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Show RRNA I AT EE TE IS TE ISIS SCTE ASSESS A SEAS SEE EDI SETI Kotoed, -Altred:J. CA1¥" 541) *6th St) 2 eer Se 392-6115 Kone, -Sceott:-(10)! 172- Quincy ee Krajca, Dantel -(10)-1384 24th St.2 02 eke 394.7386 Krasell, Dennis (11) 866 E. 1050 N. uel... Kump, Douglas Bruce (11) 23 27th Chere pe ee 394-5846 Kunz, Gary Arthur (11) 286 4th St. 20002. 394-7174 Kunz, Thomas Ralph (12) 1247 Sheridan ...................... 394-1288 L { LaFleur. Lee (12) 684 E. 1000 N. ................ Ph eN ca ae 393-4810 amb, Keith (12) 1245 28th: (St: 2o6 ow ee ee ee ae 393-7748 anid: WaNtar (12) 124 26th St a es 393-7743 Lamb, Rex Dewey (12) 624 Canyon Rd. .................. 393-0655 Larsen, Mitchell E. (11) 855 Liberty ................ Shee 392-8457 Layne, Boyd Kent (10) 1523 Wash. ......000.00000000200000002... 392-1739 iayne.. Ted. €11) = (14 3rd' Se 2 ees 392-7240 Leaphart, Charles Donald (11) 1468 Lewis Dr. _...092-6055 Leeds, Harold (12) 644 W. 24th St. ooo... 399-2063 Lefgren, PV AVA CLO Oo bE ie cee eager See Seg a 392-7325 Lewis, Robert G. (11) 1037 16th St. 00... ......892-7620 Leyba, Frank L .(10) 445 Robins Ave, .............00......... 392-0526 Liptrot, Dennis (11) 875 Taylor Ave. ........0....0002200....... 393-9035 Litz, Norris R. (12). 6389 Ogden Ave. ........2....2.220...2.....-.. 394-8774 Lujan, Mike (12) 203 W. 21st St. ...... She ioe a oe 393-7266 Gettus; “Blaine;-(1@),. 2515 SC2 Aven. eee 392-9280 Loftus, Keith Willard (11) 639 16th St. _... ortus, “Lerry (41 ))310-= 21st Sts oo eee es 393-7680 Loudenslager, John (10) 162 N. Quincy ..... Lucas; Alan “BR: -(2£1)- 500 -Krésel 2 28 ee 393-3146 Lucas.’ Robert Brent (11) 290 7th St. 220000... 392-9221 Lutz, Gary Michael (10) 962 N .Monroe .................... 392-3877 Lythgoe, Leroy Keith (11) 717 Ogden Ave. .............. 393-0783 M MacFarlane, Craig Wight (11) 102 712th St. ............ MacShara, Gary (12) 940 EF. 1100 N.. ......000...2...... bo serene) Maddock, Leslie G. (11) 552 10th St. 00... Madsen, Allan (11) 1606 Madison .....W0000000000000... Maestas, Mike Steve (10) 175 W. 21st St. ..... Malan, Kent W. (10) 1162 Collins ...... So Pee BLE Ee Marchant, Lynn Foley (12) Exchange No. 9. Marriott, "Bruce (12) = 948 -W2 26th St. os ee Marriott, Mac= 5B. -(10) 1274 Hudson St. 222 2 2es2: Marsden, William G. (11) 525 Fremont ..............00........ Marsh, Brian Scott (11) 118 W. Gwen. ........................ Martin, Dennis (10) 1356 Liberty .................... sue Me te Wartine-- Don. Gri) 943-7 the Sti Seg ees Be Martinez, Byron (11) 1340 Grant ...LL0000... Martinez, David (10) 825 W. Binford ....... Martinez, Ernest Lee (12) 840 W. Kershaw ................ (10) 870 Ellis 394-6208 393-1238 394-0713 394.2876 392-3627 399-1589 394-8697 393-7613 393-2719 Martinez, Jose Manuel Martinez Martinez, Martinez, Mike Nick Sicas- Leroy (10) 170 W. Rushton ............ 392-4782 (12) 630 W. 24th St. .......... : (10) 2810 “SH”: -Ave.> 2.2.28 ns 393-3360 34. W. 392-1257 399-1576 394-1469 392-8257 .................. 