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Show MURPHY Wholesale Grocery Co. WHOLESALE ONLY Groceries, Importers and Roasters of Fine Coffees 2435-41 HUDSON AVE.OGDEN, UTAH 352 R. L. POLK & CO'S Rhodes Florence M, emp Model Lndry, b 545 28th. Rhodes Geo W, died May 31, '17, age 60. Rhodes Joshua, lab, b 545 28th. Rhodes Oliver, clk, b 545 28th. Rhodes Thos D, hlpr S P Co. Rhodes Verna A, emp Shupe-W Candy Co, b 545 28th. Riccardi Mary (wid Bert), r rear 2741 Lincoln av. Ricci Alex, b 125 26th. Ricci Florence, b 125 26th. Ricci John, b 125 26th. Ricci Michl, cementwkr, r 125 26th. Rice Arthur N, collr, rms 2050 Liberty av. Rice Harry, cook, rms Lincoln Hotel. Rice Henry, wchmn Utah Industrial Schl. Rice Leo, lab MST&T Co. Rice Orville, emp Utah Cereal F Co. Rice Mrs Phyllis H, clk Wright's, r 17 Ivy Apts. Rice Wm B, surv U S Forest Serv, r 796 26th. Rich Clark L, student, b 2652 Wash av. Rich Cleone, b 2475 Jefferson av. RICH EDWARD I, Physician and Surgeon, 203-204 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 609, r 2475 Jefferson av, Tel 214. RICH EZRA C, Physician and Surgeon, 2650 Washington av, r 2652 same, Tel 1. Rich Gladys, student, b 2652 Wash av. Rich Helen, student, b 2652 Wash av. Rich Ivan K, repr S P Co, rms 263 21st. Rich Junior, student, b 2475 Jefferson av. Richards Alva K, clk in chg Ogden Terminal Ry P O, r 2715 Adams av. Richards Benj F, tmstr, rms 3140 Euclid av. Richards Charles C, moved to Salt Lake City. Richards Chas E, farmer, r Burch Creek. Richards Chas H, student, b 142 2d. Richards C Ernest, opr U P Tel Office, r 230 27th. Richards E Wayne, clk Owen Bennett, b 2807 Wash av. Richards Frances A (wid Stephen L), r 176 21st. Richards Franklin D, clk Wright's, b 908 24th. Richards Harry D, clk S P Co, r 2717 Wash av. Richards Ianthus L, tinr R L Smith, r 530 12th. Richards Ianthus P, bkpr R L Smith, r 142 2d. Richards Irma, marker Troy Lndry, b rear 2234 Monroe av. Richards John, porter, rms 268 ½ 25th. Richards Jos, emp R L Smith, b 142 2d. Richards J Harold, tinr, b 142 2d. RICHARDS LAURENCE W, Sis Mgr-Asst Mgr A L Scoville Press, r 979 23d, Tel 3137-J. Richards Lorenzo M, b 908 24th. Richards Mary A (wid Wm), r rear 2234 Monroe av. Richards Mary M (wid Lorenzo M), b 2525 Fowler av. Richards Maude M, bkpr Potters Cafe, b 176 21st. Richards Mercedes, mrfrker Troy Lndry, b rear 2234 Monroe av. Richards Mida, b rear 2234 Monroe av. ELECTRICITY LIGHTENS LABOR IN THE HOME - IT REDUCES POWER COST IN THE FACTORY. UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. "EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE" ECCLES BUILDING OGDEN, UTAH. Ogden Transfer & Storage Co. Packing and Shipping New and Second Hand Goods 2340 Grant Ave. Tel. 910 PAINE&HURST Phone Us Your Troubles. We'll Do the Rest PHONE 860 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1918. 353 Richards Vera, forelady Ogden Stm Lndry, b rear 2234 Mon¬roe av. Richards Walter E, asst ydmstr O U R & D Co, r 2807 Wash av. Richards Walter M, lab M S T & T Co. Richards Wm A, solr Des Evening News, rms 261 27th. Richardson Alice E, rms 449 Harrop. Richardson Cecil, lab, b 256 Patterson av. Richardson Chas, farmer, r 3637 Ogden av. Richardson Chas D, repr S P Go, r 3658 Ogden av. Richardson Chauncey W, wchmn O U R & D Co, r 2824 Madison av. Richardson C A, swchmn O U R & D Co, r1 2824 Madison av. Richardson Mrs Daisy W, sec-treas Richardson-Hunt Co Inc, r 1517 24th. Richardson Delia, clk Golden Rule Merc Co, rms 2650 Barlow av. Richardson Earl C, mgr Richardson-Hunt Go, r 1169 25th. Richardson Ebenezer M, lab Utah Pkg Corp, r 1749 Ogden av. Richardson Edna M, b 2824 Madison av. Richardson Edwd L, chfr Murphy Whol Groc Co, b 2824 Madi¬son av. Richardson Ellen (wid Alma), r 743 26th. Richardson Elmer C, floormn Knowlden Auto Co, rms Grant Hotel. Richardson Ernest T, pres Richardson-Hunt Co Inc, r 1517 24th. Richardson Ezra, mgr Ogden Whol Groc Co, r 2201 Grant av. Richardson Ezra H, clk P G Richardson, r 2650 Barlow av. Richardson Franklin D, slsmn G W & M Co, rms 2658 Monroe av. Richardson Gladys, b 1517 24th. RICHARDSON-HUNT CO INC, E T Richardson Pres, D W Rich-arson Sec-Treas, E G Richardson Mgr, Crockery, House Furnishings, Teas and Coffees, 2419 Washington av, Tel 1640. Richardson Ida, student, b 2646 Grant av. Richardson Jennie (wid John), r 256 Patterson av. Richardson Jos, lab, r Plain City. Richardson Jos E, r 267 22d. Richardson Leland E, driver Williams & Smith, b 550 22d. Richardson Leslie B, clk Buchmiller & Flowers Co, b 550 22d Richardson Lewis E, whsmn Ogden Whol Groc Co, r 361 20th. Richardson Lola, emp Amer Can Co, b 267 27th. Richardson Louis H, moved to Wells, Nev. Richardson Luella P, pkr Utah Pkg Corp, b 1749 Ogden av. Richardson Mary A, r Plain City. Richardson Mrs Mary P, r 2646 Grant av. Richardson Myron B, whsmn Ogden Whol Groc Go, r 163 21st. Richardson Myron B jr, bkpr Ogden Whol Groc Go, b 163 21st Richards on Mrs Myrtle F, nurse 2874 Wash av, rms same. Richardson Nellie, opr Scowcroft's, b 3637 Ogden av. Richardson Oscar G, farmer, r Plain City. ASK YOUR DEALER - MINED ONLY BY UTAH FUEL CO. Utah's two famous Coals Clean and Free |