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Show Foley Variety Stores BARGAIN BASEMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR ECONOMIC HOUSEWIVES 2410 Washington Ave. Tel. 303 376 R. L. POLK & CO'S Shaw Mary J (wid Henry), r 1516 Wash av. Shaw Merlin, solr G C Rasmusson, r 1453 WTash av. Shaw Minerva P (wid Ambrose), rms 1265 Wash av. Shaw Myrtillo, farmer, r 559 Wash av. Shaw Nina (wid Wm), r 1546 Grant av. Shaw Oril M, steno Holley Milling Co, b 743 Wash av. Shaw Parley, farmer, b S A Shaw. Shaw Phoeba A (wid Wm O), r 513 4th. Shaw Robt, brkmn S P Co, r rear 150 W 28th. Shaw Saml A, farmer, r N Ogden. Shaw T Wilbur, b 1516 Wash av. Shaw Vera, b 743 Wash av. Shaw Welcome D, clk Amal Sugar Co, r 1848 Wash av. Shaw Wilbur, hrnsmkr C W Cross Co, r 1506 Wash av. Shaw Wm A (Wm A Shaw Groc Co), r 443 Wash av. Shaw Wm A Grocery Co (Wm A Shaw), 203 Wash av. Shaw Wm H, clk Hess Bakery, b 1516 Wash av. Shaw Wm H, farmer, r View. Shaw Wm W, cashr Union Portland C Co, r 476 Canyon rd. Shaw W Orley, clk Last & Thomas, b 520 16th. Shaw Zelma W, steno, b 421 16th. SHAW & STONE COAL CO, B S Stone Pres-Mgr, Fuel 2065 Washington av, Tel 699. SHEARMAN WM H, 1st V-Pres-Mgr Security State Bank, r 507 25th, Tel 265. Sheeve Edgar T, eng, 2548 Madison av. Shelburne Amelia L (wid Robt W), r 648 24th. Sheley Katherine, died June 15, '17, age 72. Shelter Sherman, emp Amer Can Co, rms Ogden House. Sheney Mrs G A, rms Arlington Hotel. Shepherd Benj F, r 2220 Lincoln av. SHEPHERD MRS ELLEN M, Nicely Furnished Rooms for House¬keeping, I have for Sale Hartz Mountain and St Andresburg Rollers, Guaranteed Best Bird as to Song, Etc, 2220 Lin¬coln av, Tel 302-J. Shepherd Robt, porter Healy Hotel Soft Drinks, rms 2510 Lin¬coln av. Sheppard Albt. lab, r 710 W 25th. Sheppard Archie, acct S P Co, r 530 29th. Sheppard Bertram, chkr S P Co. Sheppard Harry H, mach Ogden Iron Wks Co, rms 118 23d. Sheppard Jeannette, emp Max Davidson, b 234 W Patterson av. Sheppard John, clk, r 234 W Patterson av. Sheppard Mary, deaconess St Paul's Epis Ch, r Plain City. Sheppard Robt B L (U S A), b 234 W Patterson av. Sheppard Rosa, emp Ogden P & P Co. b 710 W 25th. Sheppard W John (U S N), b 234 W Patterson av. Sherer, see also Scherrer and Sharar. Sherer Chas V, electn S P Co, b 2303 Lincoln av. Sherer Mrs Mary, furn rms 2303 Lincoln av. Sheridan Jas J, b 2916 Pingree av. Sheridan Margt (wid Hugh), r 2916 Pingree av. KING COAL SOLD BY ALL OGDEN DEALERS UNITED STATES FUEL CO. SALT LAKE CITY THE R & O QUALITY SHOP Modern Dressers of Men and Young Men Clothing Overcoats Suits Furnishings Shoes and Hats 352 25th St. Phone 631 B. H. GODDARD INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS 429 Twenty-Fourth Street Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 377 SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Court House, Tel 15. Sherman Ann E (wid John M), r 904 Grant av. Sherman Annette, opr M S T & T Co, rms 3228 Hudson av. Sherman Chas C, swehmn O U R & D Co, r 2745 Park av. Sherman Chas J, motrmn U I C R R, r 873 24th. Sherman I Lee, moved to Paul, Ida. Sherman Mrs Margt (Alta Hotel), r 223 ½ 25th. Sherman Olea, r 1767 Center av. Sherman Trueman C, clk O S L, r 1767 Center av. Sherman Verne A, stower O U R & D Co, b 904 Grant av. Sherman Wm F, b 904 Grant av. Sherman WTm H, clk O U R & D Co, rms National Hotel. Sherner Dorothy A, steno Glen Bros-Roberts P Co, b 122 2d. Sherner Lawrence W, formn Scoville Paper Co, r 218 2d. Sherner Mark A, blksmth, b 122 2d. Sherner Mary E (wid Peter L), r 122 2d. Sherner Peter C, farmer, b 122 2d. Sherrer John V, stockmn, rms Hotel National. Sherwood Mrs Ella, r 2030 Douglas av. Sherwood Geo S, ctr Ind Meat Co, r rear 2634 Grant av. Sherwood Luke, lab, r 357 Dan. Sherwood Mattie J (wid Frank), r 578 Cook. Sherwood Moroni W, driver, b 357 Dan. Sherwood Owen (U S A), b 214 W 2d. Sherwood Roy, clk Amer Groc Co, r 2726 Monroe av. Sheskin Abraham, tailor Saml Gordon, rms 137 25th. Shiba Eingo, hlpr S P Co. Shiba Z, fish 259 24th, r same. Shideler Mrs Minnie L, rms 3054 Wash av. Shields Agnes (wid Geo), r 2739 Wash av. Shields A W, phys Huntsville, r same. Shields David W, mining, r 583 25th. Shields Earl, driver, r 2641 Wash av. Shields Edith L, clk MST&T Co, b 2641 Wash av. Shields Ivine C, tchr Utah Schl D and B, b 2739 Wash av. Shields John F, depotmaster Union Depot, r 236 28th. Shields Laurene A, student, b 2739 Wash av. Shields Martha (wid Jas), rms 1051 26th. Shields Myrtle, died Nov 26, '17, age 24. Shields Percy, eng U P, r 177 Patterson av. Shields Roger W, eng, r 2641 Wash av. Shields Ruth I, clk Scowcroft's, b 236 28th. Shiells Fred A, rms 2353 Monroe av. Shiels Martina, clk Scowcroft's, rms 2454 Adams av. Shilts Clement V, porter Broom Hotel, rms 368 24th. Shimizu Saml S, hlpr S P Co. Shinney Chas, appr S P Co, b 2128 Jefferson av. Shinney Harry R, delmn, b 2128 Jefferson av. Shinney John, ftr U P & L Co, r 2128 Jefferson av. Shinney Nina, clk, b 2128 Jefferson av. Shipley Bella, clk Scowcroft's, b 203 Tracy av. Shipley Carl D, farmer, r Riverdale. Merchants Credit Bureau EFFICIENT PROGRESSIVE RELIABLE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $5000.00 The Merchants Credit Bureau collects more money and employs more people than all other Ogden Agencies combined 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. PHONE 691 J. C. NYE AGENCY CO. GENERAL INSURANCE SURETY BONDS 602 ECCLES BLDG. C. E. Armstrong & Co. Sporting Goods KODAKS Photographic Supplies Developing and Printing BICYCLES Talking Machines Edison Mazda Lamps Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries RUBBER STAMPS 306 25th St. |