393-4047 APS TD OE ek ED SCARE ED TE OS Massey, Kevin (12) 1365 5th St.0 22.22.2200 22.0000. 393-2976 Mastronardi, Dee Frank (12) 283 Harisville Rd. 394-9540 Mauchley, Reed (AZ) 14 Ee POO SNe Sn ees 182-6484 Maw: Scott..Cl2): 1201 16thSti ee ee 393-0587 Maw, Kent Jay (12) 163 W. Mond St. .2..2.02.200000c.. 394-6886 Maw, nobert.--G10)— 153 Wise Mongo ee ee re 394-6886 May. Bobert= Al G0) “334 Dan sSt.os os a 392-8993 ' Merkley, Alvin O. (10) 656 E. 1050 N.. ........... 393-4105 Merrill.” Don?=(12)->-4155:- Porter. Ave. 2.220. a 392.4124 Metzler, Charlie Palmer (10) 686 W. 24th St. ........ 393-5082 Mickelson, scott C. (10) 61 N, Wash. Blvd... Meyer, Brent Curtis (12) 813 Franklin _................. 393-1717 Miller, David Arthur (11) 105 8Kiesel Ave. _............ 394-8292 Miller, KernzDeans-Cr0): "701 (th: Stree. ca eS 394-6776 Miller Robert. W.(10)<70- 17 ths St. ee ee 394-6776 Mitchell, Michael Kar (11) 141 N. Quincey .................. 394-2198 Monson, Jack (10) 367 Adams .................... Monsen, Ron: CLL) 405ssA Ganiee 2 Se ee ee 393-6133 Mentez_ Floyd Thomas (10) 2107 Lincoln .................. 393-5502 Montez, Richard (11) 2107 Lincoln ................. deeea 393-5502 Montierth, Wesley (10) 2556 “F” Ave. 0.000000... 393-6968 Moore; John (10): -1685= Hislop 2i a 392-5541 Moore, Jon Patrick (12) 832 Simoron Dr. .................. 392-2752 Moore,.“Ross” (12) :225~Donna:-: :AV@s* 22) a 394-2865 Mora, Albert (10) 2459 “BY” Ave. -2.2..2.0.2ccccciccceccce 393-5222 Mora, Joe Richard (12) 2459 “B” Ave. _.......00000000... 393-5222 Morgan, Dennis P. (10) 2459 “D” Ave. _............... a ee 394.6372 Morgan, Rex A. (10) 736 Polk Ave. ...0..000000..0000000...... 393-4633 Morris, Landy B. (12) 1104 Southwell _............00WW.. 399-5162 Morris, Lee Dana (10) 1104 Southwell _............00....... 399-5162 Morris, Rodney Gene (10) 646 Canyon Rd. ................ 392-8279 Morris, Steven Edward (12) 1030 Cross St. _........... 392-1392 Mortensen, Kelly R. (12) 1305 Henderson .......... ..----899-8572 Moss, Dennis Wayne (10) 206 8th St. 0000. 394-9740 Moss, Stanley W. (11) 1065 Hislop Dr. ......000000000000...... 394-1392 Moulder, Kent: Earl (12) 104 N. Orheard .................. 399-2273 Moulding, Brett (10) 1243 Grant Ave. W000... 392-1842 Mower, Kent (10) 1503 Childs Ave. ...... Pe oe setaeIA 392-4896 Moyes. Glen D. (12) 1270 Henderson Dr. .................. 393-1794 Murphy, Vance (12) 642 EB. 675 -°N. 0.2... 399-3046 “Murdo. -Bill*:(E1)-- 626 North “Sts 3 ts ee ee 393-2090 Mc McAllister, Douglas Ellis (11) 1101 Gramercy ........ McCann, Edwin VIO) 2657 Granta wena hte eae McCreary, hobert-. ACES Fis ne Sti Se aN McDonald, Larry G. (10) 706 Robins ...........0000.000000000.... MeGrath;? Jim: (12). 44 Behn St i A MeKain, ..Larry ~G..-(11)° 702 ‘Hislop Dr. 2....2.2 20 McKay, Richard Vinlen (10} 980 Brinker ................ McKenzie, Scott (10) 185 N. Van Buren .................... McLaughlin, Dan (10) 971 Jackson Ave. ..... Peace estes McNeely, Douglas Arthur (10) -35. 1650 Fowler Ave. 394-2184 394.5467 393-2414 394-5079 393-1526 393-3949 392-2488 393-5681 393-2313 ....392-2192 |