAPTIST. First—2359 Grant av. Rev Wm Crawford, Pastor Wall Av—2701 Wall av. Rev A J Billings-ley, Pastor. CATHOLIC. St Joseph's—24th n e cor Adams av. Rev P M Cushnahan, Rector. CHURCHES—CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS. 15 CHRISTIAN. First—680 24th. Rev Lewis A Hurt, Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First—780 24th. Mrs Bertha Woods, First Reader. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- DAY SAINTS. North Weber Stake. Office, 429 24th. President, Jas Wotherspoon; Counselors, John V Bluth and Francis W Stratford; Clerk, David W Evans. Bishops of Wards—Farr West, Moroni Chugg; Harrisville, Richd R D Brown; Lynne, L W Sherner; Marriott, Thos E Powell; Ogden Third, Myron B Richard¬son; Ogden Tenth, Timothy P Terry; Plain City, Gilbert Thatcher; Slaterville, Jas A Slater; Taylor, Wm H Jardine; Warren, Wm T Wayment; West Ogden, Fredk W Walker; West Weber, Geo A lleslop; Wilson, Edwin A Bingham. Ogden Stake. Office, 816-817 Eccles Bldg. President, Thos B Evans; Counselors, Thos E McKay, John Halls; Clerk, Eli Holton. Bishops of Wards—Eden, Geo A Fuller; Huntsville, J L Peterson; Liberty, A M Ferrin; Middleton, Francis Bing-ham; North Og-den, Frederick Barker; Ogden Fourth E A Olsen; Ogden Sixth, Owen M Sonderson; Ogden Seventh, Wm A Budge; Ogden Eighth, W W Rawson; Pleasant View, Reuben T Rhees; Ogden Thirteenth, John H Jenkins. Branch for the Deaf—Max W Woodbury, Pres. Weber Stake. Office, 816 Eccles Bldg. President, Lewis W Shurtliff; Counselors, John Watson, Alva Scoville; Clerk, Evert Neuteboom. Bishops of Wards—Clinton, F E Mitchell; Hooper, Jas R Beus; Kanesville, Geo Green; Ogden First, Datus H Ensign; Ogden Second, Geo E Browning; Ogden Fifth, Jas W Ure; Ogden Ninth, Wilford O Ridges; Ogden Eleventh, Nathan A Tanner; Ogden Twelfth, Thos B Wheel¬wright; Riverdale, Adam A Bingham; Roy, Martin P Brown; South Weber, Jos W Fife; Uintah, Alma T Keys. Ward Meeting Houses. 1 st— 33d bet Grant and Wash avs. 2d—271 26th. 3d—22d n e cor Grant av. 4th—2129 Madison av. 5th—2580 Madison av. 6th—682 23d. 7th—478 13th. 8th—506 7th. 9th—3104 Porter av. 10th—Wash av s w cor 16th. 11th—342 31st. 12th—2604 Jackson av. 13th—1028 23d. Farr West—Farr West. Huntsville—Huntsville. Lynne—31 Harrisville rd. Marriott—n s 12th, 2 mi w Wash av. North Ogden—N Ogden. Plain City—Plain City. Riverdale—Riverdale. Roy—Roy. Slaterville—Slaterville. Taylor—Taylor. Warren—Warren. West Ogden—W Ogden. West Warren—Warren. West Weber—W Weber. Wilson—Wilson la. CONGREGATIONAL. First—2464 Adams av. Rev F G Brainerd, Pastor. Second—Five Points. EPISCOPAL. Church of The Good Shepherd—24th n e cor Grant av. Rev John W Hyslop, Rector. St Paul's—Plain City. EVANGELICAL. St Paul's—582 23d. Rev B H Leesmannr Pastor. LUTHERAN. Swedish Evangelical—575 23d. Rev A E Olson, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First—454 24th. Rev C R Garver, Pastor. African—2817 Pingree av. PRESBYTERIAN. Central Park—3111 Wash av. Rev J E Carver, Pastor. First—Adams av s e cor 24th. Rev J E Carver, Pastor. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. 1501 Wash av. C N Heading, Presiding Elder. MISCELLANEOUS. Margaret Taylor Memorial Union Sunday School—519 W 24th. Salvation Army—255 25th. Industrial Dept, Hotel and Emp Agency, 257 25th. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. American Red Cross (of U S)—513-516 First Nat Bank Bldg. Chinese National League (of America) — 2461 Grant av. |