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Show Nye’s MENS AND BOYS’ APPAREL IN THE ECCLES BUILDING OGDEN, UTAH MANHATTAN SHIRTS 228 R. L. POLK & CO'S Keane Mary A, tchr High Schl, rms The Virginia. Kearn H, swehmn O U R & D Co. Kearney, see Carney. Kearns see Kerns. Keating Wm K blrmkr S P Co, r 2532 Lincoln av. Keating Wm J, slsmn, r 441 27th. Keaton Rhoda J (wid Geo D), rms 2650 Madison av. Keefer, see Kiefer. Keenan Wm E, emp Contl Oil Co, rms 2518 Lincoln av. Keener Edna E, steno Murphy Whol Groc Co, b 1329 25th. KEENER HIRAM H, "The Ice Machine Man", Refrigeration 424 Col Hudson Bldg, Tel 918-J, r 1329 25th, Tel 3200. Keener Nora, steno Ogden Standard, b 1329 25th. Keeter Clarence O (U S A), b 2606 Harrison av. Keeter Clifford K, clk, b 2606 Harrison av. Keeter Fred W (U S N), b 2606 Harrison av. Keeter Howard K, clk G A Lowe Co, b 2606 Harrison av. Keeter Oscar W (U S A), b 2606 Harrison av. Keeter Otto C, trucker O U R & D Co, b 2606 Harrison av. Keeter Lois (wid Malcolm M), opr Ogden Utah Knitting Co, rms 3143 Pacific av. Keeter Otto J F, wchmn, r 2606 Harrison av. Kehmeier John W, lab, r 177 27th. Kehoe, see Keogh. Keil see also Kyle Keil Ella E, opr MST&T Co, b 3260 Wall av. Keil Paul E, lab O U R & D Co, r 3260 Wall av. Keil Paul H, lab S P Co, r 3269 Wall av. Keirsey Carl, motrmn U I G R R. Keiser, see Keyser. Keith John W, clk Plaza Apts, r 221 same. Keith Thos E, r 209 Plaza Apts. Keil Nick J, lab Ogden P & P, Co, r 345 9th. Kelleher, see also Kelliher. Kelleher Catherine, student, b 164 27th. Kelleher Danl J, eng UP. Kelleher Mrs Margt M, r 164 27th. Kelleher Timothy A, firmn, b 164 27th. Keller Chas A, insp U P, r 3585 Utah av. Keller Dressed Meat Co, J A Moffat mgr, 416 24th. Keller Emil, farmer, r 1349 Wash av. Keller Emil jr (Success Mkt), r 424 29th. Keller E Llewellyn, cashr Success Mkt, b 424 29th. Keller Henry, r Harrisville. Keller John J, formn S P Co, r 516 22d. Keller John P, farmer, r 528 Wash av. Keller Kathryn, b 424 29th. Keller Louis, farmer, r Marriott. Kelley, see also Kelly. Kelley Chas J, jan Peery Apts, r same. Kelley Elsie M, emp Model Lndry, b 137 Tracy av. Kelley Geo W, clk Amer Exp Co, b 137 Tracy av. Kelley Jules, slsmn G A Lowe Co, rms 2468 Wash av. Service and Quality Tels. 367-368 2147-53 Royal Avenue Ogden, Utah Model LAUNDRY Service and Quality Tels. 367-368 2147-53 Royal Avenue Ogden, Utah THERE'S REAL RELISH WHEN YOU USE PIERCE'S TOMATO CATSUP Always Good Always Pure Always Ready UTAH CANNING COMPANY OGDEN Since 1888 BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY When You Think of Furniture THINK OF BOYLE'S OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 229 Kelley J E, swchmn O U R & D Co, rms Marion Hotel. Kelley Mae, maid Weber Hotel. Kelley Neal B, messr, b 137 Tracy av. Kelley Nellie, hlpr Scowcroft's, b 137 Tracy av. Kelley Thos, clnr O U R & D Co. Kelley Wesley J, eng, r 137 Tracy av. Kelley Wm J, cond U P, rms U P Hotel. Kelliher, see also Kelleher. Kelliher Bessie A, steno S P Co, b 2828 Grant av. Kelliher Gerald, lab, r 2350 Jefferson av. Kelliher Jas J, appr S P Co, r 2828 Grant av. Kelliher Jeremiah F, sergt Police Dept, r 2350 Jefferson av. Kelliher John L, clk O U R & D Co, r 2330 Adams av. Kelliher M G, clk S P Co, rms Idaho Hotel. Kellogg Edwd M, chief clk S P Co, rms Brigham Hotel. Kellogg Fred S, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 506 23d. Kellogg Geo W, chf clk O U R & D Co, rms Doxey Apts. Kellogg Wilfred A, student, b 506 23d. Kellos John, farmer, r 9th and Lincoln av. Kelly, see also Kelley. Kelly Chas, clk, rms 2525 Lincoln av. Kelly Dana, tchr, b 2117 Adams av. Kelly Eliz (wid Wm), rms 2600 Adams av. Kelly Emma (wid Fred C), r 1977 Wash av. KELLY GEORGE J (Kelly & Herrick), r 2117 Adams av, Tel 380-W. Kelly Geo J Co, Geo J Kelly pres. real est base Reed Hotel. Kelly Jas M, farmer, r Harrisville rd. Kelly Jas R, swchmn O U R & D Co, r 139 W 29th. Kelly John, lab, b Riverdale. Kelly J LeRoy, b J M Kelly. Kelly L Blanche, student, b J M Kelly. Kelly Michl, miner, r rear 258 25th. Kelly Rex M, mach, b -2117 Adams av. Kelly Thos B, mgr I C S of Scranton, Pa, r Salt Lake City. Kelly Wm H, died June 17, '17, age 58. KELLY & HERRICK (George J Kelly, John L Herrick), Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Etc, 2500 Washington av, Tel 76. (See left bottom lines and p 230). Kelso Guy B, brkmn U P, r 427 28th. Keltner Edwd, eupolamn Ogden Iron Wks Co, rms 2444 ½ Lincoln av. Kemp Elias E, lab Amal Sugar Co. Kemsley Jesse, farmer, r Farr West. Kemsley Reuben, b Farr West. Kendall Chas H, emp U S Forest Serv, r 2452 Madison av. Kendall Chas W, moved to Salt Lake City. Kendall Frank, floormn Cheesman Auto Co, r 10 Corey Apts. Kendall Geo, farmer, r S Weber. Kene Fentaro, hlpr S P Co. Kenley Fred J, carrier P O, rms 356 Ogden av. Kennedy, see also Gannady. HOTEL LUCERNE WEpp.rps ROOMS—WELL FURNISHED—WITH OR WITHOUT BATHS State Food and Dairy Commission Report "CONDITION ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY" 2470 Hudson Av. Tel. 3018 Ogden Home Builders Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS FIRE INSURANCE FARM LANDS We Buy Sell or Exchange 213 Eccles Bldg Phone 917 OGDEN UTAH |