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Show Overland BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO. Willys KNIGHT GARAGE, ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS 2450 Grant Ave. Ogden, Utah 290 R. L. POLK & CO'S Murdock Henry, trucker O U R & I D Co. Murdock Jos H, carp, r 2020 Robbins av. Murdock Leonora (wid Harvey), r 651 Canyon rd. Murdock Levy (USA). Murdock Milton C, tmstr C R Cole, r 3227 Wash av. Murdock Seth, farmer, b Farr West. Murdock Wm V, carp Utah Cereal F Co, r 127 W 17th. Murphy Anna, student, rms 230 24th. Murphy Bernadette, student, b 268 29th. Murphy Block, 101-109 25th. Murphy Carlyle, student, b 422 27th. Murphy Castle H, brkmn, r 3170 Porter av. Murphy Chas, mach S P Co, rms 208 ½ 25th. MURPHY CHARLES S, Treas-Gen Mgr Murphy Wholesale Gro¬cery Co, r 422 27th, Tel 1623. Murphy Clarence J, eng O U R & D Co, r 256 Harrisville rd. Murphy Cletus H, meat ctr J H Belnap, r 269 Patterson av. Murphy Dallas M, tinr Ogden Comn Co, b 570 29th. Murphy Eliz M (wid E Mark), r 478 28th. Murphy Emmet J, electn U I C R R, r 1635 Grant av. Murphy Geo W, confr 101 25th, r 2777 Wash av. Murphy Geo W, eng, rms 2748 Lincoln av. Murphy Geo W jr, grocer 103 25th, r 2753 Wash av. Murphy Harold L, student, b 570 29th. Murphy Henry L, cond, r 227 22d. Murphy Howard, clk G W Murphy, b 2777 Wash av. Murphy Jacob H, clk T J Fagan, rms 259 24th. Murphy Jas P, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 2144 Quincy av. Murphy John, lab O U R & D Co, rms 413 W 21st. MURPHY JOHN D, Attorney-at-Law, 315-316 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 1648-J, r 1341 25th, Tel 1142-M. Murphy John J, eng O U R & D Co, r 570 29th. Murphy John M, emp Amer Can Co, r 570 29th. Murphy John S, mach S P Co, r 2943 Lincoln av. Murphy Jos P, grocer 320 24th, r 256 22d. Murphy J W, rms 2446 Grant av. Murphy Lyle, handymn S P Co. Murphy Margt, clnr S P Co, rms 2203 Wash av. Murphy Mary F, steno Amer Can Co, b 268 29th. Murphy Moses A, student, b 313 Adams av. Murphy Nelson J, bkpr Goddard Pkg Co, b 237 22d. Murphy Peter J, insp U P, rms Depot Hotel. Murphy Reah M, b 227 22d. Murphy Rose (wid Danl), r 268 29th. Murphy Thelma M, steno Brown Brkge Co, b 227 22d. Murphy Thos, blrmkr S P Co, rms 2539 Grant av. Murphy Waynard, clk Amer Can Co, b 570 29th. MURPHY WHOLESALE GROCERY CO, Patrick Healy Pres, A G Fell and Adam Patterson V-Pres, A L Brewer Sec, C S Murphy Treas-Gen Mgr, Wholesale Grocers, Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers, 2435-2441 Hudson av, Tels 595-596. (See left top lines and adv). J. A. McCulloch Agency REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LOANS Office Under First National Bank Tels. Office 301, Res. 1497MI Made-Rite and Never-Rip Line of Work Clothes and Mackinaw Coats Made in OGDEN by 300 Ogden Girls John Scowcroft & Sons Co. Manufacturers Ogden, Utah Branches t Price, Utah Idaho Fails Idaho Buchmiller & Flowers Co. STRATFORD CLOTHES Clothiers and Furnishers 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 291 Murphy Wholesale Grocery Co. WHOLESALE ONLY GROCERIES, DRUGS, DRUG SUNDRIES, CIGARS FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES Importers and Roasters of Fine Coffees Tels. 595 and 596 2435-2441 HUDSON AVE. OGDEN, UTAH Murphy Wilbur A, clk Murphy Whol Groc Co, b 227 22d. Murphy Wm B, eng, r 313 Adams av. Murphy Wm L, carp, rms 230 24th. Murray Florence (wid Freeman), r 3215 Stephens av. Murray Francis M, lab, b 3215 Stephens av. Murray Francis R, student, b 2572 Quincy av. Murray F A, painter Marion Hotel, rms same. Murray John, lab, rms 304 25th. Murray Katherine, steno, b 2572 Quincy av. Murray Kenneth M, driver Ryan Fruit Co, r 149 32d. Murray Leon A, hlpr S P Co, b 3215 Stephens av. Murray Lizzie (wid Danl A), r 2721 Grant av. Murray L J, swchmn O U R & D Go. Murray Margt F, steno U I C R R, b 2572 Quincy av. Murray Patk, mach Amal Sugar Co, r 2572 Quincy av. Murray Robt A, hlpr S P Co, b 2721 Grant av. Murua Lena, maid 2322 Grant av. Muschert Fritz, butcher, r 730 Ogden av. Musgrave Gladys E, opr W U Tel Co, b 2969 Adams av. Musgrave Harry C, clk P O, r 2969 Adams av. Musgrave Jos L, emp Contl Oil Co, b 2969 Adams av. Musgrave Thos H, r 404 Wash av. Musser Beatrix N, cashr Lyceum Theatre, b 128 Doxey av. Musser Mrs Delia, r 128 Doxey av. Mutchler Mrs Effie, r 527 23d. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO, Thos Jensen Mgr, Wholesale Deal¬ers in "Maid of Clover" Butter, Cheese, Ice Cream and Eggs, 102 23d, Tel 318. MUTUAL LIFE INS CO (New York), John P Corry Dist Supt, 213 Eccles Bldg, Tel 917. Myers, see also Mayer, Meyer and Mires. Myers Benj, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Myers Caroline (wid Thos C), r 540 1st. Myers Cloyd E, appr S P Co, b 540 1st. Myers De Witt M, wchmn, r 579 31st. Myers Ella, emp Goddard Pkg Co, rms 530 Harrop. Myers Fred, clk G A Lowe Co, r 2364 Quincy av. Myers Geo W, cigarmkr M Davidson, r 2232 Moffit av. G. M. S. TAXI CO. PHONE 770 QUICK SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Auto Repairs 2460 Grant Ave. UTAH Auto Top & Trimming Co. Mfrs. of Automobile Tops Seats Covers Side Curtains Cushions, Etc. 427 23rd KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS |